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Welcome to Update #17

Date: August 1 2023

Again the Little Book is not for everyone . What LORD ELohim is trying to do is teach mankind the truth and not everyone wants to know the truth . The LORD wants people to know the truth about Him and about Y'shua the Lamb of God and other things . The Christian Bible and even other religious books have errors and even lies . LORD ELohim wants to correct those errors and lies so you know what is the truth about many subjects in those books . LORD ELohim has always tried to help mankind live a good and peaceful and happy life . He hopes by you understanding the truth that may help you do just that .

This update begins with 1 Thessalonians . We have done several books written by Paul . There are a few books yet claimed to have been written by Paul . We know Pauls teachings and beliefs quite well by now so we are going to try not to write any repeats in these last books . If it’s new or important to write about we will do those verses .

CB means the Christian Bible . NT means the New Testament in the CB . OT means the Old Testament in the CB . JB means the Jewish Bible . LORD ELohim is one of the names of our God and Father . When we just write LORD it means LORD ELohim . Jesus was not the true name of the Lamb of God . This man's true Jewish name was Y'shua . We will use his true name Y'shua except when writing verses from the CB . We write the verses exactly as they are written in the CB . ..... means the full verse is not written . The Simple Truth means the true reason why LORD ELohim sacrificed the Lamb of God who's Jewish name was Y'shua . NIV means the New International Version of the CB . KJV means the King James Version of the CB . ( 17 : # # ) numbers the NOTES . NOTES are more information about various subjects . The Jewish mother of Y'shua name was Miriam and not Mary . Anyone called Mary in the CB , her real name was the Jewish name Miriam . C.E. means the Common Era as in A.D. . B.C.E. means Before the Common Era as in B.C. .

