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What's New in 666

Welcome to Update #2

Date: March 10 2021

The code is : A = 6 , B = 12 , C = 18 , D = 24 , E = 30 , F =36 , G = 42 , H = 48 , I = 54 , J = 60 , K = 66 , L = 72 , M = 78 , N = 84 , O = 90 , P = 96 , Q = 102 , R = 108 , S = 114 , T = 120 , U = 126 , V = 132 , W = 138 , X = 144 , Y = 150 , Z = 156 .

The code is just adding 6 to each letter .Using the code is very simple when adding to 666 . The word COMPUTER as shown below adds up to 666 .

C =18 , O = 90 , M =78 , P = 96 , U = 126 , T =120 , E = 30 , R =108 .

NOTES : It is said that every word in the Bible is God's words so all is truth and without contradictions . You be the judge of that . Just because we use verses from the Bible and other religious writings does not mean that it is the truth and correct . No religious writings are perfect and the Christian Bible is no different .

NOTES : Like the other Little Books 666 NOTES are not coded they are just more information regarding any subject . The - are regarding the coded sentences and the * divides the 666 words or word .

NOTES : The words written with this font are verses out of the Bible or other religious writings and ( R ) means red letter verses which means that Y'shua ( Jesus ) was said to have said these words . The ( B ) means black letter verses in the Bible or other religious writings and if it does not say that LORD ELohim said the verse they are the opinions and beliefs of the writer . ( O. T. ) means Old Testament verses . ( N . T . ) means New Testament verses .

NOTES : We have put numbers like ( 1 : 1 ) about every six coded sentences or notes . This will help you to quickly find again any verses , notes or coded sentences .

NOTES : As in the other 666 Little Books subjects LORD ELohim has many different names . A list of some of HIS many names are on 666 Little Book . Commonly used names in sacred Books and this coded Little Book is LORD ELohim , Jehovah , God of Israel , EL Roi , EL , YAHWEH , JHVH , EL-Shaddai , YHVH , Ab , Abba and yet more names . Remember these are the names of God our Father and not related to Y'shua ( Jesus ) in any way . In Heaven the Spirits call God ELohim .

Welcome To The Little Book Section # 2

( 2 : 1 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim says there are no religious books without errors . It's not easy for God to communicate with mankind because He and Angels are all Spirits . LORD ELohim does His best work communicating with mankind through our dreams and that does not work very well either . Alot in all religious books is the man made beliefs , hopes and wishes of the person who LORD ELohim is working through and alot of those beliefs are not the truth regarding many subjects . There has been alot of writings published in the past and even today that LORD ELohim had nothing to do with . If someone claims that chatting with God was and is like having coffee with someone at the dinner table they are lying , again they are lying . In over twenty years working with LORD ELohim I have never heard His voice or the voice of Angels beyond the dreams . Most of the time I just wake up in the morning knowing things I did not know before but even that can be very vague . Lucky for me God figured out how to nod my head for " Yes " and shake my head side to side for " No " and alot of other motions of my head have a silent language to it now . In the Little Book 666 sections we work very hard not to error . LORD ELohim wants all people to understand what's going on today and what was in the past and what He believes may happen in the future and most important for all people to come to know LORD ELohim Himself for who He really is and who He is really not .

NOTES : ( B ) Psalm 90 : 4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past , and as a watch in the night . ( B ) 2 Peter 3 : 8 But beloved , be not ignorant of this one thing , that one day is with the LORD as a thousand years , and a thousand years as one day . It's important to understand that a Day of LORD ELohim's means one thousand years of our time . The six days of creation were six thousand years in our time and the first Sabbath was one thousand years our time also . The Bible is a little confusing regarding LORD ELohim creating mankind . In the Torah in Genesis 1 : 26 - 28 it says : And God said " I will make man in My image , after My likeness ...... And God created man in His image , in the image of God He created him : male and female He created them . This creation of mankind happened on the Sixth Day of creation but Adam and Eve were not yet created . Then God took the next day off work and called that thousand years the first Sabbath which was the Seventh Day . The day following the Sabbath LORD ELohim chose Adam and Eve out of all humanoids on earth and our trial time as a species with free will began ticking . Our trial time since Day One after the first Sabbath is Six Thousand Years or Six Days of LORD ELohim and also until the Second Sabbath Day . The second Sabbath which is now is our Judgment Day and also called the Last Day and again the time we live in now is the second Sabbath Day . The trial time began in 4000 B.C. and ended in 2000 A.D. which adds up to 6000 years . The trial is over . The reason God asked us to work on this subject is because of the little error with people believing Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day of creation . If that were true the time line of the trial time and Sabbaths would not work out and there would be a need for alot more ' begots ' to cover over a thousand more years then are in the Bible now . Again the creation of Humanity was over seven thousand years ago but our trial time did not start till Adam and Eve were chosen by God to be the first LORD ELohim called " mankind " around 4000 B.C.

NOTES : Most people today know that humanoids ( having human characteristics ) have existed on earth for many tens of thousands of years . Moses probably did not know that . We also know that plants and trees and other animals have existed on earth for hundreds of millions of years . Moses probably did not know that either but he did know the story of Adam and Eve being the first to be called " mankind " by LORD ELohim . Moses did a good job at most all he wrote and God was pleased but there were a few errors that did not really matter much anyway . Moses told the truth that it was LORD ELohim who created all that is created and no one else did create any of it . Moses was right that there is only one God and His name is LORD ELohim .

( 2 : 2 ) - Remember again * God of Israel * gave the Book * to us here * on earth ark * on last day * of trial date * . The Little * Book language * now opened * for world * Humanity * about earth * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * approve me * to write a * advanced Bible code * . The Little * Book code key * # six opened * strange code * God of Israel * EL Roi create * an all long ago * . Alpha sealed code * before with * modern math * . Alpha sealed code * before with * Book language * called English * . Gematria seal * the Little * Book code key * .

- Is God real as a * God of Israel * ? As Spirit * good Abba is real * . God I AM is one * Judaic deity * an exists * as Spirit * . Believe and hear * God of Israel * EL Roi speak * an to you * . God of Israel * Abba your God * as the Father * is author * of this a Abba code * . Read within * a teaching Book * God of Israel * Abba in great coded * . Read within * the Little * Book giving * decoded riddles * regarding man * an regarding He * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * . The Little * Book decoded has * knowledge an * abundance logic * . Humanity * I AM HE saying * think not * beyond logic * . God of Israel * advanced Bible code * riddle about * a end of time and * in past ages * on earth ark * . The Little * Book code key * create logical * riddle about * God of Israel * His past and * the day at hand * . God of Israel * advanced Bible code * riddle about * a end of time and * in past ages * on earth ark * . Strange code * a last Book if * riddles decoded * on Last Day * . Sabbath Day is * the day at hand * . Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * . Again remember * the day at hand * is time here * on earth ark * .

NOTES : LORD ELohim " God of Israel " is not just the God of the Jews . LORD ELohim is the one and only God of all people and of all creation . He is called the God of Israel since it was the Israelites who first believed in Him as their one and only God while others had many false gods . It was the Jews starting with Abraham who began making the world Humanity aware that their God is the God of all creation and Humanity . It was and still is the Jews that LORD ELohim mostly works with to teach the world about Him and His Laws and other teachings . LORD ELohim the God of Israel is everyones Holy Father and Holy God whether you like it or not or believe it or not .

NOTES : LORD ELohim uses Roman Numbers in the Little Book . For the number 1 the Roman Number is the letter l . 5 = V , 10 = X , 50 = L , 100 = C , 500 = D , 1000 = M . The year MM = 2000 which is the year this Sabbath Day started . MMXX = 2020 and is the year today . The numbers MMXXI = 2021 and is next year . The numbers MMXIX = 2019 . In ancient times it was LORD ELohim who taught people the Roman Numbers so they could be used in the Little Book . The word " thousand " = 612 and nothing goes with it for 666 but the Roman M for thousand = 78 and can go with many words . The following information about time and dates was written into the Little Book in October of 2020 ( MMXX ) and will not be put on the web site until 2021 ( MMXXI ) .

- Beginning date * year MM here * on earth ark * is Sabbath Day * . All this day * is Sabbath Day * . Remember again * MM A.D. bringing * new day for * Humanity * . In God's Book * the Little * Book language * great clues * about what * Sabbath Day is * for world * Humanity * on earth ark * . On last day * year MM here * is Sabbath Day * . Again remember * Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * for world * Humanity * about earth *

NOTES : Remember this Sabbath Day which began on 2000 A.D . will continue for a thousand of our years till 3000 A.D.

- Behold recent * time here is * called MMXX . Soon a time * is MMXXI . Remember again * the start * year MM here * is Sabbath Day * . Sabbath Day is * the end of fair * timed trial * for world * Humanity * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * .

- LORD ELohim * Abba timed our * trial which * Humanity * in great failed * and trial ended * the day at hand * year MM here * . Again remember * the day at hand * is Sabbath Day * on earth ark * . Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * . Sabbath Day is * LORD ELohim * depart time * . All Souls * depart time * is Sabbath Day * on last day * . Time cometh * all flesh here * death both man * and animals made * an the plant * and all trees * an much more * mortal life * on Last Day * . LORD ELohim * chosen time * to end thy * mortal life * an much more * mortal life * on Last Day * and blue earth * became void again * . Time cometh * on Last Day * any life die of * all Souls * depart time * be from earth * . Remember again * mortal life * is dust and * need a Soul an * food for life * .

( 2 : 3 ) NOTES : The word Deism has two definitions : 1 a belief that God exists entirely apart from our world and does not influence the lives of human beings . 2 a belief in God without accepting any particular religion . We know that LORD ELohim does involve Himself a little bit with mankind so the number 1 definition is not correct . There are many people who are Deism regarding the 2nd definition . Many people believe in God but not the defined God of any religions today or in the past . My knowledge about LORD ELohim is best described as Deism today . I know LORD ELohim exists but my understanding of God does not allow me to fit within any existing religious faiths . At best it would be the Jewish faith of Judaism which does describe God best of all . All religions have errors about LORD ELohim and about other subjects in their faith . LORD ELohim does not mind Deism as a faith . That fact that there are many people who believe in a loving , kind , and caring God and Father and don't believe in a hell and many other doctrines of existing faiths makes LORD ELohim happy that some people have gotten it right about Him . The word Deist means a person who believes in Deism . The fact that most or all Deist's don't go to any religious building for worship and prayer LORD ELohim does not care . The fact that Deist's don't believe in many religious doctrines of many existing faiths makes God happy because so much written is wrong about what kind of God LORD ELohim is . So if you are a Deist who believes in a truly loving God and creator who's name is LORD ELohim He has no problem that you are not of any existing religion and you do not believe in all the doctines of any existing religion . So LORD ELohim says carry on Deist's as is if you like .

- Before time Abba be * a living being * as Spirit * . God of Israel * Abba be Alpha and Omega * in past age and * even today * . Alpha and Omega be Abba * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * in past age and * even today * .

NOTES : Many religions believe in a hell . We have written about hell before but LORD ELohim wants us to write more about it . The Christian faith and many other faiths believe that there is a literal place called hell . Many Christians believe that if a person does not believe in Jesus Christ as their God and the only Son of God and mankinds Savior those people will go to hell . In most religions today as in the past the belief is that only the true believers in their faith will go to Heaven and live for all eternity there . Many religions believe God created hell on purpose as a place of eternal torment for the unbelievers of their faith . Not just Christians believe this . Many religions believe that the unsaved non believers of their faith go to hell when they die and are in a conscious state of eternal torment and great pain . The belief of many is that hell is a place without mercy and there is no way out of hell . Many believe that LORD ELohim would even send the Spirit Souls of these people to hell which is the greatest lie ever told . It's commonly believed that hell is located below within earth . It's believed that all in hell are immortal and will suffer for all eternity there or in the lake of fire . A common belief is that Satan , fallen Angels , Demons and all ungodly people and people not of their faith will be put into hell by the hand of God Himself . Some believe if their baby is not baptized quickly after birth that if the baby died God would send the baby to hell . Many people believe hell is a eternal burning fire where the ungodly or unbelievers of their faith go to to suffer greatly for all eternity . LORD ELohim says to all readers to think about this , really really think about this . What kind of Father do you believe God ' by any name ' is if you believe this about Him ? LORD ELohim is asking you this question . How cruel and evil minded do you think God is to His children , either Spirit or flesh , good or bad ? The word Shoel often used in the Old Testament means the grave . Shoel (the grave ) is the resting place of both good and bad who have died . The New Testament often uses the word hell or Hades for Shoel . Hades is Greek for hell or when speaking of the grave . In the New Testament Revelation the " Second Death " is mentioned as living eternal separation from God in the Lake of Fire and eternal torment . ( R ) Revelation 2 : 11 He that hath an ear : let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches ; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death . Think about this : You never asked to be conceived into this life and this life is not for everyone conceived . LORD ELohim knows you never asked to be brought into this life as flesh so why would God send you to hell for simply not believing in Jesus as your God and Savior which is wrong anyway . Hell does not exist and one reason why is LORD ELohim is loving and not a cruel God and another reason you never asked to be conceived into this life . There are many people these days and in the past who avoid most religions because they cannot believe in a God who is that mean and cruel to His children and LORD ELohim our Father is very happy about that . At least these people are truly thinking about God and who He really is .

NOTES : If you believe in a hell as a place where people will suffer so greatly in pain and torments and boredom for all eternity how cruel are you ? The interesting thing about this belief is why have you and billions of other believers regarding hell not cried out to LORD ELohim and told Him if hell is real why LORD are you so wrong and wicked and cruel to your children ? What God has heard over the years about this is your silence . Again God is asking " how cruel and uncaring are you about all these people you believe will go to hell and the lake of fire someday . " ? Think about it , really really think about you to and the kind of person you are to be so uncaring and so unfeeling about these people you truly believe will suffer in hell and the lake of fire someday . LORD ELohim says there are no such places as hell or the lake of fire and He does not understand why people would even think He could be so cruel to either Spirit or people . Again when we die that's it : there is no afterlife for any flesh no matter who you are . As God has said : we come from dust and to dust we shall return .

- Churches lie * a strange lie * . Churches lie * about hell if * people sin * . Churches lie * of an eternal * bitter hell * . World feared * churches lie * about hell if * people sin * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * be not wicked * regarding man * and animals made * and Souls Abba * as the Father * YHWH did make * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * money greed * an powers * reason for * churches lie * . Remember again * human bodies * and animals made * death only be * the endless * glad deep sleep * . Remember again * no afterlife * for any life * which has ended * . Mortal life * death only be * the endless * glad deep sleep * . Again remember * he that abideth * on the LORD * LORD ELohim * I AM rewards * in this life * not in death a * glad deep sleep * an as a eternal * glad deep sleep * .

( 2 : 4 ) NOTES : Many people do not believe all mortal life is made from dust . In the Torah Genesis 2 : 7 the LORD God formed man from the dust of the earth , and He blew into his nostrils the breath of life ; and the man became a living being . Torah Genesis 3 : 19 By the sweat of your brow Shall you get bread to eat , Until you return to the ground , For from it you were taken : For dust you are , and to dust you shall return . If you read a vitamins and minerals tablets it names Zinc , Calcium , Phosphorus , Iron , Vitamins and so on in each tablet . All of this is from the dust of the earth in one way or another . The reason why God prefers the Torah and not the Christian Bible is because the Torah is more accurate in meaning . The Christian Bible says in Genesis 2 : 7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground , and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life ; and man became a living soul . The word Soul is the wrong word to call man . Souls are Spirits and not flesh . Mortal life needs Souls in order to live and Souls do not need flesh . Souls are for the chemical function of the body and even for plants to chemically function in a way to allows dust to be a living being . LORD ELohim wants to remind you that the Soul has nothing to do with eternal life for any mortal life after death . As God has said the Soul will leave the dead and we mortal life of any kind will return to being none living dust upon or in the earth again . This verse is regarding the death of a child : ( B ) 1 Kings 17 : 21 And he stretched himself out on the child three times , and cried out to the LORD and said , " O LORD my God , I pray , let this child's Soul come back to him . ( B ) Genesis 35 : 18 And so it was , as her Soul was departing ( for she died ) ... The following verse is a lie about Souls : ( R ) Matthew 10 : 28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the Soul . But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both Soul and body in hell . First we do not live on within our Soul and second LORD ELohim who we are told to fear has never and will never destroy any kind of Spirit , not even Souls who are His children also . The evil of mankind has nothing to do with our Soul who are Spirit and all are God's children . Again there is no hell created by LORD ELohim and God would never blame Souls for the evils of mankind . God wishes people who write the religious books would choose a side and stick with it . Do people live a eternal life in hell or the lake of fire or does hell destroy the person ? Logic says the persons mortal flesh would fry in this place called hell and the flesh would die again . Logic says the Soul of any flesh would go back to Heaven to play , sing and dance if not needed on earth for new flesh . LORD ELohim says Y'shua ( Jesus ) never said this in Matthew 10 : 28 ! Y'shua was a Jew and most Jews do not believe in hell or even in eternal life for any mankind . LORD ELohim was always with Y'shua throughout his life and never heard him say this . Does LORD ELohim really want us to fear Him ? LORD ELohim said that there should be no reason for us to fear Him . What God hoped for was for us to love Him as our only God and Father and to respect His wisdom and to obey all His Commandments so we could live in peace and with great joy in our lives .

- Remember again * year MM here * is for end of * a flesh trial * on earth ark * . MMM ends date * of Holy Day * for world * Humanity * on earth ark * and for ending * God of Israel * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * created Heaven * for Himself * and Spirit a * Heaven beings * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * again remember * no flesh life * in Heaven the * home of LORD * God of Israel * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * created Heaven * for Himself * and for many * Spirit as * My children * .

NOTES : LORD ELohim is not a cruel and uncaring God about all He created . It's because our Father LORD ELohim loves us and all He created He is going to let flesh die out on earth . What LORD ELohim sees is great suffering and not just mankind but animals also that He created . LORD ELohim knows how difficult life is for most of mankind and even for animals about earth . What God sees is very little joy and happiness about earths Humanity and this goes back to ancient times and long before Covid 19 and He sees a great deal of hatred about earth and wars and terrorism now and God knows much more evil hatred and wars is coming soon . LORD ELohim has great pity for all flesh He created . God was hoping for life to be very different for mankind then what it is like about earth today and in the past . When will LORD ELohim end all created on earth ? The answer to that is that only LORD ELohim knows . LORD ELohim let us know it will happen on this Sabbath Day . Remember one day of God's equals 1000 years of our time which means Sabbath Day ends in 3000 A.D. so it will happen by that time . ( B ) Psalm 90 : 4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past , and as a watch in the night . ( B ) 2 Peter 3 : 8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing , that one day is with the LORD as a thousand years , and a thousand years as one day . If we had past the test as a species LORD ELohim would have allow us to continue but we greatly failed in many ways .

( 2 : 5 ) NOTES : Genesis 6 : 1 - 8 And it came to pass , when men began to multiply on the face of the earth , and daughters were born unto them , That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair , and they took them wives of all which they chose . And the LORD said , My spirit shall not always strive with man , for that he also is flesh : yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years . There were giants in the earth in those days ; and also after that , when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men , and they bare children to them , the same became mighty men which were of old , men of renown . The LORD saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth , and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually . And the LORD said , I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth ; both man , and beast , and the creeping thing , and the fowls of the air ; for it repenteth me that I made them . But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD . The Torah we use says : It was in those days , and later , that the Nephilim appeared on earth - after the divine beings had consorted with the daughters of man , who bore them sons . These were not divine beings . Divine can mean ' by or from God ' . LORD ELohim did not send these sons of God to rape the daughters of man . These were ' sons of God ' because LORD ELohim did create them just as God created mankind . These giants were Anunnakis . The children of the Anunnakis and human women God named Nephilim . A race of giants were mentioned in the Torah . One giant , King Og of Bashan , had a bed 9 cubits long : about 13 feet . Goliath a Nephilim who was killed by David was said to be nine feet and six inches tall . LORD ELohim says that the Anunnaki were an average of 14 feet tall and very muscular . LORD ELohim wants people to know that Spirit cannot breed with flesh , any flesh . Again Spirits cannot have children with flesh . Angels have no genitals . All Angels were each created by the hands of LORD ELohim who has no genitals either . All Spirits refer to themselves as being male . LORD ELohim says that it took Noah seven years to build the ark which gave the Anunnaki and the Nephilim time to make kings of themselves and for the Anunnaki to rule over mankind for a few years again . Remember the Anunnaki were the second flesh species that LORD ELohim created on earth who had free will . Mankind and the Anunnaki are close enough in the gene pool to be able to mate with each other and produce offspring .

- Behold today * a Covid XIX * world flu * causes woe * and nations * about earth * had a lock down * . Most old age * Humanity * suffer here * about earth * and nations * . A Covid XIX * global plague * debts faileth * nations and * about earth * soon a time * Humanity * suffer here * . Behold today * called MMXX * even more dead * an deep fear here * about earth * and nations * . Again remember * our past a * advanced Sars * causes woe * an all long ago * many noted * world flu * pandemic deceased * mortal life * on earth ark * .

NOTES : As we said in the last ' What's New # 1 " LORD ELohim does not cause plagues but He can name them . Mankind has suffered from plagues in the past like we are now with Covid 19 . LORD ELohim pities us now dealing with this plague . LORD ELohim predicted we would have many plagues in the end time . One reason He predicted this is because He believed the population of mankind in the end of days would be in the billions as we are now . The more densely populated we are the more severe and common the plagues are . There is nothing that God can do about plagues because bacteria and viruses are a part of the nature of living organisms on earth . Pandemics are nothing new . According to the encyclopedia in 1918 -1919 a influenza spread through Europe and later the Americas . This influenza caused more then 20,000,000 deaths . Later in 1957 influenza call Asiatic flu caused many deaths and so on . In history there were many plagues and many deaths to . Just saying Covid 19 is nothing new on earth .

- Oak Island Canada a * treasured * altar buried * . Buried altar * Hebrew sacred * third altar * . YHWH did make * sacred Hebrew * third altar *. Many a Jews * help Yahweh * . I AM buried it * . Many a Jews * help Yahweh * . Traps seal * buried altar * . A end of times * humans reach * buried altar * . Jews love * sacred Hebrew * third altar * . Code of God keep * good secret * about altar * . Behold today * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * give code key * . God of Israel * Abba ten Sefirah * numbers and * mathematic I add * decoded riddles * about altar * on Island made * by Jews hand * an all long ago * . Again remember * Oak Island Canada a * Jewish place * in past age and * even today * .

NOTES : The treasured altar and much more buried at Oak Island by very early Jews shortly after leaving Egypt is for the Sabbath Temple and it's cost but LORD ELohim knows the on going struggles and suffering of many Jews around the world and maybe the money to build the third Temple might be better spent on the Jews who need help . LORD ELohim does not care if the Temple is not built . God's concern is for the lives of people more then brick and mortar .

NOTES : This may mean something or maybe not . A lead cross was found on Oak Island which if you look closely it looks like a hand at the feet of the cross and a staff going to the hand down the middle of the cross . In the Encyclopedia it shows the 33rd Degree Mason emblem having a hand on a staff also and looking alot like the one on the lead cross believed to be a Knights Templars cross . Oak Island is offshore of Nova Scotia Canada and the provincial Coat of Arms has a Knights armored hand shaking the hand of a non - armored hand and a first nations person on the Coat of Arms . It's believed that the Knights Templars had alot to do with what is buried under Oak Island and the fact that the Micmac first nations peoples flag is almost exactly like the Knights Templars flag , only backwards , gives good evidence regarding this belief . The Little Book in the Oak Island section of this web site says that Oak Island was man made by the Jews shortly after they were slaves in Egypt , shortly after the time of Moses somewhere around 1400 B.C.. Positive ancient dates are hard to find . In later years the Knights Templars did help the Jews to hide even more at Oak Island . Still today all buried at Oak Island belongs to the Jews of Israel . It was LORD ELohim's idea to build Oak Island there and to hide sacred items and stuff of value for the " end time " Jews who are living today .

( 2 : 6 ) - Remember again * LORD ELohim * Abba not three * ancient gods * of Catholics * . In past age and * even today * a global church * of Catholics * preach errs * LORD ELohim* is alike gods * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * is one God I AM * .

- Vatican help * lies mankind * made by church * in God's Book * . Papacy cause * a global church * today behold * YHWH calls * terrible Babel * . A global church * head has risen * . Behold today * the secrecy * . Of him fear him * . Last pope be * soon evil * and partner * the old Beast * on last day * . Their Rome * soon evil * about earth * . Their Rome * second Rome * on earth ark * . Soon a time * a president * saying " I AM HE " * rules here * . A president * dictator of * ten monarch * nations and * a global church * . Rich pope of * a global church * make great eagle * their Rome * . Soon evil * Rome is again * . Soon bondage * for any men * an ye woman * about earth * . Soon evil * bar code as mark * causes woe * about earth * . I AM HE predict * Mark of Beast * partners * computer * of dictator * . Mark of Beast * hand chip device * learn you * . Computer * of dictator * learn you * . Corrupt * men of science * greatly made * Mark of Beast * hand chip device * and billions * for the pagan * dictator of * second Rome * on earth ark * . Remember again * time cometh * soon bondage * about earth * by the deadly * dictator of * second Rome * on earth ark * . Behold today * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * warning all * Humanity * about fear Babel * an also danger * of dictator * soon at hand * . Again remember * future as * Rome is again * on earth ark * . In God's Book * the little * teachings all * give signs * .

NOTES : Was and is Y'shua ( Jesus ) the Messiah . The belief in a Messiah is an ancient belief in Judaism . The ancient Jews long before Y'shua a Jew was alive on earth believed that some day a Jewish Messiah would come to be among us to make changes on earth for the better for not only Jews but for all people . Y'shua was not that man . To be the awaited Messiah was not the work LORD ELohim gave Y'shua to do . In past ages and even today most all Jews did not believe that Y'shua was the Messiah because he did not make peace about earth happen and establish a kingdom of righteousness and he did not rebuild the third Temple and so on . The Jews were right : he was not the Messiah and today Christians are wrong who believe Y'shua was the Messiah . Ask a Christian what Messiah means and you will get alot of strange answers and most don't know anything about this . Y'shua's work given to him by LORD ELohim was to teach love , kindness and compassion . His job was to awaken people to again follow God's laws and so on . Y'shua was also the Lamb of God who would take the sins of the world upon himself and hopefully end child and adult human sacrifices about earth to false gods and so on but he was not the Messiah . Another reason the later Jews did not believe him to be the Messiah is because Christians claimed Y'shua alone was the only son of God which would make Y'shua the creator and Father of all Humanity and not LORD ELohim . Christians also believe that Y'shua created all else created and not LORD ELohim . Jews then and now have always believed we are all the children of LORD ELohim and LORD ELohim is the only Father of all created by Him and the Jews are right . Was Y'shua the Messiah ? No . Is Y'shua now the Messiah or will be in the future ? No. Y'shua is dead and has been for about 2000 years and LORD ELohim has no way to resurrect this man from the dead or you when you die . Most Jew's then and now do not believe Y'shua was the Messiah but he is respected as a great teacher .

NOTES : What was the real name of Jesus ? Many Christians would say I have been wrong in calling Jesus by the name Y'shua . Remember this man was a Jew among Jews and he spoke Hebrew . LORD ELohim says this man's name was Y'shua a Jewish Hebrew name . This is a little complicated but we will try our best to make is simple. Let's start with Isaiah 1 : 14 . LORD ELohim through Isaiah tells the world that a virgin shall conceive , and bear a son , and shall call his name Immanuel . LORD ELohim says Immanuel was to be the name of Y'shua just as it says in this verse . Immanuel can be written with the first letter being a " I " or " E " . Again Immanuel is mentioned in the New Testament in Matthew 1 : 23 . saying that a virgin shall bring foreth a son and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is , God with us . In Matthew 1 : 21 it says a Angel of the LORD said to Joseph .. And she shall bring forth a son , and thou shalt call his name JESUS . Then in Matthew 1 : 25 it says Joseph did call him Jesus . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was suppose to be called Immanuel all his life . The problem with the name Jesus is that it is a Greek name put in for the Jewish name Joshua or also said Y'shua . Joshua means : " Jehovah is Salvation " . Just because a Jewish name has a meaning like " God with us " or " with us is EL " does not mean the person is God . The name Joahaz means " Jehovah helps " , Joel means " Jehovah is God " , Jekuthiel means " God is mighty " Jehiel means " God is living " , Jahaziel means " God reveals " , Ithiel means " God is " , Elpaal means " God is working " , Elisha means " God is Savior " , Elihu means " God himself " , Eliab means " God is father " , Abia means " Jehovah is Father " , and so on . An interesting fact is that the Hebrew and Aramaic languages do not have a " j " sound as in Jesus so Y'shua was clearly not called " Jesus " . Again it is the " sound " of " j " in Jesus that does not exist in the Hebrew language . There are many Hebrew names that start with " J " but none " sound " like the " J " in Jesus which sounds more like a " g " . Back to Y'shua . The name Y'shua or Yeshua is short for Yehoshua which means " Joshua " . Again the name Jesus is the Greek name to replace the name Joshua or Y'shua . The name Jesus is not in anyway a Hebrew Jewish name which his name would have been since this man was a Jew and a Jewish Rabbi also . This is the reason we use the name Y'shua for Jesus because he was a Jew with a Jewish name and not a Greek with a Greek name . LORD ELohim just made a comment that it was He that changed Y'shua's name from Immanuel to Y'shua because of errors in the book of Isaiah 9 : 6 For unto us a child is born , unto us a son is given : and the government shall be upon his shoulder : and his name shall be called Wonderful , Counsellor , The mighty God , The everlasting Father , The Prince of Peace . This verse has many errors and calling Immanuel a mighty God and Father are great errors so LORD ELohim changed Immanuel's name to Y'shua . Again LORD ELohim is but one and only one God and Y'shua was never a god as flesh or the Spirit named Joshua within him . Most errors in the Old Testament and even the New Testament are simply because misunderstanding what LORD ELohim is trying to communicate to a human being . That is not easy for God to do and rarely mistakes do happen . If any religious faith says all is perfect in their faith and their religious Books regarding understanding God and what God wants to communicate with us they are lying . Most Jews believe that no human can be a God and they are right . The flesh man Y'shua and his Soul and the Spirit Joshua who helped him , not any of these three were or are a God .