The Simple Truth

The Simple Truth is about why Y'shua the Lamb of God was sacrificed for the sins of most all mankind . LORD ELohim was the author of The Simple Truth . It was the LORD who was behind everything to do with The Simple Truth . LORD ELohim has since Adam and Eve tried to help us mortal humans to live a loving and happy and peaceful life but not a lot of what He tried worked very well . The LORD taught us the Ten Commandments in hope if we obey those Ten Laws so our lives would be happier and peaceful and loving but many people like the Christians believed they did not have to even try to obey those Laws and so did other people . So that did not work out very well except among the Jews who did try to obey His Laws . LORD ELohim noticed that most people were living a troubled life that was taking away their joy and peace of mind . For hundreds of years the LORD tried to teach people to forgive people who have done them wrong and to forgive themselves for the mistakes they have made . The LORD noticed that people kept a lot of regrets , anger and hate in their lives and that this emotional baggage was causing people much sorrow , no peace of mind , and took away joy and love in their lives . The LORD tried many times to teach people to forgive others and even to forgive ourselves but nothing worked . Long before Adam and Eve people had been sacrificing animals and even people and their children to false gods . This was so common that the LORD through the Jews tried to teach people how to sacrifice animals without the animals suffering and to not sacrifice any human adults or children . LORD ELohim was not the one who taught people to make sacrifices but it was common and people had an understanding of the meaning of their sacrifices so the LORD never tried to end the sacrifice of animals . The Jews had ritual sacrifices of animals for the forgiveness of their sins as the LORD taught them . About three hundred years before Y'shua lived the LORD came up with the idea to do what He did not want to do and had taught people to never do , to sacrifice a mortal man for the sins of most all people to be forgiven by Him . The LORD kept trying to teach people about the many benefits of forgiveness but nothing was working . So the LORD did what He never wanted to do , to sacrifice a mortal man for the sins of most all people so by that example most people would understand His forgiveness of their sins and disobedience . The LORD fertilized a woman's egg with sperm from a man and placed it in the womb of a Jewish lady named Miriam ( Mary ) . The Jewish child they named Y'shua as the LORD taught them to name him . LORD ELohim called this man the Lamb of God . The LORD taught John the Baptist about the Lamb of God and John the Baptist taught some people . John was also going to teach that LORD ELohim was going to forgive the sins and disobedience of most all people but not the cruel , wicked and evil people . Before John could teach that and why the LORD was to sacrifice the Lamb of God , John the Baptist was murdered but many Jews came to understand why LORD ELohim sacrificed Y'shua for the sins of most all mankind . LORD ELohim was teaching us about forgiving other people and forgiving ourselves for their mistakes and our own mistakes . The Jews were teaching people The Simple Truth but years later the Christians were going against the Jews . It became so dangerous for the Jews to teach The Simple Truth that they had to quit . The Roman Catholic Church killed people who did not believe what they taught . The Christians buried The Simple Truth in rules and false beliefs and lies . As years went by the Jewish people had forgotten what The Simple Truth was all about . Today LORD ELohim is using His Little Book to teach people again the truth of why He sacrificed His Lamb of God . It was so people would learn from Him the many many benefits of forgiving others who hurt them and to forgive ourselves for our mistakes . To rid us from the baggage of hate , anger and regrets and feelings of sorrow that were taking away from our happiness , joy and peace of mind . LORD ELohim has always tried to help mankind live a good life , a happy life , a peaceful life , a life worth living and that is what The Simple Truth was about . Y'shua was the ultimate sacrifice for the forgiveness of most all peoples sins . Y'shua was the willing Lamb of God . It was LORD ELohim who forgave most people of their sins : including all people in the past , present and future who were and are fairly good people . LORD ELohim never made rules for this . There was no need for a new religion . The Simple Truth needs no religion . Fairly good people were forgiven of our sins the moment the Lamb of God died on the cross . It was the Romans who helped the LORD sacrifice the Lamb of God far far more than the Jews did . LORD ELohim was the author of The Simple Truth . The LORD since the time of Abraham had always worked through the Jews but this time the Romans were used to because they ruled over the Jews at that time . The Simple Truth is : LORD ELohim was trying to teach us by His example how to forgive other people for the wrongs done to us and to forgive ourselves for the wrongs we have done to others . To rid ourselves of the burden of hate , anger , regrets , despair and a troubled mind . To more fully have happiness , enjoy our lives more , to have peace of mind , to live a better mortal life , to more freely love again . Out of LORD ELohim's great love for His mortal children the LORD has always tried to help us have a loving , joyful and peaceful lives including peaceful minds . This is what The Simple Truth was all about . The love of LORD ELohim and the love of the Jewish mortal human Lamb of God named Y'shua to help all mankind live a better life through forgiveness as the LORD has forgiven most of us . The Simple Truth has no rules or need of faith or to belong to any religion . LORD ELohim not forgiving the wicked and evil and cruel people is not a rule , it's just a fact . LORD ELohim would not expect the Jews to forgive Hitler and his goons just as the LORD has never forgiven them either and never will and He does not feel bad about that . The Holocaust is something that should not be forgotten but for the Jewish people not to let it ruin their lives . Remember but also put it in the past and live for today . Any other people who have suffered greatly to the LORD says the same to you : put it in the past as best you can and live for today .

( 17 : 01 ) NOTES : Just adding to an error we wrote about in the last update # 16 . Again LORD ELohim most all times will work through the Jews when dealing with mankind for any reason . We wrote that He had worked also through the Knights Templars who LORD ELohim created for Himself . When we were working on The Simple Truth the LORD said He worked far more through the Romans than the Jews to bring about the sacrifice of the Lamb of God named Y'shua . So the LORD has worked a few times through people who were not Jewish people in the past . The Knights Templars were Hebrews but not Jews and the Romans were not Hebrews or Jews . The Romans were ruling over the Jews at that time so it just made sense to use them for that purpose .

1 Thessalonians

Again we are not writing every verse in this and the following books claimed to have been written by Paul . We all probably know Paul fairly well now so we are just going to write about what needs to be written about instead of repeating what has already been written about . We will just write 1 Thess for this book . The Bible Version we will continue to use is the NIV and we are not going to write it in every verse as we have been doing . If we also use the KJV we will note that .

1 Thess 1 : 10 and to wait for his Son from heaven , who he raised from the dead - Jesus , who rescues us from the coming wrath . This will be an eternal wait . Y'shua is not in Heaven but his body is probably buried somewhere in Israel or in a bone box there . The only wrath that will probably come in the future is mortals against mortals and not divine punishment from LORD ELohim . People have got to stop thinking that LORD ELohim is a very wicked , cruel , evil and crazy God . Nothing is true in the CB about the LORD in the future slaughtering most all mankind , fish , animals and on and on . LORD ELohim is not going to do anything other than to go home to Heaven in the future .

1 Thess 2 : 4 On the contrary , we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel . Again LORD ELohim did not know this Paul guy . The LORD stayed in Israel for several months after Y'shua died . He wanted to be sure that Y'shua's wife and children and Y'shua's mother and others would be taken care of because the LORD says Miriam's husband Joseph was dead at that time . He also wanted to know what was being talked about among the Jews . The LORD says the Disciples did understand The Simple Truth and they taught The Simple Truth and they did not get beat up like Paul and others who were according to the CB teaching lies .

1 Thess 2 : 5 & 6 You know we never used flattery , nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed - God is our witness . LORD ELohim says He was not their witness . 6 We were not looking for praise from people , not from you or anyone else , even though as apostles of Christ we could have asserted our authority . What authority ? And who gave Paul that authority ? Not surprising .

1 Thess 2 : 10 You are witnesses , and so is God , of how holy , righteous and blameless we were among you who believed . Its easy to be a good boy for a couple of hours or days . Paul uses words like this about himself like they have great meaning about him . The LORD says only He can declare someone to be holy or righteous or even blameless . How can people like Paul who think so highly of themselves ever see the errors in their ways ?

1 Thess 2 : 13 .... when you received the word of God , which you heard from us , you accepted it not as a human word , but as it actually is , the word of God , .... The LORD says there is very very little in the Christian Bible that is His words . Pauls words were almost 100 % Pauls words and had not much at all to do with The Simple Truth . If anyones words were as if they were trying to create a new religion it was Paul's . But how much really is Pauls written words and how much was added by the Roman Catholic Church and others like those who wrote the over 200 Versions of the CB . Did Paul even really exist ? The LORD says Paul was no Jew , that He is sure of . The Disciples of Y'shua and the Jews after Y'shua's death had no problems believing The Simple Truth . The LORD said that the Disciples of Y'shua never taught that there was anything to do with eternal life regarding The Simple Truth .

1 Thess 2 : 14 & 15 14 .... : You suffered from your own people the same things those churches suffered from the Jews 15 who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out . According to a book the Catholic Church does not blame any individual people or group or race for the death of Y'shua . They teach that all sinners are responsible for Y'shua's death . That the LORD agrees with but that's about all the Roman Catholic Church has got right about The Simple Truth . We could only find one Prophet that was murdered and it was King Manasseh who had Isaiah murdered . LORD ELohim would not say that the Jews killed Isaiah but that the King Manasseh alone had Isaiah murdered . The British King Henry VIII murdered a couple of his wives . The British people were not accused of those murders just as the Jewish people should not be blamed for the death of Isaiah . The CB teaches Christians to praise LORD ELohim for the sacrifice of Y'shua then out of the other side of their mouths they condemn the Jews for the death of Y'shua like Paul does in these verses . Pick a side , it cannot be both . And pick the right side . Again remember LORD ELohim was the author of The Simple Truth and not the Jews or even the Romans . If you need to blame someone the only one to blame is LORD ELohim . Y'shua was the willing Lamb of God and Y'shua knew he would not be resurrected and his life would be over and yet Y'shua still agreed to be the Lamb of God . Y'shua understood what LORD ELohim was trying to do to help mankind and willingly truly did die for us . The LORD said that Y'shua was a holy and righteous and a deeply loving Jewish man and He still does miss him even today .

1 Thess 2 : 15 & 16 .... They displease God and are hostile to everyone 16 in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved . In this way they always heap up their sins to the limit . The wrath of God has come upon them at last . I asked LORD ELohim if He ever noticed the Jews heaping up their sins and He says that did not happen . The Jews were pretty much the only people who tried not to sin and they were mostly the only ones who tried to keep all the Ten Commandments . Paul is lying . LORD ELohim has never been into all this wrath stuff and He never will be . Again Paul is lying and he obviously was not much of a kind and loving man toward others . The LORD says that most Jews then did not believe in eternal life or even Jews today so again Paul is lying . Remember the Jews had a sacrificial ritual for LORD ELohim to forgive their sins so at the time of Y'shua not a lot of Jews were sinners but free of sins because they kept His Laws or were forgiven of their sins by LORD ELohim . The Jews then and now : many do keep the Ten Commandments and again they do have a ritual for the LORD to forgive their sins if they do error and break a Law . The Jews were the chosen people of LORD ELohim to help Him to communicate with mankind and the Jews were always willing to teach Gentiles all about LORD ELohim and other stuff just as they still do today . So again Paul is lying .