NOTES : Holy Mother Of God : This is a common phrase that people use when speaking of Mary the mother of Y'shua . Again the name of this women was changed in the Christian Bible and other religions books . This lady was a Jewish Hebrew named Miriam not Mary . Mary is a Greek name used to replace her real name Miriam just as the Greek name Jesus was used to replace his real name Y'shua which can be also said Joshua . LORD ELohim says there was no reason to replace this ladies name and other Miriam's in the Bible with this Greek name Mary . These ladies Jewish Hebrew name Miriam and Y'shua's Jewish Hebrew name are easy to say and read for all the world . Catholic dogmas state that Mary is the Mother of God . Again remember Y'shua was and is not a god so what does Mother of God mean ? Y'shua was a Jewish flesh man who had a Spirit called Joshua guiding him throughout his life and Y'shua had a Soul like all people have . That's it , flesh and two Spirits and none were a god . Miriam was the mother of a human called Y'shua who LORD ELohim gave purpose to fulfill through him . LORD ELohim gave Moses and Abraham and others purpose to fulfill through them and no one ever called them their god . Miriam was a mother but not of a son who was a god therefore she was not the mother of a god . There is some truth about Miriam : she was a virgin but it was LORD ELohim who put the seed of this child in her womb , not what's called the Holy Spirit . There is another name Catholics use for Miriam which is Marian . Have people really seen images of Miriam ? The lady Miriam died about 2000 years ago and is still dead and like Y'shua and you when you die will remain dead . There are billions of people on earth and probably all dream from time to time and some can seem very real and depending on ones beliefs they will effect how one would interpret the dream and beliefs would probably effect what dreams we have . Mental illness is common to . It is not suprising that a few people out of billions claim they have seen Miriam in a dream or even a vision . LORD ELohim does not know how else to explain this .

NOTES : Catholics believe that Miriam the mother of Y'shua was herself conceived free from " original sin " . This is called Immaculate Conception . The name original sin means the state of sin in which, according to Christian theology , all human beings exist because of Adam's disobedience to the word of God . LORD ELohim says there is no such thing as original sin . The only one in trouble when Adam disobeyed God was Adam himself . Adam's sins were his own and Eve's sins were her own as to your sins are your own . LORD ELohim never puts the sins of someone onto other people . Why would He ? The Catholic church in the Middle Ages began to think of Miriam as being so pure and radiant that she was above the Angels LORD ELohim created . LORD ELohim says no human flesh has ever been above His Angels , not even Y'shua and Miriam . Many believe Miriam was taken bodily to Heaven after her death . No human flesh has ever gone to Heaven because LORD ELohim does not know how to do that and Miriam is not the Empress of the Universe either as some Christians call her . There are many beliefs about Miriam like she will plead with LORD ELohim on your behalf which is not true either and so on . Some time ago the Catholic church did begin making changes regarding peoples beliefs about Miriam like warning people it was Y'shua who is the mediator between God and humans and not Miriam . Just a reminder Y'shua is dead as to his mother Miriam : neither exist in any form and there is no mediator between humans and LORD ELohim . Another important thing to remember is that LORD ELohim has judged us as a species and not as individuals and as a mortal species we have failed the test . Another thing since all flesh die and return to dust and have no afterlife of any kind we don't need a mediatior between us and LORD ELohim . What would be the purpose of that ? Again remember we were judged as a " species " and not as individuals . It's as a species we have failed the test .

NOTES : Why have religions and others changed many names in their religious books from what the person's real name was ? The only thing LORD ELohim can think of about this question is that people were and are trying to take out of peoples minds the fact that these people were Jews . Why else ?

NOTES : How crazy can it get . A popular Christian theologian named Bernardino around 1400 A.D. declared that Miriam the mother of Y'shua was more powerful than LORD ELohim , that she seduced and enraptured Him , and that she did more for God than God did for man . It's a good thing LORD ELohim does not take such stupid thinking out on everyone . Since Adam and Eve LORD ELohim has done nothing but try every which way to help us find happiness and joy and peace on earth and in our lives and most all people have done nothing but bitch about their life . LORD ELohim has worked very hard since Adam in ways you will never know . LORD ELohim had great hope for mankind since Adam but all hope for us is gone now . Trial over !

NOTES : ( B ) Revelation 13 : 15 - 18 And he had the power to give life unto the image of the beast , that the image of the beast should both speak , and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed . And he causeth all , both small and great , rich and poor , free and bond , to receive a mark in their right hand , or in their foreheads : And that no man might buy or sell , save he that had the mark , or the name of the beast , or the number of his name . Here is wisdom . Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast : for it is the number of a man ; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six . A score means twenty and threescore means sixty so six hundred and threescore and six = 666 . If in the near future this should come true can you imagine not even being able to buy a loaf of bread or flour to make bread without a kind of micro chip mark in your hand or a baker not able to sell bread to anyone because he or she has no mark of the beast . LORD ELohim did warn people about this possibly happening in the furture but God says He never said that those who get the mark of the beast or who worship the beast will suffer torment with fire and brimstone for ever and ever in verses ( B ) Revelation 14 : 9 - 11 And the third angel followed them , saying with a loud voice . If any man worship the beast and his image , and receive his mark in his forehead , or in his hand , The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God , which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation , and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels , and in the presence of the Lamb : And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever : and they have no rest day nor night , who worship the beast and his image , and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name . LORD ELohim says He never said Revelation 14 : 9 - 11 LORD ELohim does not expect mothers and dads to allow their children to die because of hunger or no shelter and so on because they did not get the mark . Again God says think not beyond logic . LORD ELohim is not a cruel God to anyone neither flesh or Spirit . And again remember there is no Hell or afterlife for mortal life of any kind . LORD ELohim did teach about the mark as a warning to all because bondage may come next because of the mark . Bondage means : the lack of freedom : slavery . The condition of being under some power or influence . LORD ELohim does not want this to happen to anyone so you have been warned .

NOTES : LORD ELohim knows some people , mostly Christian preachers and even others from other religions who would rather think LORD ELohim is a wicked and cruel Father then to believe He did not create a Hell and so on . Some would rather think I'm dealing with Demons then to think the Holy Bible and other religious books have errors in them . I have been serving LORD ELohim for more then twenty years and in many ways He has proven Himself to be the one and only God to me . Satan I have met and his real name is David and he is a good Spirit and loyal to LORD ELohim . There is not now and will not be a war in Heaven by good Spirits fighting against evil Spirits . In over twenty years I have never met a evil Spirit .That's another error in the Bible . There are no evil Spirits to fight against . What LORD ELohim wants is to continue to point out the errors in the Bible and other religious books and to try to help people understand and know better the one and only true God LORD ELohim and our only Father LORD ELohim .

( 2 : 7 ) - ET's work * about earth * . ET's work * made massive * E.T. pyramid * standing in * Middle East and * humbles land * all near it and * about earth * . Anunnaki a E.T. * made massive * pyramid all * about earth * an all long ago * .

- Remember again * in past ages * an all long ago * : ... Then YHWH * did create new * Mine Grays * first for * mortal life * of free will * on earth ark * . Mine Grays * a DNA creature * an flesh body * . Mine Grays * on earth ark * in great failed * life trials * . Then YHWH * God of Israel * EL Roi create * Anunnaki all a * mortal life * of free will * on earth ark * . Anunnaki a E.T. * were second * of free will * . All Anunnaki a * mortal life * in great failed * life trials * on earth ark * . Then YHWH * God of Israel * create third * a DNA creature * of free will * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * I call them man * who I created * on earth ark * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * in great failed * life trials * on earth ark * .

NOTES : E.T. means Early Trial . The first mortal life of free will that God created on this earth long ago were the Grays . The Anunnaki were the second of free will that God created on this earth . We Humans are the third trial and the last of free will to be tested . LORD ELohim also created us on this earth . Where the Anunnaki are now God does not know but they cannot be far from earth if they are still alive because there are no Souls beyond this solar system . Many of the Grays spaceships and small ships can be seen from earth but LORD ELohim does not worry they would cause a war with mankind to get their homeland back . The Grays are probably more afraid of our germs then they are afraid of us . Some scientists are excited that amino acids that form proteins have been found on the moon . If thats true some say this proves life having been on the moon . Remember LORD ELohim only created life from dirt on this earth . God did not create anything from dirt on the moon or anywhere else in the universe but the Grays and Anunnaki were both on the moon in the past and Grays probably even today . Both these species have also been on Mars and else where in the solar system . Yes : life has been on the moon and Mars long before mankind existed but they were not created there , but they were created on earth by LORD ELohim . There is alot of talk about mankind going to the moon or even Mars and developing colonies their soon . The Grays and Anunnaki have been around for a very long time and neither had any success at being able to survive on any other planet then earth and that's why the Grays are near earth and not so much near Mars . The Grays still get much they need for life from earth , even today .

- First for * life thy God * LORD ELohim * the God of old * . Second were * Angels thy * LORD ELohim * YHWH did make * . LORD ELohim * third create * this Heaven * the galaxies * . Fourth I AM * form bacteria * first for * mortal life * on earth ark * . Fifth ELohim * begat species * an plant seed * on earth ark * . God of Israel * EL Roi create * Dino's flesh * on earth ark * . After Dino's * God of Israel * maketh mammal * new animals * on earth ark * .

( 2 : 8 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim deeply believes He was created by a Father but His Father He has never met . LORD ELohim was alone until He found a way to create Angels from whatever Angels are made of . LORD ELohim is our Father and we cannot see Him . Some galaxies were in Heaven when LORD ELohim realized He was but He learnt how to cause Big Bangs and He added a few more to them . Remember it took many Big Bangs to create even one galaxy according to LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim and Angels cannot feel heat or cold and they require nothing for their lives , not food or cloths or shelters or anything . All the Spirits need is love , happiness and to have alot of fun in their lives . Our Father LORD ELohim hoped mortal life could mostly be the same as Spirit : to enjoy life , to be happy and to love one another but that did not happen for the most part . God knows mortal life is high maintenance and far to needy for most people to find great joy in their lives .

- I AM HE saying * My Britain * a Holy land and * My Britain * Hebrew lands * . Britain same * Ephraim figs * heirs of land * . Canada once a Brit * Hebrew lands * . God of Israel * proclaim Canada * Hebrew lands * an a promise * LORD made for * Ephraim figs * heirs of land * . An a promise * Manasseh land * formed America * and a Holy land * . An a promise * Judah receive * Israel alone * a Holy land and * God of Israel * Yahweh home * on earth ark * be Jerusalem * . God of Israel * calls Israel * a Holy land and * Yahweh home * on earth ark * .

NOTES : LORD ELohim made Ephraim and Manasseh and Judah a promise for their own lands about earth . What God was hoping for is for the faith of Judaism to remain the faith of Ephraim , Manasseh and Judah when LORD ELohim gives them each their promised lands . That did not happen for most of Ephraim and Manasseh tribes but most of the tribe of Judah kept the faith of Judaism . By the time God gave the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh their promised lands most of their tribes were Christians and still are today . Had God not promised these two tribes of Israel land LORD ELohim would have never given them the promised lands . This shows that LORD ELohim does keep His promise no matter what , even when He wished He had not made the promise . Most of Judah , Levites , Benjamin kept the faith of Judaism over these many years which pleased LORD ELohim greatly . Remember the Christian faith as with many faiths are not well liked by LORD ELohim : there is to many gods and a total lack of respect for His Ten Laws and to many lies like about hell and people having eternal life and many other errors in the faiths like Y'shua ( Jesus ) creating all that is created when it was LORD ELohim who created all that is and on and on many more lies and errors . LORD ELohim wants to remind all people that there is no religion on earth that is perfect and without errors and LORD Elohim hopes through the Little Book people will become aware of those errors and lies .

- Churches lie * Y'shua ( Jesus ) called * a God of the Bible * . Again remember * God of Israel * Abba not three * ancient gods * . LORD ELohim * " I AM " is ONE God * . In past ages * Babel religion * had many gods * . Even today * terrible Babel * head has risen * of Catholics * . Behold today * vatican help * Babel religion * . Remember again * Torah tell * God of Israel * " I AM " is ONE God * . Catholics of * terrible Babel * churches lie * Y'shua like * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * and is a God like * LORD ELohim * . Again remember * Judaic Deity * LORD ELohim * . As the Father * LORD ELohim * begat humans * and begat all life * on earth ark * . Of Catholics * churches lie * the flesh man * called Y'shua * begat humans * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . Remember again * churches lie * Y'shua called * a God of the Bible * . Men of science * creation lie * regarding man * and all life begat * on earth ark * corrupt * humans to * .

( 2 : 9 ) NOTES : When LORD ELohim speaks of Christians He uses the words " and of Catholic " = 666 or " of Catholics " = 666 because the word Christian does not work in the Little Book 666 sections . Christian = 606 and nothing goes with that . When God mentions Catholics He is also speaking to all Christians including Protestants and not just to Catholics since all Christians believe in much the same beliefs . The Catholic church was the " mother church " of Christianity also so to speak directly to the Catholic church is usually correct when LORD ELohim points His finger at the church about something but He is also speaking to all other Christians to . LORD ELohim is also speaking to people of every religion on earth for the most part because beliefs about hell and eternal life and much more are common beliefs in most all religions on earth .

- In past ages * an all long ago * LORD ELohim * Big Bangs helped * maketh Carbon * . An all long ago * the Bangs begat * dust and a gas * element called * Carbon Two * . ELohim used * changeable Carbon * CO Two to * create bacteria * . Good Carbon did * create bacteria * and then much * became plants * an need a Soul * as Spirit * for any life * on earth ark *. Plant food be a * changeable Carbon * . About earth * Carbon did good * and turns * Carbon into * Oxygen as a * food for life * of any flesh * . Oxygen as a * food for life * began flesh life * God of Israel * EL Roi create * about earth * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * began flesh life * on earth ark * . Humanity * and animals made * maketh Carbon * . Remember again * man and plant a * partner and * need shared air * and animals made * need shared air * on earth ark * . Remember again * plants need a * element called * Carbon Two * for life food * .

NOTES : Alot of people like picking on Alberta Canada oil like we are the cause of global warming . World carbon dioxide emissions in 2014 from the use of fossil fuels in all North America was at 19.4 % of global emissions . The United States alone was 16.3 % so Canada and Mexico combined was at 3.1 % of global emissions according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration . According to a book we are using in million metric tons of carbon dioxide emitted the United States in 1980 was the highest in the world at 4,680 and China was only at 1,486 . In 2014 China was highest at 9,377 and the United States was second at 5,508 and Canada was at 607 . The people who come to Canada to condemn Alberta oil are mostly from the United States . There's a old saying " clean up your own back yard before you condemn others " . You also have to look at the landscape . Canada has forest and trees from one coast to the other and some grass lands and crop fields . There is not much desert here . Plants use carbon dioxide to grow and survive and in exchange plants , trees , crops and grasses give back oxygen which is what animals and people need to live and flesh does give off CO 2 to . There is probably no carbon dioxide wasted in this country unlike other countries that have much deserts and waste lands and very little plants and trees .