1 Thess 2 : 18 For we wanted to come to you - certainly I , Paul , did , again and again - but Satan blocked our way . Sure : blame it on David ( Satan ) . What was the real truth to this ? How could a Spirit block the road ? LORD ELohim knows that David had nothing to do with this very poor excuse of Pauls . David like the LORD never knew this Paul guy . Again David avoids anything to do with mankind and LORD ELohim has never minded that .

1 Thess 3 : 5 .... I sent to find out about your faith . I was afraid that in some way the tempter had tempted you and that our labor might have been in vain . In the CB the only one we know called the tempter is David ( Satan ) . Again David has nothing to do with people and remember that LORD ELohim never allowed Spirits or even Himself to interfere with people free will . I asked LORD ELohim if David tempted Y'shua in the wilderness for 40 days ? The LORD indicated No . The LORD says Y'shua was never in the wilderness for 40 days straight . In the hot wilderness without water or food , the likelihood of someone surviving is not very likely at all . Why do Christians believe LORD ELohim was and is a very wicked , cruel and evil God . The LORD was never cruel and wicked to Y'shua . He deeply loved Y'shua . Also LORD ELohim and teaching Spirits worked over 25 years with Y'shua to teach him The Simple Truth and that the LORD cannot resurrect the dead and other teaching . Like the LORD teaching any mortal it was not easy to teach Y'shua either but Y'shua did know fully The Simple Truth and he did understand fully that if he would agree to be the Lamb of God he can not be resurrected and his life would be over . Even knowing all that , Y'shua did agree to be the Lamb of God .

( 17 : 02 ) NOTES : I sometimes write LORD ELohim ' says ' something . Again no mortal can hear or see Spirits . I should write the LORD indicates what His answer is but its easier to write said or says . Indicates is not the best word for that either . So when I write says or said I mean He made known to me what the answer is to the question I asked . Again the Spirits can move my head in certain ways . Its become like a type of sign language with my head over the years .

( 17 : 03 ) NOTES : Since we are on the subject of David : that could work two ways . Paul says that David ( Satan ) could have tempted people into a different belief or disbelief of what Paul preaches . One could also say that David was behind the creation of the Christian religion and thats why the Christians went against LORD ELohim and caused many many problems for what LORD ELohim with Y'shua's help was trying to do to help mankind with . One could say that David was behind all the lies and errors within the Christian faith and on and on . There is a way to settle this . Lets say the truth , that LORD ELohim did not allow David or any Spirits to do anything to cause Him problems in what He was doing regarding The Simple Truth and that there is no evil Spirits and that the Christian Bible New Testament and all its lies and errors were written by mankind alone . LORD ELohim says He was behind the Little Book written by John in Revelation 10 . Most of Revelation 10 was not given to John by the LORD . The only words the LORD managed to get John to know is ' Little Book ' also called ' Little Scroll ' but he had no understanding what LORD ELohim's Book was all about . The rest of the verses in Revelation 10 John added or someone else added or both , and are all lies and the verses are way , way over dramatized by people who wrote it .