- God of Israel * I AM HE warns * nations and * kingdoms and * flock leaders * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * in past age and * even today * many noted * nations and * kingdoms and * flock leaders * fail within * part because * corrupt * flock leaders * , part because * money greed * , part because *a high tax or * new taxes * , part because * spending made * became great debt * , part because * war taxes * and also much * because of cold * human love * and hatred here * and more help * fail within * . Often and again * in past age and * even today * flock poor * blame the elect * corrupt * flock leaders * corrupt * new taxes * cause ruin * made of lives * . Flock poor * are all right * .

( 2 : 10 ) - In past age and * even today * reason for * many failed as a * often great * nations and * by states * and kingdoms * because of so * many noted * new taxes * . In past age and * even today * new taxes * happen again and * happens again * . In past age and * even today * flock poor * suffer here * on earth ark * because of so * many noted * new taxes * . Many noted * new taxes * crashed many * nations and * great kings * an a federal office * in past age and * even today * . A time soon * nations and * kingdoms and * by states * an a federal office * crash under * new taxes * . As a economy * crash under * new taxes * people changed * . Remember again * great tariff * a special tax * be taxation * for money * an a federal office * charge people * . Behold today * free trade became * no free trade * . Free trade became * new taxes * for money * for stuff * peoples made * and sells all * and buys all * . Soon a time * riches crash * and nations * and you fall * into deeper * dismayed debt * . New taxes * cause ruin * and nations * and kingdoms * fail within * . And nations * and kingdoms * an a federal office * spending made * all national * flock poor * in hated debts * . Heavy debts * cause ruin * about earth * happen again and * happens again * . Soon a time * heavy debts * cause ruin * about earth * nations and * kingdoms and * a federal office * .

NOTES : How does LORD ELohim know so much about people to be able to predict what the future will be without being the cause of it ? Many people believe LORD ELohim knows all things about past and future . The truth is God does not know all things . LORD ELohim is just good at guessing what will happen based on His past experience with flesh of free will like the Grays and Anunnaki and early Humanoids before Adam and Eve . Many people blame LORD ELohim about things that happen to them but God does not cause things to happen these days and very little in the past . LORD ELohim assisted the early Israelites a little bit but mostly He allowed for their free will . People in the past and even today tried to understand why bad things happen and it became a common belief that if things goes bad in their lives God must be angry with them and the bad is because He is punishing them . I asked LORD ELohim if He ever was the cause the Hebrews of Israel in the past becoming the slaves of other nations and LORD ELohim said no He was never the cause but He did have alot to do with freeing them and that's not a easy thing for God to do . LORD ELohim knows what will " probably " happen in the furture because He knows what has happened in the past .

- Catholic decree * lie about God * maketh many * churches lie * about EL to * . I AM HE saying * Catholic decree * make Y'shua be * churches God * an not I Alpha * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * . An Book of Life * churches lie * about what * mortal life * our death and * future as * eternal here * on earth ark * is human lie * . An Book of Life * is all a human * churches lie * told by the * Catholic decree * in past age and * even today * on earth ark * . Churches lie * in God's Book * Humanity * are going to * glad Heaven life * or dreaded Hell * . Churches lie * LORD ELohim * judges both * good and bad and all * Humanity * before their * life made begins * . Churches lie * soon a time * mortal life * eternal here * on earth ark * or in Heaven * or dreaded Hell * . Churches lie * not I AM He lie * to humans * on earth ark * .

NOTES : LORD ELohim would like to talk about the Book of Life mentioned above . ( R ) Luke 10 : 20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not , that the spirits are subject unto you ; but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven . There are two errors in this verse . First LORD ELohim would never allow humans to rule over Spirits . The word ' subject ' means that Spirits would be under the power , control , or influence of humans and that would never happen . LORD ELohim does not have problems with Spirits but many problems with humans . Second LORD ELohim does not have a Book called the Book of Life with names in it . ( B ) Philippians 4 : 3 And I intreat thee also , true yokefellow , help those women which laboured with me in the gospel , with Clement also , and with other my fellowlabourers , whose names are in the Book of Life . Again there is no Book of Life kept by LORD ELohim . With Spirits there is no books of any kind . They are Spirits and labour not to make paper out of trees or out of anything else and they have no interest in watching people all day and night and LORD ELohim never asked them to . ( B ) Revelation 17 : 6 The beast that thou sawest was , and is not ; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit , and go into perdition : and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder , whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world , when they behold the beast that was , and is not , and yet is . Alot of people believe that LORD ELohim wrote the names of the saved in the Book of Life before humans even existed as it says " written ... from the foundation of the world " . ( B ) 1 Peter 1 : 19 - 20 But with the precious blood of Christ , as of a lamb without blemish and without spot : Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world , but was manifest in these last times for you . The word foundation means " something established " . The foundation of the world occured billions of years ago not thousands of years ago and Adam was proclaimed by God to be the first of mankind only about six thousand years ago so the names in the Book was finished long before Adam . Consider the billions of people who have live since Adam . How could God know all about them before they were even born . Are we humans all puppets who have no control over our lives and destiny because our destiny was foreordained by LORD ELohim billions of years ago or are we creatures of free will who make our own choices in life ? LORD ELohim says mankind was given free will by Him therefore He has no control over us . Most Christians believe that the Book of Life refers to only those who are on God's list as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ ( Y'shua ) as their God and Saviour . There are other faiths who believe much the same as Christians but believe only those in their faith are written about in books . Christians believe if your not Christian your name would not be found in the Book of Life other then Old Testament saints . ( R ) Revelation 3 : 5 He that overcometh , the same shall be clothed in white raiment ; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life , but I will confess his name before my Father , and before his angels . In the Old Testament the Hebrews believed the righteous names were written in such a book . ( B ) Exodus 32 : 32 - 33 And yet , if You would only forgive their sin ! If not , erase me from the record which You have written ! " But the LORD said to Moses , " He who has sinned against Me , him only will I erase from My record . Psalm 69 : 27 - 28 Add iniquity unto their iniquity : and let them not come into thy righteousness . Let them be blotted out of the book of the living , and not be written with the righteous . LORD ELohim says there is no Book of Life regarding any people or any faith . Other religions believe in much the same books . God had and has no way to know before someone is born if that person will be good or bad or evil durning their mortal life by their choices made . In other words we are not puppets and if LORD ELohim knew then at the foundation of the world what He knows now He would have never created creatures of Free Will starting with the Grays then Anunnaki and then Humanity . LORD ELohim did not judge each Gray or each Anunnaki and not each of us Humans now and in the past . God judged all as a species and as a species the Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity have all failed the test . We are the last species to be created of free will . Soon and probably sooner then later within the next 979 years LORD ELohim will end all mortal life on earth and in this solar system and will never again create mortal life from dust anywhere in the universe because He knows now for sure after three trials of free will what the outcome would be . Sabbath Day equals 1000 years and this Sabbath Day started on the year 2000 A.D. so this Sabbath Day ends in the year 3000 A.D. 3000 - 2021 = 979 years left of the Sabbath Day but God could end all long before 3000 A.D. Again remember our trial ended in 2000 A.D. and we as a species failed the test that lasted 6000 years so there is not alot of reason for LORD ELohim to keep things going as is for very much longer .

( 2 : 11 ) NOTES : What was our test ? For the most part our test was the same as Adam and Eve's test : to simply obey LORD ELohim : all His Ten Commandments and other teachings . God hoped by Him teaching mankind His Ten Commandments we would love each other and keep peace on earth and to live by His Laws we would be happy and kind and good loving people . In all the vast majority of people failed at most of these . Most non-Jews today don't even know what the Ten Commandments say even though they are written in their religious book such as the Christian Bible . Most people especially Christians believe they do not have to keep the Ten Commandments because no matter what they do , no matter how evil they chose to be , they will be forgiven through their faith in Y'shua ( Jesus ) . This belief is not true . Y'shua did teach that all people need to follow God's Laws . LORD ELohim put alot of thought into those Ten Laws and other teachings He gave mankind through the Jews . Y'shua is said to have said ( R ) Matthew 5 : 17 - 20 Think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the prophets : I am not come to destroy , but to fulfil . For verily I say unto you , Till heaven and earth pass , one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law , till all be fulfilled . Whosoever therefore shall break one of these Commandments , and shall teach men so , he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven : but whosoever shall do and teach them , the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven . Y'shua a few times told people to keep LORD ELohims Ten Commandments . The only error here is Y'shua would have never said you go to the kingdom of Heaven . If God would have added to this He would have said you will enjoy your mortal life here on earth much more if you kept His Ten Laws .

NOTES : Matthew 5 : 20 Y'shua is said to have said ( R ) Matthew 5 : 20 For I say unto you , That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees , ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven . I asked LORD ELohim if at the time of Y'shua on earth was He in some way angry with the Jewish scribes and Pharisees because the Bible say several times the Pharisees were greatly less then perfect and LORD ELohim said no He was not angry with them and neither was Y'shua . LORD ELohim said that Y'shua would not have said this about the Jewish scribes and Pharisees . Why then would the Bible say this ? You have to remember that anti - Semitism goes back a long way in the history of man and why that is even LORD ELohim does not understand .

NOTES : How evil do you think LORD ELohim is ? LORD ELohim is asking you this question . According to New Testament prophecy LORD ELohim and Y'shua ( Jesus ) do the following . In the book of Revelation there are three judgments of seven within each said to be caused by LORD ELohim and even by Y'shua ( Jesus ) . They are called the seal , trumpet and bowl judgments . These judgments are said to happen during the tribulation period which is believed a time between the believed rapture of the Christians and the believed second coming of Christ . Revelation chapter 6 to 8 contains the seal judgements . Keep in mind Souls are Spirits and not people . It's a error to call people Souls . It says in Revelation 6 : 1 that the " Lamb " meaning Y'shua ( Jesus ) Christ opened all seven seals of the judgments which started all judgements to play out . SEAL JUDGMENTS : The # 1 seal judgment says there will be someone on a white horse with a bow and crown going around to conquer and most believe it is the Antichrist , and # 2 someone on a red horse who takes peace from earth so war happens , then # 3 the black horse rider causing a great food shortage and higher prices , # 4 the rider on a pale horse name was Death and Hell followed him and power was given to them to kill the fourth part of the earth and then # 5 the Souls of those who were slain for the word of God crying for vengeance and # 6 great earthquakes , sun blacked out , moon became as blood , stars fall to earth , sky tears apart like a scroll , every mountain and island moves and people hid from God sitting on a throne " and the wrath of the Lamb " for the great day of his wrath is come and # 7 seven angels were given seven trumpets and another angel cast fire into the earth causing voices , thunder , lightning and a earthquake. TRUMPET JUDGMENTS : The trumpet judgements in Revelation 8 - 9 and 11 : 15 -19 include # 1 hail and fire mixed with blood thrown down to earth and a third of the earth is burned up also trees and grass and # 2 a third of the sea became blood and a third sea creatures die because a great mountain burning with fire thrown down from Heaven and # 3 a great star falling from Heaven poisions water and many die from bitter water and # 4 a third of the stars , sun and moon diminished and # 5 great smoke and the sun and air darkened and a swarm of demonic locusts set lose to torment unbelievers for five months but not to kill people and # 6 four angels with millions of horsemen to slaughter a third of mankind by fire and smoke and brimstone and # 7 trumpet just calls for the start of the bowl judgments . BOWL JUDGEMENTS : The bowl judgement in Revelation 16 starts with # 1 painful sores on the bodies of people who have the mark of the beast and those who worship his image and # 2 the angel poured the bowls contents into the sea turning it as blood killing any living sea creature still alive from previous judgments and # 3 a angels bowl contents poured out upon earth causes rivers and fountains of water to become blood and # 4 the content caused the sun to give off great heat which scorches people with fire and # 5 the content of the bowl caused the kingdom of the beast to become darkness and from pain people gnawed their tougues and # 6 the bowl contents caused the Euphrates river to dry up so the kings of the east could come for the battle of Armageddon and # 7 the angel poured out his bowl and voices and thunders and lightnings and a great earthquake such as never was before and islands fled away and mountains were leveled around the world and great sized hail falling from Heaven and the destruction of Babylon . The above judgments are said to be caused by LORD ELohim and even Y'shua the Lamb of God with the help of His Angels . How wicked do you think God is ? Just to remind you the Book of Job is not a true story either . Many people believe Satan it the most wicked Spirit in all creation . Name one thing Satan was said to do that is more wicked then what is written above about what LORD ELohim and Y''shua are said to plan to do to mankind and animals and plants and trees and for that matter all earth and all on earth . LORD ELohim says all of these so called judgments are a lie and He and Y'shua had nothing to do with such writings . Again remember Y'shua is dead . LORD ELohim said in the past and even today when things go wrong or plagues happen and so on that people more often then not blame Him for it believing it to be as a punishment caused by Him for the wrong doings of mankind . Insurance companies use to and maybe even today called somethings like flooding and hail damage an " act of God " and you were not covered for it . Will some of these so called judgement things happen ? It is possible but it won't be LORD ELohim or Y'shua or other Angels or even Satan responsible for causing it . Earthquakes happen , solar flare can cause blackouts , plagues can cause great suffering and death and fear like COVID 19 is causing today and what thousands of plagues have done in the past , people war and often great wars , water called red tide looking like blood and poisonous because of the large numbers of micro-organisms , famines , reduced purchasing power which is happening even now because of greed and a little because of Covid , asteroid hits , bitter water from radiation leaks , and on and on . Some of the claimed judgments in the Bible and other religious books LORD ELohim does not even know what they mean . Mortal life on earth is not easy or even fair and there is so much suffering which is why LORD ELohim in the future will gently and without suffering bring a end to mortal life on earth . Remember again there is no afterlife for mortal life . In the mean time stop blaming LORD ELohim and even Y'shua for things that happen that God cannot control and stop believing LORD ELohim is a very wicked and a extremely cruel God and Father because He is not . LORD ELohim has known for a long time about these so called " judgments of God " predicted to happen . There was not much God could do about them untill His Little Book was being worked on . LORD ELohim cannot believe what so many people believe about Him . God wants all people to know that the way He is depicted in some religious books is not who He is , never was and is not . Another thing , LORD ELohim would never ask a Angel , any Angel to do anything evil to anyone , not even Satan who's real name is David and who is a good Angel . What you believe about LORD ELohim does matter to Him . God wants you to know He is gentle and kind and deeply loving of all He created , both Spirit and flesh .

( 2 : 12 ) NOTES : Many Christians believe a rapture ( to be taken away ) of all Christians will occur before the believed coming seven year tribulation period . LORD ELohim says He does not know how to make peoples flesh body suddenly disappear on earth and within less then a second appear in Heaven . LORD ELohim says Christians think to highly of themselves also . Most Christians Sabbath Day is Sunday the first day of the week and not the true Sabbath of LORD ELohim on the seventh day . Christians believe in three Gods and rarely think of the one and only true God LORD ELohim your true Father . Most Christians believe Y''shua ( Jesus ) created all that was created when it was LORD ELohim who was the creator of all that was created . Christians believe Y'shua was the only begotten son of LORD ELohim when all Spirits and flesh created are the sons and daughters of LORD God ELohim . Christians and others religions believe LORD ELohim is a very cruel and wicked God when they believe in a place called Hell and the Lake of Fire where they believe billions of people will spend their eternal life in constant torment and agony which is a lie also . And the list goes on and on . Why would LORD ELohim give preference to Christians who most believe they do not have to keep His Ten Commandments over any other people and their faith on earth ? The salvation through Christ ( who is not a god and who is dead ) only went so far and it won't get you to Heaven and a eternal life or to be raptured ( taken away ) from earth which God does not know how to do anyway . Truth is : if LORD ELohim could rapture people out of a world gone crazy it would be the Jewish people and not Christians or any others .

NOTES : People from every religious faith claim that all regarding their faith is perfect and without error including their religious Books . LORD ELohim says this belief is wrong regarding any faith He knows of . In Revelation 7 it talks about God sealing the servants of God , a 144,000 who are all from the twelve tribes of Israel which would be 12,000 from each tribe . Then it goes on to name the twelve tribes of Israel starting with Juda , Reuben , Gad , Aser , Nepthalim , Manasses , Simeon , Levi , Issachar , Zabulon , Joseph and Benjamin . The Torah in Numbers 1 list the twelve tribes : Reuben , Simeon , Judah , Issachar , Zebulun , Ephraim , Manasseh , Benjamin , Dan , Asher , Gad , Naphtali . There are several errors in the book of Revelation 7 regarding this . Spelling mistakes of names is Juda which should be Judah , Aser should be Asher , Zabulon should be Zebulun , Manasses should be Manasseh , Nepthalim should be Naphtali . Note in the Christian Bible there are two names missing : Dan and Ephraim and there are two names that should not be in the list : Joseph and Livi . LORD ELohim says there is no reason why Dan and Ephraim should not be in the list and to list Joseph and Levi is an error . The tribe of Levi was given the job by God for caring of the tabernacle and services . The people of Levi were put among the other tribes to maintain Israel's religion . Joseph was dropped from the tribal list because there would only be eleven tribes and God wanted twelve tribes . Dropping Joseph and adding his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh as tribes made twelve tribes of Israel . Joseph was one of God's favorite and his sons to . Ephraim was given the greatest blessing by LORD ELohim even though he was the second born of Joseph and Manasseh was the first born . Genesis 48 . The blessing given to Ephraim was that his tribe would become a multitude of nations ( Great Britain and her colonies ) and Manasseh tribe would become one great nation ( United States ) . The belief that there are no errors in the Bible : how does one explain these . LORD ELohim is sure it was not a Jew who wrote this because most Jews are well aware of their history and family and how to write their names .

NOTES : Over the last twenty plus years working on the Little Book with LORD ELohim I have met many Spirits encluding Satan who's real name is David . David is a Archangel who has always been kind and helpful to me . The belief that David is a very wicked Spirit is an error . David respects and loves LORD ELohim like all the Spirits do . Spirits are not like people and the problem with people writing about Spirits they tend to think of Spirits as being simular to us humans . People think of Spirits as being good and bad like people and that is an error . The best way to discribe Spirits is that they are truly free and they to have free will . Spirits don't need food , shelter , clothing , education , a job , money , a planet , air , water , heat of a sun or anything else people need . Heaven is six galaxies big and Spirits can go almost anywhere there . Spirits are wiser then people . They are wise enough to know being cruel to other Spirits would make them sad , lonely , miserable and bored . They are wise enough to know loving and being kind and good to all their brothers gives them great joy and great happiness and great fun .

( 2 : 13 ) NOTES : There will probably be some people , probably mostly Christians who will say I have been working for the Devil . LORD ELohim says to you to read Revelation chapter 10 that proves He who lives forever and ever " LORD ELohim " gave me the Little Book to put it in writing . There is alot in the New Testament and other sacred Books that is written without LORD ELohim or Y'shua or other Spirits teaching the writers what to write but Revelation 10 somehow LORD ELohim managed to get it written . Christians and other faiths say everything written in their sacred Books is perfect and without error . LORD ELohim thinks He with the Little Book has proven that to be wrong for many faiths . Just believing in hell created by LORD ELohim and the suffering of people in this place called hell or lake of fire proves your faith has errors . Believing that LORD ELohim and any other Spirits He created can be very wicked and cruel to each other and to people is an error . Believing that LORD ELohim can be everywhere at the same time is a error and on and on regarding more errors .

NOTES : Many times LORD ELohim give us short stories and hints at things that gives us reason to think about it . An example is Adam and Eve . The book of Genesis says LORD ELohim declared Adam to be the first of mankind and his wife Eve first of the female version of mankind . They begat Cain and Abel . Cain murdered Abel and LORD ELohim cursed Cain and punished Cain by sending him on his way . Cain said this to God " that every one that findeth me shall slay me so God put a mark upon Cain . Then Cain went out from the presence of the LORD and dwelt in Nod east of Eden and Cain knew his wife ; and she conceived and bare Enoch and then it goes on to say and he ( Cain ) builded a city , and called the name of the city , after the name of his son , Enoch . If Adam and Eve were the very first created of humans who were called mankind by God then who did Cain worry about killing him and who did Cain marry and for whom did Cain build a city for ? If the answer is that LORD ELohim chose Adam and Eve out of many existing humans and called them to be the first of Mankind then there is an answer for all the questions . Archaeologists have found remains of humanoids that date back many tens of thousands of years before Adam and Eve even existed and that cannot be without notice when thinking about this subject . LORD ELohim did create mankind who are humans but long before Adam and Eve were called the first of mankind by God and the clock of our six thousand year trial began ticking . LORD ELohim says this is the right answer to the riddle . As always God says " think not beyond logic " . It has always been difficult for God to communicate with people and alot written in any religious Book are people trying to understand what it was and is all about . Moses did well but not all is perfect in his understanding what LORD ELohim was trying to tell him . But Moses did get all the Ten Commandments right with one small error . Moses small error was to say : Exodus 20 : 5 ... for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God , visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them who hate me ; . LORD ELohim is never a jealous God and He never puts the sins of someone onto someone else . The only sins anyone has is his or her own sins and certainly not Adams and Eves either . Most Christians believe it was Y'shua as the burning bush but LORD ELohim says it was He alone who spoke to Moses . Y'shua was not born yet .

NOTES : Many people believe LORD ELohim is like a fog that is everywhere in the universe . Moses got it right to say that Cain said : Genesis 4 : 14 ... and from Thy face shall I be hid ; ... If God was everywhere how can anyone be hid from God's face ? LORD ELohim is one Spirit . LORD ELohim says it's correct in Genesis 1 : 26 And God said , Let us make man in our image , after our likeness ..... And that is true . We are created in the image of God and all Spirits with a head , arms , legs , eyes and so on . LORD ELohim is not a fog , He is a very tall Spirit that looks alot like us because He created us in His image and the image of the other Spirits . All Spirits look alot like God because LORD ELohim created them in His image also . Again Y'shua the flesh man was not the only begotten son of God . It was LORD ELohim who created all flesh and He also created all Spirit . Both Spirit and all flesh are LORD ELohim's children and not Y'shua's children as many Christians believe .

- LORD ELohim * God of Israel * I AM HE saying * Judaea people * My love and * partners * on earth ark * in past age and * even today * . Judaea people * help YAHWEH * to teach pagan * Humanity * EL Ten Laws * and about the * God of Israel * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * He give Laws * to Jews and * for world * Humanity * . Jews did teach * pagan world * God of Israel * EL Ten Laws * . Jews did teach * God of Israel * I AM is one God * and a Spirit * and one Father * of any flesh * an the plant * and all trees * an much more * on earth ark * .

( 2 : 14 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim through His Hebrews at first and then pretty much only though His Hebrew Jews tryed to teach the pagan world that He alone is the one and only true God and Father of all people on earth which is true . LORD ELohim was hoping if all people believed in Him as their God and Father that would allow greater peace on earth instead of religions fighting against other religions as people have done and still do today . God was hoping to get rid of one reason why people hate and slaughter each other but that did not work out well . Religions who believe in the God of Israel LORD ELohim as their God still find reasons why they hate an war against each other . LORD ELohim has tryed and tryed every which way to help Humanity have peace and joy in their lives but over and over we have failed Him .

- Jews did teach * Humanity * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * thy Father * and only God * of all the life * on earth ark * and Spirit a * Heaven beings * . Jews did teach * pagan world * God of Israel * I AM is one God * for all then * in past age and * even today * on earth ark * . Even today * old paganism * about earth * and nations * . In past age and * even today * Judaea people * suffer here * because of hate * because of so * much mankind * as gentiles * are yet like * pagan world * . In past age and * even today * God of Israel * loves My * Jews of the * Israel flock *. God of Israel * pity Mine * Judaea people * whom now * and in past age * suffer here * on earth ark * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * pagans hate and * go against Me * in past age and * even today * . Judaea people * suffer here * even today * because of hate * . LORD ELohim * despise hate * of any flesh * on earth ark * . God of Israel * love Jews * about earth * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * loves My * Humanity * who are good * , kind love and * keep all LORD * EL Ten Laws * . Remember again * God curses * any who all * curse much * Jews of the * Israel flock * . In past age and * even today * much mankind * God curses * on earth ark * .

NOTES : LORD ELohim had the Hebrews teach the pagan world His Ten Commandments . God hoped His Ten Laws would help keep peace on earth and allow for better lives but that did not work well . In past ages and even today the Ten Laws of God are well known to exist around earths nations but very few people who are not Jews try to keep them . Many Hebrew tribes stopped keeping their faith of Judaism when most became Christians who believe they do not have to keep the Ten Commandments because they believe salvation comes easy by simply believing in Jesus ( Y'shua ) Christ as their god and saviour. This is not what Y'shua taught . Y'shua taught that all people need to keep the Ten Commandments and live by them . In the Bible it says this happened : ( B ) Matthew 19 :16 -19 And , behold , one came and said unto him ( Y'shua ) , Good Master , what good thing shall I do , that I may have eternal life : And he said unto him , ( R ) Why callest thou me good ? there is none good but one , that is , God : but if thou wilt enter into life , keep the commandments . ( B ) He saith unto him , Which ? ( R ) Jesus said , Thou shalt do no murder , Thou shalt not commit adultery , Thou shalt not steal , Thou shalt not bear false witness , Honour thy father and thy mother : and , Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself . Another example is ( B ) 1 John 5 : 3 For this is the love of God , that we keep his commandments : and his commandments are not grievous . Another example is ( B ) 1 John 3 : 4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law : for sin is the transgression of the law . The word transgresseth means to break the law or command and also means sin . In the book of Revelation ( B ) 14 : 12 Here is the patience of the saints : here are they that keep the commandments of God , and the faith of Jesus . Mark 7 : 9 ( R ) And he said unto them , Full well ye reject the commandmant of God , that ye may keep your own tradition . In the book of Ecclesiastes ( B ) 12 : 13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter : Fear God , and keep his commandments : for this is the whole duty of man . The Law spoken of are the Ten Commandments . LORD ELohim giving the Laws to mankind was not giving to them so people would gain eternal life but He gave them to us so mankind could live a greatly better life as flesh beings of free will on earth . Are Christians and all people of the world and of any faith expected to keep LORD ELohim's Laws which are the Ten Commandments ? The answer is " Yes " . The Commandments were not given to the Hebrews for only them . Remember the Hebrews were the chosen people to help LORD ELohim regarding all other people on earth and not just themselves . God asked the Hebrews to keep His Laws and to teach the people of the world His Laws the Ten Commandments and they did a good job of it but very few people anywhere took them seriously . It was said that the Christian Bible was the best selling book in the world but it is probably the least read or understood book in the world to . Today it's pretty much only the Jews of the world who try to keep all Ten Com -mandments of LORD ELohim Laws . The entire Ten Commandments can be found in the Old Testament or in the Torah in the Book of Exodus chapter 20 . LORD ELohim does not understand why Christians believe they are above the Laws of God and have no reason to keep them even though Y'shua whom they call Christ taught them to keep the Laws of God as the verses above say . Christian people say they follow their Christ but in truth they follow him not . Y'shua was perfect and without sin because he simply obeyed all God's Laws and he taught all people to do the same . Why do Christians and even other religions who respect Y'shua as a great teacher for LORD ELohim not keep the Laws of LORD ELohim as Y'shua himself did ? LORD ELohim wonders about this . LORD ELohim says no person and no religious faith and no nation on earth since Moses to now and in the future is above any of His Laws .

( 2 : 15 ) NOTES : When LORD ELohim finished creating the flesh creatures we and God call Grays about 70,000 years ago these beings flesh bodies were alot like ours today . The Grays to were given free will by God . The Grays after ten of thousands of years got into big trouble because they almost destroyed the earth with their wars . Grays had spacecrafts they had built . The Grays have been pretty much living in space since that time . Today the Grays are small , weak and very fragile because of being in space all these years . The Grays do have some children which are hybrids , half Grays and half humans . LORD ELohim says the Grays are not to be trusted . Their bodies are weak but their weapons and spaceships are great . The 70,000 years is an estimate because LORD ELohim for the most part does not do time or any other Spirits .

NOTES : LORD ELohim just wants to remind you that climate change on earth has been going on for billions of years and has always been part of the nature of this earth . Climate change today is normal and God has witnessed this often . The last ice age glaciation began 115,000 years ago and the ice sheet in places was more then 8,000 feet thick and covered most of Canada and northern United States and Europe and northern Russia and other northern areas and even on high mountains near the equator . The whole earth was colder . There was so much water that turned to ice the oceans lowered 300 feet . Then the ice sheet began melting and retreating about 25,000 years ago because of " global warming " and the earth today is still experiencing " global warming " . It was the ice sheet melting that filled the North American Great Lakes only about 15,000 years ago . Keep in mind : LORD ELohim has been here on or near earth for a few billion years and He has seen natural climate change and for many reasons climate changed over the years . " Global Warming " is normal after the " Global Cooling " that caused the glaciations of ice to form about earth many times in the past . Again what is now is normal just as Ice Age glaciation periods are normal to . Just within the last million years there has been four Global Cooling periods that caused massive Ice Age glaciation and there have been four Global Warming periods including the one we are experiencing now .

- Men of science * forgot Ice Age * or speak lie * about earth * all warming a * radical climate * and people made * temp changes * . Humanity * about earth * and nations * hear thy God * LORD ELohim * . I AM HE saying * a quickening * warmth is * normal change * on earth ark * after land Ice Age * . Men of science * speak lie or * none know * about earth * great Ice Age date * in past ages * . Men of science * partners * corrupt * federal office an a * climate hoax * for money * . Climate hoax * it allows * new taxes * about earth * nations and * for money * . Climate hoax * new taxes * money for * ? ? ? ? I AM He saying * remember again * climate at hand * all warming a * normal change * after land Ice Age * on earth ark * . I AM He saying * all warming a * normal change * after land Ice Age * happen again and * happens again * on earth ark * in past ages * .

( 2 : 16 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim said that Adam was chosen about 6,000 years ago to be called the first of mankind . Adam and Eve were chosen out of many humanoids living at that time . LORD ELohim had been waiting for the Ice Age Climax to end and for the ice upon many lands to melt and retreat . If you look at a map of the last Ice Age Climax much of the northern lands were covered with a massive ice sheet which had a depth of up to 10,000 feet . Remember LORD ELohim had a plan . His plan was to try to help people everywhere on earth and all races by working through one race of people and one religion of those people . LORD ELohim called them Hebrew and with Isaac the son of Abraham God also began the first of the white race on earth ark . LORD ELohim wanted to scatter His Hebrews and their religion of Judasim all over the earth hoping that He could lead people to peace and love though His Jews . The only problem was that most all the lands God wanted to scatter the Hebrews to were under thousands of feet of ice so LORD ELohim had to wait for the natural " global warming " to kick in again about 25,000 years ago . When God chose Adam and Eve to be the first called " mankind " the ice sheet had retreated and melted in the north far enough that LORD ELohim could start His work with mankind . Today if you look at a map where the Hebrew white race mostly live today , most live where the last ice sheet had been which began by natural " global cooling " 115,000 years ago and continued to grow in size until natural " global warming " kicked in and started 25,000 years ago .

NOTES : LORD ELohim says the flood at Noah's time was related to the melting of the ice sheet from the last Ice Age Climax . God getting Noah to build the ship for his family and animals was about a rescue mission and not a reason of punishment . Durning the melting of the ice sheet there were many ice dams holding back melted water and a massive amount of water behind one of the ice dams . LORD ELohim knew soon the water would break through the ice dam and thats why Noah needed to save many from the coming flood . The writings about the flood put the blame on LORD ELohim being the cause of it which was common for people to do back then and even today . People often believed that bad things happening like this flood must be a punishment caused by God . LORD ELohim did not cause the flood : the Ice Age Climax and " natural global warming " did . Remember the build up of the ice sheet lowered the ocean water by 300 feet for tens of thousands of years and people and animals were living in areas which were normally under the ocean waters durning the natural global warming periods like now . Through a prophet LORD ELohim tryed to warn people a great flood was coming and the people did not believe the prophet and stayed on the lands that would be flooded and many people and animals did die . People have got to stop blaming LORD ELohim for everything bad that happens in their lives and to others . Another example is LORD ELohim has never put any people into slavery as a punishment but He has rescued many from slavery and so on . LORD ELohim is love , goodness , kindness and caring to all He created both Spirit and flesh but God did feel sorry He created mankind and animals as Moses did write in Genesis 6 : 7 .

- Holy Ark of * God of Israel * now buried * where now ? LORD's Ark had * LORD ELohim * EL Ten Laws * for world * Humanity * . God of Israel * EL Ten Laws * permit peace * about earth * in past age and * even today * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * Humanity * wisdom is * keepest peace * about earth * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * about earth * in great break * EL Ten Laws * . Feeble humans * about earth * break Laws and * mankind did fail * because of hate * and when war * .

- In past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * against rape * . Most raped * are of woman * about earth * an all is a sin * by JHVH Law * . Rapist man * of woman are * ye a evil men * . Evil men rage * LORD ELohim * . YHWH calls * those raped * My children * . YHWH calls * all who rape * My children * ye a evil men * about earth * .

- God of Israel * EL Roi speak * Humanity * don't blame all * Jews of the * Israel flock * for reason * LORD ELohim * Alpha sacrifice * perfect Jew * called Y'shua * . LORD ELohim * sacrifice Jew * called Y'shua * and Rome * help * LORD ELohim * . Faithful man * called Y'shua * he a sinless * perfect Jew * LORD ELohim * Jehovah behind * faithful man * called Y'shua * death and cries * for His Lamb be a * perfect Jew * loved by God * . LORD ELohim * He sacrificing * faithful man * for world * Humanity * sins too * .

NOTES : I may have used the word " Christos " with means Christ in past writings about Y'shua ( Jesus ) and that would be an error . According to the Dictionary the word Christ or Christos means Messiah and Y'shua was not mankinds Messiah . Y'shua was a messenger , a teacher and the Lamb of God but he was not the awaited Messiah . The work LORD ELohim gave to Y'shua to do had nothing to do with what the Messiah was and is expected to do for mankind like establish a kingdom of righteousness on earth . LORD ELohim did not give reason for a belief in a Messiah someday being born to establish this kingdom within one human life time , that would be very hard to do . Many beliefs are hopes and dreams and this longing for a Messiah is probably just that for any believers in a Messiah .

( 2 : 17 ) NOTES : Why did LORD ELohim do what in His nature He would not do regarding sacrificing Y'shua ( Jesus ) ? In the past people had many gods like Molech , Baal , Anat or Anath , Marduk , Bel , Amon , Artemis , Hermes , Zeus , Diana , Jupiter , Dagon and the list goes on and on with hundreds more around the world . LORD ELohim tryed to end the belief and rites regarding Molech because part of their religious rituals for this believed god included the all to common sacrifice of children . Leviticus 20 1 - 2 And the LORD spake unto Moses , saying , Again thou shalt say to the children of Israel , Whosoever he be of the children of Israel , or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel , that giveth any of his seed ( children ) unto Molech ; he shall surely be put to death : the people of the land shall stone him with stones . And the Sepharvites all to commonly burned their children in the fire to two gods called Anammelech and Adrammelech . 2 Kings 17 : 31 And the Avites made Nibhaz and Tartak , and the Sepharvites burnt their children in fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech , the gods of Sepharvaim . The sacrifice of children and even adults to false gods was common ALL over the earth including north and south America and elsewhere . LORD ELohim has never understood why people make sacrifices of even animals to their false gods and especially has never understood the sacrifice of human children and even adults to their false gods . LORD ELohim set His mind to ending this somehow . LORD ELohim came half way on the practice of sacrificing animals , this He would allow but with rules given about this so no animals suffers . LORD ELohim set out to end the sacrifice of people to many false gods of people around the world . How was God to do this so that the people of the world would end this ritual ? LORD ELohim came up with only one way to do this , for Him to sacrifice a human for all people of the world and for all generations to come . God did not do that right away because He needed time to set things up for this to be effective for all people of the world . And so is the story of the sacrifice of the " Lamb of God " called Y'shua . What LORD ELohim hoped would not happen happened : that some people would make Y'shua a false god but LORD ELohim did save tens of thousands of children and adult humans from being sacrificed to other false gods and that is what mattered to Him . Sacrificing the perfect Jewish man named Y'shua was not what LORD ELohim wanted to ever do , it goes against His nature but it did work . The sacrifice of children and adult humans today is for the most part unheard of because of what LORD ELohim did for all mankind around the world back then and for all future generations since then .

- Remember again * much mankind * suffer here * on earth ark * and commits * suicide and died * . In past age and * even today * much mankind * bear much pain * within is * beyond bearable * and for many * Humanity * and animals made * suffer here * dreadful pain * on earth ark * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * as the Father * pity Mine * formed flesh * because pain an * much mankind * and animals made * hunger death * . LORD ELohim * as the Father * pities the * mortal life * on earth ark * . Much mankind * and animals made * endure hidden * pain now and * hunger death * . In past age and * even today * Catholic decree * the suicidal * flesh do sin * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * the suicidal * do not a sin * . I AM HE saying * Humanity * of Catholics * and any pope * rethink God * thy Father * LORD ELohim * . God of Israel * Abba cares about * Humanity * and animals made * and their life * on earth ark * . As the Father * LORD ELohim * pity Mine * mortal life * on earth ark * . Remember again * I created them * on earth ark * . Again remember * of Catholics * and any pope * My children * the suicidal * do not a sin * .

NOTES : ( B ) Revelation 13 : 4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast : and they worshipped the beast , saying , Who is like unto the beast ? who is able to make war with him ? LORD ELohim said this verse He was behind and gave information about it to His prophet Daniel to write about first long before Y'shua lived . To answer the question were using the Little Book code . The question is : Who is like unto the beast ? = 1566 The European Community = 1566 The United States of America = 1566 . Who's the beast ? That's a wait and see question if this prophecy comes true . LORD ELohim says just because the European Community and the United States are like unto the beast does not mean either one could not be the future beast . Many people believe the beast is the antichrist and a second Rome will be revived as a ten nation federation during the tribulation . The antichrist could be a Gentile of any race but not a Jew . The name Gentile means if your not a Jew you are a Gentile even if you are of the white Hebrew race . The Little Book says that this federation is ten states and not ten nations and that this leader will have ten friends to rule over each of the ten states like kings or emperors . Ten existing nations is a small chunk of the world while ten new states of this second Rome can be all the world . It's a wait and see event .

- This Heaven * all infinite * even of space * . Yahweh home * in the Heaven * . Yahweh home * on earth ark * be Jerusalem * . Jerusalem be * God of Israel * ordained home * of the Jews * and is Israel * . Before time Abba be * as Spirit * in the Heaven * . LORD ELohim * created Heaven * and Spirit a * Heaven beings * . As Spirit * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * all Souls * as Spirit * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * all flesh here * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * creation God * and called LORD Abba ( LORD Father ) * . Remember again * God I AM is one * creation God * and one Father * regarding man * and animals made * an plant seed * and all trees * an much more * on earth ark * .

( 2 : 18 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim says space is without an end to His knowledge of space and that so called Big Bangs can happen on their own without His help . He says it is possible that far far beyond our view and away from earth and all galaxies and our universe there may be other universes like ours and can be just as big but without any life , either Spirit or flesh . Some people believe in a parallel universe somewhere where our exact same twins are living the exact same life as each of us do here . LORD ELohim says that's a silly belief .

- In past ages * Babel religion * had many gods * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * of Catholics * had many god's * an a DNA flesh god * called Jesus * . Behold today * God of Israel * YHWH calls * Catholics as a * Babel religion * .

NOTES : Just a reminder the man Christians call Jesus real name was Y'shua and not Jesus . The name Jesus is Greek and not Hebrew . The man was a Jew of the tribe of Judah . Again his name was Y'shua . LORD ELohim wants us to use Y'shua's real name in the Little Book .

- A man Y'shua be a * faithful man * of our I AM HE * creation God * LORD ELohim * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * teach Jewish * Judaea people * faithful man * called Y'shua * not a God to * . Within man * called Y'shua * hidden Soul * and a Spirit * LORD ELohim * called Joshua * . Hidden Soul * and a Spirit * called Joshua * not a God to * . In past age and * even today * churches lie * . Y'shua called * a God of the Bible * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * I AM is ONE God * . Fig religion * Torah tell * Humanity* God of Israel * LORD ELohim * I AM is ONE God * . in past age and * even today * churches lie * Y'shua like * LORD ELohim * . Churches lie * faithful man * called Y'shua * a savior God * . Catholic decree * LORD Abba three * ancient Gods * . Catholic decree * preacheth a lie * that Abba three * ancient Gods * even today * . Remember again * Humanity * thy Father * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * . LORD ELohim * ONE Father and * creation God * .

( 2 : 19 ) NOTES : As above LORD ELohim refers to the Jews in the Bible as " Figs " . The name " Abba " in Hebrew means Father . The name Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is not in the Little Book for a reason : LORD ELohim says such a Spirit does not exist . Y'shua is not a God , the Holy Spirit is not a God which means LORD ELohim is ONE God as the Jews have always said Him to be .

NOTES : Is Y'shua coming back to set up a kingdom on earth ? LORD ELohim says " no " and for the simple reason that Y'shua the flesh man is dead and has been dead for almost two thousand years . There is no afterlife for flesh including you and it was also so for Y'shua . The words " Thy Kingdom Come " means nothing to LORD ELohim because He never planned for anything like that to happen and knows that Y'shua never said anything like that either when he was alive . ( B ) Revelation 21 : 10 - 27 tells about a city , the holy Jerusalem , descending out of heaven from God . It goes on to tell about the city and what it is made of such as jasper , sapphire , emerald , topaz , jacinth , amethyst , pearl , gold and other precious stones . It says the city is foursquare and lenght and breadth and height is twelve thousands furlongs and so on . People need to understand that Spirit cannot build anything like this . First : if LORD ELohim wanted to build a city He would have to hire flesh people to do it because Spirits just go through these stones so there is nothing coming down from Heaven . Second : LORD ELohim does not want a city or even a throne to sit on . Third : Spirit don't need food , air , cloths , homes , they do not feel heat or cold , they can go anywhere in the universe without a spaceship and so on . They don't want or need anything common to the wants and needs of people . They only things Spirits want is to play , sing , dance , laugh and love and have fun and LORD ELohim is no different . If you knew LORD ELohim and other Spirits you would know that a human wrote about this city and not God . LORD ELohim has never had a throne or a mansion and does not want one even now . The way these Bible verses read is like LORD ELohim would do nothing but sit day and night on a throne within these city walls with people and Spirits doing nothing more then worshiping Him . LORD ELohim is not like that . LORD ELohim is like all Spirits , He just wants to have fun with His Spirit children so what is written in these verses will never ever happen . LORD ELohim says He never inspired anyone to write the verses about the city and He is sure John did not write them either . It's got a humans wants and hopes written all over it , not a Spirits . Joshua the Spirit who guided the Jewish flesh man called Y'shua is not coming back either . This Spirit has been in Heaven having fun since Y'shua's death and that's not going to change for him . Nobody who is Spirit is coming to set up a Kingdom here on earth because nobody wants to . LORD ELohim never said this would ever happen to any person or Spirit . Imagine being a Spirit , would you want to be stuck with house work ? Spirits are completely free of any needs and only want to love each other and to have fun for all eternity . LORD ELohim is not the only Spirit tired of us .

- Loving God Abba * created Heaven * . In the Heaven * mean galaxies * . This Heaven * all infinite * even of space * . YAHWEH home * in the Heaven * . YAHWEH home * on earth ark * be Jerusalem * . Before time Abba be * as Spirit * in the Heaven * . The stars a * image of Heaven * .

- Y'shua ( Jesus ) teach * God I AM is One * creation God * and One Father * . Y'shua teach * God of Israel * He is YAHWEH * . Y'shua teach * I am not God : Abba be * God of Israel * and One Father * . Y'shua teach * before time Abba be * LORD ELohim * in the Heaven *. Y'shua teach * Humanity * ; in the Heaven * God of Israel * EL Roi create * many Angels * as Spirit * . Y'shua teach * Humanity * YAHWEH home * in the Heaven * . Y'shua teach * YAHWEH home * on earth ark * be Jerusalem * . Y'shua teach * God of Israel * love Jews * about earth * . Y'shua teach * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * loves My * Humanity * who are good * . Y'shua teach * Israel flock * God of Israel * chosen flock * that are Jew * in past age and * future as * in past ages * .

NOTES : Just because your ancestors were Hebrew , of the white race , and once called Israel home and were Jewish who's faith was Judaism does not make you still part of the chosen flock . You gotta be a Jew and of the faith of Judaism to still be regarded as LORD ELohim's chosen flock . A Hebrew white race Christian or of any other religion that is not Judaism is a Gentile and no longer of the chosen flock . This opens the door to the " beast " or " antichrist " being a Gentile white boy .

( 2 : 20 ) NOTES : The concept of ' time ' is a mortal life thing . Spirits are infinite and have no reason to think about time . Anything regarding our trial time we humans have been counting the days not God . Without us humans counting the days LORD ELohim would not know what the time is . LORD ELohim only started thinking about a timeline when He gave mankind 6000 years to prove ourselves one way or another . ( B ) Revelation 10 : 6 And sware by Him that liveth for ever and ever , who created heaven , and the things that therein are , and the earth , and the things that therein are , and the sea , and the things which are therein , that there should be time no longer : What LORD ELohim means " that there should be time no longer " is when our trial time is over and His judgment is made . In other words in 2000 A.D. our trial time ended and LORD ELohim made His judgment of mankind and we failed our 6000 year test . Today is the Sabbath Day and God has no reason to think about time any longer .

NOTES : LORD ELohim wants people to remember this : There is no way that God can heal a toxic and scorched earth . If people have a " nuclear hell " there is nothing LORD ELohim can do to purify the earth so it is habitable for a healthy flesh and plant life again . Being alive at the time of an all out global nuclear war would be hell but surviving it and living after it would not be much better for a very long long time . In ( B ) Revelation 21 : 1 - 2 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth : for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away ; and there was no more sea . And I John saw the holy city , new Jerusalem , coming down from God out of heaven , prepared as a bride adorned for her husband . If this was truely witten by John the man was having some very weird dreams . This will not happen . Heaven is said by God and even by scientists to be 15 to 18 billion years old and God says it's even alot older then that . LORD ELohim says some of it is much much older then what scientists think and remember not all the universe was created at the same time . Even LORD ELohim is alot older then 18 billion years . LORD ELohim Himself says He cannot suddenly make the whole universe including the earth disappear and within a moment make a whole new universe and a new earth appear . LORD ELohim often says to the readers of the Little Book " think not beyond logic " and He is saying that about this subject to . Many people believe LORD ELohim can do anything He wants to do and that is not true . God cannot make a whole new universe in a moment but if you give Him alot of billions of years He can . LORD ELohim did not create all that is by simply saying a word . Moses simplified alot about creation . It took LORD ELohim billions of years to just create you by first creating simple bacteria . From simple bacteria which He created He learnt what was needed to create living organisims from simple dust . Step by step God created and learnt . Do you know what the differance is in animals that have instinct and those with free will ? God did not know that either for billions of years but He figured it out by trial and even alot of errors . Do you know why dinosaurs grew fifty feet high and mankind about six feet on average ? God did'nt know that answer either when He was creating at the time of dinosaurs and He calls that one a big mistake but He learnt from even the errors He made . Your existance today came from LORD ELohim playing with dirt making something alive and trying to better it over billions of years and learning from what He did . Your great great great .... family ancestor is simple bacteria that God first created billions of years ago on this earth and even this bacteria needed a Soul to function and to be a living thing . Now think not beyond logic . Did LORD ELohim create you by simply saying a word or were you billions of years in the making before you became life ? God says think about it .

- Behold today * many noted * Hebrew lands * on earth ark * . Jerusalem be * Hebrews land * in past age and * even today * . Remember again * Abrahams son * little Isaac * start the * Israel flock * and white race * . Behold today * Israel flock * and nations * and white race * about earth * . God gave lands * fully to * Israel flock * . Ephriam home * My Britain * and colonies * and land called Canada * and others be * Hebrew lands * . My Britain * a motherland * of many I call * Hebrew lands * . Manasseh land * formed America * . LORD ELohim * God gave land and * Israel alone * too Hebrew * Jews of the * Israel flock * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * maketh many * Hebrew lands * north here * on earth ark * in past age and * even today * .

( 2 : 21 ) NOTES : This is about the Little Book and the last verse about it . ( B ) Revelation 10 : 11 And He said unto me , Thou must prophesy again before many peoples , and nations , and tongues , and kings . This is not going to happen . At best the global internet is going to have to do . God is OK with this .

NOTES : LORD ELohim does not believe in ghosts of dead people but alot of people in the past and even today do believe in ghosts . LORD ELohim thought about this and He knows this has nothing to do with Spirits . A long time ago when the first person cliamed to have seen a ghost God came up with the only possible cause for this but still this is very very unlikely . God and Spirits have been around Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity and animals a long time and none of them have ever seen a ghost or felt one or what ever.

- In ghosts * energy like * electric field * hath energy * and bodies death * made ghosts * . Flesh formed * spook image * . Human bodies * and animals made * electric field * begat spook * . Human bodies * and animals made * electric field * made ghosts * . LORD ELohim does not believe this is possible but since they are not Spirits the only other possiblity would be an electric field because all flesh do have that . But the problem is why do people claim to see mostly people ghosts and not dogs , cats , cows , dinosaurs and so on . Flesh is flesh no matter what species . Where are all these ghosts ? What holds the electric field together and for how long and if needed what recharges it . Why is it said that ghosts repeat what they experianced in the life of their flesh like battlefield fights . What kind of a mind would a ghost have and how smart ? Why is it said they are mostly found in dark and dreary places ? Would you realy be experancing a true afterlife and completely aware of it or would you be dead knowing nothing and the electric field is doing what it does without any aspect of you ? Again LORD ELohim says this is very unlikely to happen . Since ghosts are definitely not Spirit and definitely not Spirit Souls and probably not an electric field then of what matter are they made of ?

( 2 : 22 ) NOTES : Alot of people who believe they are saved believe when they die a time will come in the future when their dead rotten bodies are raised from the grave by LORD ELohim and the body is glorified which means something like : free of sin an all its effects like death of the body . Before you were conceived you did not exist and how bad was that for you ? Death is no different , you just go back to being nonexistent again . LORD ELohim says He cannot change flesh into Spirit or raise the dead bodies from the grave and make them glorified whatever that means . Many people believe the reason we die is because we sin and some people believe the sins of Adam and Eve is carried onto our lives and thats why we die no matter how good we are . Again that is not true : our sins are our own and so to with Adam and Eve . LORD ELohim says the reason we die is because we are flesh and all flesh is mortal and sooner or later will die . To die is the normal nature of all mortal life . Had Y'shua who was perfect and without sin not died on the cross he would have died shortly after that time of disease or later from old age . All flesh is mortal and has a time limit regarding how long we have life and there is nothing LORD ELohim can do about that . Again think not beyond logic . How is God going to open billions of graves or even find all of the graves in land and sea and all creamated remains thrown to the wind on a mountain top or wherever and glue the little specks of dust of the body back together again onto bone fragments and make a working body out of that ? Do you really believe LORD ELohim will know a tiny peace of dust is of the bladder and not a finger ? Many people believe all mankind since the time of Adam and Eve will have their bodies raised from the grave including all unsaved sinners who they believe are the ones going to hell . Have you ever done a thousand piece puzzle ? Imagine God trying to put one body back together again like a billion piece puzzle with no pictures or different colors . LORD ELohim is not even going to try to do this with even one corpse : it's not going to happen . LORD ELohim is honest about this : He does not know how to do this and more important He never said to mankind He would do this . This is another error in many religions around the world : not just Christians . So what we know now is that this is it , this life you have now is the only life you will ever have so make the best of it while you can .

- LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * Humanity * and made animals * an plant seed * and all trees * an much more * on earth ark * for Himself * an all He loved * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * grow evil * and hatred here * spread evil * about earth * . God of Israel * EL predicts * soon a time * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . Nuclear hell * heat power * alone burned * My children * Humanity * and animals made * an plant seed * an much more * about earth * . Nuclear hell * made poison * as radiation * on earth ark * . Radiation as * poison made * much mankind * and animals made * an the plant *an plant seed * an much more * die from dreaded * nuclear hell * .

- Armageddon began * as global war * . Men of science * who did evil * partners * federal office an a * empire leader * who did evil * . LORD ELohim * EL predicts * nuclear hell * bomb bloodbath * as global war * time cometh * soon at hand *. Bomb bloodbath * kill most * humanity * and animals made * and turns * food for life * plants black * . Famine kills * most all and * remaining of * Humanity * and animals I AM * God of Israel * did made of flesh * . I AM HE saying * nuclear hell * on earth ark * a rising chance * even today * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * hath finished * with flesh a * failed being called * Humanity * and animals made * .

( 2 : 23 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim does not get these verses ( B ) Ephesians 1 : 3 - 5 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ , who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ : According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world , that we should be holy and without blame before him in love : having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself , according to the good pleasure of his will , . First : nobody whom LORD ELohim works through ever loses their free will . Moses could have walked away from what God asked him to do at any time but Moses chose to help LORD ELohim for He was Moses God and Moses wanted to help his people and Moses knew God was trying to do the same thing . Regarding the verses above : most make no common sense to LORD ELohim or me . The word foundation means before the creation of the world we live on . The next verse LORD ELohim does not know what " spiritual blessings " is suppose to mean or what spiritual blessings has to do with " heavenly places " . In the Dictionary the word spiritual means " of or having to do with the spirit as distinct from the body or material things " . Mortal life does not have that kind of Spirit which would go to Heaven and us with it so to have eternal life . Were some people chosen by God to be saved before the foundation of the earth ? Were these names written in the Book of Life before the creation of the earth ? How would that have been possible ? God did not even imagine us humans at that time in His life . It took billions of years after the earth existed for God to realize He could make creatures like us out of dirt . If some people were chosen and others not how fair would that be to good people who's names are not in the book . Again remember many people believe there is only three places where people will go to for all eternity and remember they believe all people from the time of Adam will be raised from the grave . Those places are Heaven , Hell and the Lake of Fire . Why would God chose some and not others if He knew the others not chosen would suffer great pain and agony and emotional suffering for all eternity in hell and then the Lake of Fire ? Now we are back again to people who believe LORD ELohim is a very very very mean and wicked God . LORD ELohim did not chose anyone for anything before the earth existed . God did not even know what He could create from dust back then . We are not predestined puppets who's lives are foreordained by God Himself . Do you really believe LORD ELohim would choose some people for Heaven and at the same time knowing He has also chosen the others for hell and great suffering ? What kind of crazy and wicked God do you think your Father LORD ELohim is ? God has been testing the human species for 6000 years so why would He do that if He already knew the outcome for all people before the earth even existed ? Verse 5 says that the predestined people who are saved , who are the children of their father Jesus Christ will be adopted by LORD ELohim . Christians believe Y'shua is the only son of God LORD ELohim therefore they believe Y'shua must have created all that was created , even humans . This would make Y'shua our Father and not LORD ELohim which is a great lie made by the Christian church . LORD ELohim created all that was created . Y'shua created nothing . LORD ELohim is our Father and only Father and not Y'shua . We are all sons and daughters of LORD ELohim just as Y'shua was also . There is no reason why LORD ELohim would have to adopt us to make us His children because we have always been His children . There are some people who believe it is Y'shua adopting the saved people from LORD ELohim but that would mean LORD ELohim is the true Father of Humanity and that's not what many believe . Confusing , isn't it . If there is one important thing to take away from this is that LORD ELohim " did not " predestine any person's life and certainly not before the earth was even created . Again remember there is no hell or lake of fire . Just adding some last thoughts here . It does not matter who is adopting people because in Heaven God and Spirits do not own anything . There is only one Father of all created and that's LORD ELohim and that's just a fact , so why would God or Y'shua feel the need of ownership of people now ? That's a big change in God's true nature , to want ownership of something . Adoption of people makes no sense because there is no reason for it .

NOTES : Many people believe that when they are of a certain faith God's Spirit or even Y'shua's Spirit enters their body and has some control over them . LORD ELohim is a big Spirit compared to most Spirits but He is still not more then ten feet tall . How can God as one Spirit share His Spirit ten foot body with a billion people ? The Holy Spirit does not exist and it not in anyway a part of God's Spirit ten foot body . The Spirit Joshua who helped Y'shua when he was alive is about four inches in height so that is not him in peoples bodies . Y'shua is dead so that's not him . When you choose to become involved in a religious faith LORD ELohim says there is nothing that happens to you that is Spirit related .

- In past ages * and billions * as years ago * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * began several * organism an * create bacteria * on earth ark * . Again remember * God created it * an organism * and billions * as years ago * wherein began * mortal life * on earth ark * . First DNA as * bacteria form * mortal life * . His one celled * bacteria from * dry dust * and sea water * need a Soul an * as Spirit * . From bacteria * LORD ELohim * arise stable * mortal life * . Mortal life * for any life * need within * hidden Soul * . Formed flesh * an the plant * and animals made * and much more * mortal life * need within * hidden Soul * . You flesh * who read hath * hidden Soul * . Again remember * for any life * need within * hidden Soul * . All Souls * as Spirit * give life here * on earth ark * to all life and * the flesh man * an ye woman * . In past ages * an all long ago * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * a living being * of free will * on earth ark * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * Mine Grays * first for * free will as a * choice doings * . Mine Grays * a DNA creature * an flesh body * first for * a free will as * alike ours * . Remember again * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * begat Gray E.T. * on earth ark * an all long ago * . And God blessed * Mine Grays * on earth ark * and hope none * grow evil * about earth * . LORD ELohim * then test * Mine Grays * . Mine Grays * on earth ark * all grow in * numbers and * grow evil * about earth * . Again and again is * Mine Grays * fearful war * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * last war did * end most of * Mine Grays * and most all * mortal life * on earth ark * . Remaining of * Mine Grays * left planet * . Remaining of * Mine Grays * flee in their * spacecrafts * an spaceship * . EL Roi speak * Mine Grays * in great failed * trial before * Mine Grays * last war did * end most of * Mine Grays * on earth ark * . Mine Grays * spacecrafts * an spaceship * that are near * a earth star * . Humanity * look up at * Mine Grays * spacecrafts * about earth * even today * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * as the Father * Abba again made flesh * of free will * on earth ark * . Anunnaki a E.T. * a DNA creature * an flesh body * LORD ELohim * EL Roi form * . Anunnaki a E.T. * were second * of free will * EL Roi create * on earth ark * . Again thy God * teach love as * food for life * . Like Gray made * Anunnaki a E.T. * all grow in * numbers and * grow evil * on earth ark * . Anunnaki all a * mortal life * again begin war * about earth * . In past ages * an all long ago * all E.T.'s war * on earth ark * and in far space * . All E.T.'s war * happens again * and happen again * about earth * . Anunnaki a E.T. * last war did * kindled earth * . Anunnaki a E.T. * last war did * end most of * mortal life * on earth ark * . Remaining of * all a Anunnaki * flee in their * spacecrafts * an spaceship * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * Anunnaki a E.T. * in great failed * a flesh trial * on earth ark * . Remember again * all a Anunnaki * mortal life * of free will * be from earth * . Remember again * Mine Grays * be from earth * . God of Israel * had long after * all a Anunnaki * flee old earth * again Abba made flesh * of free will * . God of Israel * as the Father * Abba again made flesh * an plant seed * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * EL Roi create * Humanity * on earth ark * . Humanity * third LAST * earth heirs * . Humanity * third form * of free will * EL Roi created * on earth ark * . Adam first as * Humanity * . Adam and Eve home * on earth ark * within Eden * . Humanity * we are third * a flesh trial * and us last * of free will * . Again thy God * LORD ELohim * teach love as * food for life * . Humanity * all grow in * numbers and * grow evil * on earth ark * . In past age and * even today * feeble humans * fight wars * about earth * . Behold today * feeble humans * yet war and * plot evil * about earth * . Human love * again and again fail * on earth ark * . Humanity * in great failed * at love here * . Behold today * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * hath finished * a flesh trial * on earth ark * . Take heed earth * Humanity * soon a time * this age ends * . LORD ELohim * tested thee * . Humanity * in great failed * on earth ark * because of hate * . Humanity * made love cold * and beheld hatred * about earth * . People war * about earth * and for many * reason for * fearful war *. People war * about earth * happen again and * happens again * . Humanity * path did not * keep all LORD * EL Ten Laws * or repent * . Mankind did fail * life trials * on earth ark * and most all * mankind die off * because of hate * in past ages *. Even today * Humanity * beheld hatred * and yet war * about earth * on Last Day * of trial date * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * forsake I AM HE * LORD ELohim * . Today behold * LORD ELohim * I AM HE forsake * Humanity * on earth ark * .

NOTES : The letters E.T. means Early Trial . Both Grays and Anunnaki were early trials for flesh creatures like us of free will and created on this earth . LORD ELohim says Humanity are the LAST earth heirs meaning LORD ELohim has given up creating mortal life of free will that are loving , peaceful and caring on earth and soon all mortal life created will simply come to a end even animals and plants . Animals suffer here greatly to and LORD ELohim loves them to for He is also their Father . LORD ELohim has seen a great deal of cruelty to animals by people . The word " cruel " means someone who are fond of causing pain to other people and animals and delighting in their suffering . The word " forsake " means : give up ; leave alone ; abandon . In general mankind did abandon LORD ELohim first and His Laws the Ten Commandments and other teachings that would have allowed mankind to have a much more peaceful , loving and happy life . LORD ELohim worked very hard for six thousand years to guide us as a species to have a more loving and caring and peaceful life but that did not work . Our six thousand year trial is over , was over in 2000 A.D. and as a species we failed just as the Grays and Anunnaki did fail and for much the same reasons . LORD ELohim's judgement of our species is over and there is no going back now .

( 2 : 24 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim calls the Grays spaceships " earth stars " because they do look like stars when viewed from earth . Remember E.T. means Early Trials .

- LORD ELohim * God of Israel * JHVH reveal * Mine Gray and * Anunnaki a E.T. * not a god to * . In past ages * mankind gods * were often * all a Anunnaki . Remember again * life before man * Mine Gray and * Anunnaki a E.T. * all existed * on earth ark * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * I created them * on earth ark * in past ages * an all long ago * .

NOTES : Alot of people don't like what they are reading in the Little Book but LORD ELohim gave it His best to help us over the past six thousand years and over and over again we managed to make a mess of most His help . God tried though Adam , Moses , Abraham , Y'shua ( Jesus ) , even early Jewish prophets and so on to guide us to a loving and happy and peaceful life for all people on earth . If you were able to talk to LORD ELohim how many more years would you want from Him so all people on earth can get things right with God ? You know what would happen : every large religious faith in the world would say their faith is the perfect and only right faith and the wars begin . So much for all God's hard work teaching about peace and loving thy neighbour's . And what kind of government won't claim they are the perfect and right kind of government to rule the world and the wars begin and so on . And so much again for all God's hard work teaching about peace and loving thy neighbour's . LORD ELohim does not just mean your next door neighbour , He means nations about earth to . If LORD ELohim said we have ten years to bring about world peace everywhere on earth , no wars , no terrorism , no murders by governments or other people , all nuclear bombs destroyed , all cannons and guns destroyed , peace everywhere on earth and so on , do you really believe we could do it ? And that's just about peace on earth . What about children going without food , a home , a bed to sleep in , children working in sweat shops for a few nickels a day for very wealthy corperations and so on and on and on . What about elephants being slaughtered for their ivory tusks and other cruel behaviour of people and corporate farms toward animals of any kind . LORD ELohim does not mind if people eat meat as long as the animals live a good life and do not suffer at any time in their lives or at slaughter . Could you keep His Sabbath ? Could you ... ? Could you ... ? Could you ... ? It's a long list but the big question is could you obey LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments for ten years ? Could we all ? Think about it . Does LORD ELohim believe we could do that ? His answer is " No " .

- Churches lie * about an hell * for money * . Churches lie * scared early * Humanity * . Even today * churches lie * scare today * some minds * . Church too * preacheth a lie * that ELohim * is perhaps * like evil God * regarding man * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * no fable hell and * no hell grief * for world * Humanity *. Remember again * ELohim not * an naughty * evil Deity * . LORD ELohim * as the Father * He has pity * for world * formed flesh * and most all * Humanity * in past age and * even today * in man made hell * about earth * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * death only be * the endless * glad deep sleep * for world * Humanity * and animals made * . Mortal life * at death now * hidden Soul * as Spirit * he goes back to * a kingdom place * in the Heaven * . Do not fear : Abba be * LORD ELohim * as the Father * . LORD ELohim * Alpha loves * Humanity * and animals made * an the plant * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . Again fear not * our deaths * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * pity Mine * Humanity * and animals made * suffer here * from pains * an in hunger * . Humanity * and animals made * grieve much * about earth * . God of Israel * Abba grieve for * formed flesh * about earth * . I AM HE saying * soon at hand * mortal life * on earth ark * and far in space * all soon end * . Again fear not * our death and * glad deep sleep * .

( 2 : 25 ) NOTES : Some people reading the Little Book may be wondering if they will wake up tomorrow . It is definite that LORD ELohim will end all mortal life on earth and those in space one day but which day that is only LORD ELohim will know at that time . There is a few things with Spirits that God needs to finish with before He will end mortal life . Remember Sabbath Day lasts 1000 human years beginning in 2000 A.D. and it's 2021 so He has 979 years to decide that time . It could be soon or it could happen 979 years from now . No one knows , not even LORD ELohim at this time .

NOTES : There is one error with how the Ten Commandments are written according to LORD ELohim . Remember it is not easy for God to teach mankind anything . With me LORD ELohim has learnt a new way to communicate His wishes to me regarding the Little Book and much more . Moses got all else in the Ten Commandments perfect but Exodus 20 : 5 - 6 after .... serve them : for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God , visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me ; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me , and keep my commandments . First LORD ELohim is not a jealous God and He does not allow the wrong doings of mankind get to Him . LORD ELohim has dealt with the fact that humans have had thousands of false gods going back long before the time of Adam and since Adam people still have had many false gods . Even the Grays and Anunnaki's had many false gods . Second LORD ELohim would never ever put the sins upon the children for the mistakes and sins that their father or grandfathers and so on made . LORD ELohim would say that for thounsands He would have mercy for them that love Him and keeps His Commmandments . People are not puppets and we all make mistakes and sin during our lives . LORD ELohim would not judge anyone based on what their father or their ancient great grandfather did generations ago , right or wrong doings by them . LORD ELohim would judge us on what each of us did during our lives but remember this : LORD ELohim for the most part is not judging us as individuals , He has judged us as a species bases on what we have as a species done since Adam . Can you imagine God even trying to know all the billions of people who have lived ? The Christian Bible says " Thou shalt not kill " where it should say what the Torah says " You shall not murder " . God knows most people eat meat and He would prefer we gently " kill " the animal first before we start chopping it up and eating it . God knows where there are people who actually chop animals up before the animals are dead . LORD ELohim has seen alot of cruelty to animals in parts of the world and even in all parts of the world .

NOTES : We do work hard to not make errors in the Little Book but LORD ELohim did not chose a grade A student to do this work . So if there are spelling mistakes or the sentence is a little hard to understand : sorry about that . We do try to avoid that but I'm over sixty and have forgotten most I ever failed at in school . We will continue to avoid such errors . The word function I may have spelt function a few times .

NOTES : The Dictionary says that " the Soul is the spiritual part of a person and regarded as the source of thought , feeling , and action , and considered as separate from the body . Many religions believe that the soul and the body are separated in death and that the soul lives forever " . There is some truth here , in death of the flesh the Soul does leave the body and lives forever but without you . Many religions believe we live on some how as part of the Soul but that's not correct . The only purpose of the Soul is for the function of the flesh body and even plants and all other mortal life . LORD ELohim created us from dust and dust needs help from this type of Spirit to be a living being . The Soul has nothing to do with thought , feeling , or action . LORD ELohim gave us free will and a Soul causing us to think or feel or act certain ways would take away our free will to do these things on our own . To call a person a Soul is not right . The Soul is a Spirit and is never flesh and the same is that flesh is never Spirit also .

NOTES : LORD ELohim wants to remind you that the Book of Job in the Old Testament is " not a true story " and is certainly not about LORD ELohim because God would never do that to anyone . All species throughout the history of free will creatures : the Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity have wondered a thousand questions about LORD ELohim like who is God , what's He like , who created us , and so on . When bad things happen free will species often blamed LORD ELohim for their suffering and loss . People often thought their suffering was caused by God as a form of punishment . It is unknown who wrote Job . Many writings in Job does not seem to fit into the culture of ancient Judaism which is why some people believe it may have been written by a Gentile : a non - Jew . Some people believe it is the oldest Book in the Bible while others think Moses may have written it . The bottom line is that LORD ELohim never harmed any flesh this way . God does not have a ego that needs constant stroking by any being , Spirit or flesh . LORD ELohim has never had anything to prove with David ( Satan ) . In the New Testament the Bible says that LORD ELohim had created special Angels who do nothing but worship and praise Him day and night and constantly . That's not true . God does not even have a throne in Heaven or on earth . When LORD ELohim and many Spirits here about earth get back home to Heaven the only thing God and Spirit want to do is be with their Spirit family and have fun and enjoy life again like they use to . Who ever wrote Job was probably just writing a novel type book to try to explain what he thinks why bad things happen and trying to fit God into it also . Again the Book of Job is not true in anyway .

NOTES : People can be very strange . Their are many people who blame the Jew's back then and even Jew's today for the death of Y'shua on the cross . Some call the Jews " Jesus killers " . Most of these people have hatred for Jews because they believe the Jews caused the death of Y'shua . Most of these people are the same people who believe because of Y'shua's death on the cross for their sins they are going to go to Heaven someday and will not be going to Hell . Regarding these beliefs : What if Y'shua the Jewish " Lamb of God " never died on the cross for yours and theirs many sins ? Where would you be going then when you die based on your beliefs and many religious teachings ? You would be going to the fires of Hell then : right . It seems to LORD ELohim that you owe the Jews an apology and a great deal of thanks for helping LORD ELohim sacrifice " His Lamb " upon the cross for your many many sins . If you and all the rest of us did not sin and sin some more LORD ELohim would have had no reason to have sacrificed Y'shua upon the cross . Now who are the " Jesus killers " ? Remember again Jesus name was really Y'shua and again remember he was a Jew . LORD ELohim says it's a interesting " love - hate " relationship you and many others have going on there regarding your feelings toward the Jews . It's amazing how many people don't seem to know what the " Lamb of God " means . It means it was LORD ELohim who sacrificed the Jewish man called Y'shua on the cross for yours and many other peoples many sins . It was not the Jews or even the Romans who caused the death of Y'shua it was all people . Remember the main reason LORD ELohim sacrificed Y'shua was because there was so much sacrificing of human children and adults going on about earth . The only ones God knew were not sacrificing humans were the Jews because they obeyed God not to . The sacrificing of animals and humans to false gods goes back long before Adam even existed . As we wrote before LORD ELohim did not start the sacrificing of anything as a religious custom to false gods or even to Him but that became common all over the world and often it was human children sacrificed . LORD ELohim sacrificing Y'shua for all humans everywhere in the world eventually saved the lives of many thousands of children and adults over the many years . To blame Jews or even the Romans for the death of Y'shua is just wrong . The Lamb of God was LORD ELohim's Lamb He sacrificed for all people , especially for the children of the world .

NOTES : Abraham was chosen by LORD ELohim to be the first Jew and his wife Sarai also . Abraham and Sarai had no children so Sarai told Abraham to try to have a child with Hagar the Egyptian maidservent of Sarai and she did have a child the son of Abraham called Ishmael . Sarai finally did have a son of Abraham called Isaac . Isaac was the first to be called by God a Hebrew and a Jew and Isaac was also the first of the white race . Why was Ishmael not called a Jew or Hebrew by God ? From what I understand the reason was that Hagar was not a Jew . I hope this is right . Still today a child's Mother must be a Jew in order for the child to be a Jew . What the Dad is does not matter . That's why Ishmael was in no way a Jew even though his Dad Abraham was called a Jew by LORD ELohim . Again Ishmael's Mother was Egyptian so he could not have been a Jew .

NOTES : If Adam and Eve not sinned they would have both died anyway . LORD ELohim a very long time ago tried to make mortal life eternal but that never worked . Then knowing mortal life better LORD ELohim had chosen not to try to make any species made from dirt eternal because of the suffering and difficulties all animals faced in their life . Then species of free will even had many more difficulties . If God asked alot of people " would you want to be eternal the way you are now as flesh ? " He would also say " think about it very carefully before you give the answer " because most people would quickly say " yes " without thinking . God cannot change flesh to Spirit so eternal life for all mortal beings would be as flesh beings forever . LORD ELohim says He could not stop people or animals from aging because we need to age if we are to be more then a fertilized egg in the womb for all eternity and we need a womb and sperm to from older people to even exist . God created Spirit with His own hands to be like children and Spirits have no need to age past that where mortal life has many reasons to age . Somebody needs to get a job in the family and so on . How healthy would you be at two hundred or five thousand ? There would be no more government or company pensions at sixty five years of age any more so you would be working for all eternity also . There are hundreds of other things to think about with this question . God's wisdom is not to even try to give flesh eternal life and you will probably agree with Him if you really think about this . It's something to think about .

NOTES : Most all religious Book regarding LORD ELohim says God is a He . All Spirits are the same , they are all called male . There are a small group of people today trying to rewrite the Bible with God being called female . That's not right . LORD ELohim has called Himself to be a Father because that's what He wants people to think of Him as being .

NOTES : LORD ELohim said the cave man had to deal with illness from bacteria and viruses back in their time but there were not as many different bacteria and viruses causing diseases as there are today . All bacteria and viruses need Souls just as we do but God cannot single out certain bacteria or viruses to not have Soul Spirits because we need good bacteria for us and all mortal life to live . It's a all or nothing situation .

End Of What's New #2