1 Thess 3 : 13 May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones . According to the CB no people will be ressurected before the first return of Y'shua . So who are the ' holy ones ' who Paul seems to claim are in Heaven with Y'shua . Y'shua was never in Heaven . The first resurrection is suppose to happen just before the seven year Tribulation Period happens when all hell breaks loose on earth beginning with the Seal Judgements . Christians claim that the seven Seals are the beginning of the wrath of God and its Y'shua who breaks all the seven Seals to start it . Revelation 5 : 1 - 5 . The first resurrection as with all resurrections is suppose to be a bodily resurrection of the dead , which means the mortal corpse is risen back to life . If that were to happen before the tribulation the risen dead mortal bodies would be stuck on earth for the tribulation period or until they die again from what killed them in the first place or are killed by mankind or by God's wrath they believe is coming . Being raised at that time would not be much of a good deal . Flesh and bone having been brought back to life would still be a mortal body and most Christians believe people do not get an eternal body until after the thousand year reign of Y'shua . Again believe this says LORD ELohim : Y'shua is not in Heaven because he is dead and neither are there any holy mortals in Heaven and LORD ELohim is not going to wrath against mankind and no peoples corpses are going to be resurrected from the dead . Death of mortals is eternal and always has been and it will always be that way .

( 17 : 04 ) NOTES : In only one Christian book does anyone mention this Little Book also called the Little Scroll of LORD ELohim . Mostly only in the Christian Bible are the two words ' Little Book ' written . In the book the writer is wrong in saying that the Little Book is full of prophecy about the coming tribulation . There is nothing in Revelation 10 that says that is what the Little Book is all about . What is written in the Little Book is mostly corrections of the lies and errors of what people believe and not just Christianity . It’s mostly about LORD ELohim teaching mankind the truth about many subjects and a lot more like The Simple Truth . LORD ELohim and other Spirits had never heard of the tribulation or the rapture or the wrath of God or and stuff like that until we started watching Christian T.V. preachers thinking I could learn something about Christianity through them . Watching T.V. preachers did not last long . They all taught the same verses and avoided the same verses to : boring when far less than a quarter of the CB is being used for preaching and their repeats and repeats are as common as in the CB NT itself . But what we did learn is that those shows are big money makers .

1 Thess 4 : 2 For you know what instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus . The LORD says Y'shua never met Paul so how could Paul be given authority for anything by Y'shua ? If you want people to think highly of you its a good line to start with among Christians .

1 Thess 4 : 3 - 6 Paul talks about people to be holy and honourable and about what not to do like sexual immorality passionate lust or taking advantage of a brother or sister . The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins , as we told you and warned you before . LORD ELohim says these are not sins but there is probably something about them in His teachings . The LORD says back then there were many diseases transmitted sexually as like today but only without a cure for most of them so He did try to teach people to not have sex until married and only within that marriage . The LORD says stuff like this don't rate to be punished for by Him . If the LORD would punish someone it would be rapists . The LORD has always tried to teach mankind wisdom so our lives are better and healthier but He cannot interfere in our free will , so what He taught , you still have a choice to obey or not .

1 Thess 4 : 8 Therefore , anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God , the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit . A lot of verses like this verse makes the Holy Spirit sound like that Spirit is apart of LORD ELohim and not a separate Spirit from the LORD . There is no Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost as some Christians call this Spirit and no part of the body of LORD ELohim is in all Christian people or in any people . How can Christians call the Holy Spirit a separate God , their third God , if it is part of LORD ELohim's Spirit body like Paul says ? Again there is no Holy Spirit says the LORD . The LORD never gave Paul such instructions to teach mankind . In the past Paul writes he did not get all he knows from man but only by revelation from the dead man Y'shua . If Y'shua were a God he would have known and taught there is no Holy Spirit or eternal life for mortals or , or , or .... . Again Y'shua was no God but a mortal man in everyway .

1 Thess 4 : 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again , and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him . Paul says ' believe ' probably because he has no more proof of Y'shua being raised from the dead then we do today . Most all Christians believe Y'shua is in Heaven so Paul is saying ' bring with Jesus ' meaning that believers in Y'shua who died are also in Heaven or that's what he seems to say . When people die nothing about them goes to Heaven says LORD ELohim . And Christian scholars say the resurrection of the dead will not begin happening until Y'shua first returns to earth some day in the future just before the tribulation period . So Paul saying that he gets all his knowledge from Y'shua or the LORD does not seem to know a lot of things he should know . To know all he thinks he knows would have taken years , hundreds of years , if the LORD with a teaching Spirit was teaching him . Paul was not a Prophet of LORD ELohim either . The LORD knows who are His chosen Prophets well .

1 Thess 4 : 15 - 16 According to the Lord's word , we tell you that we who are still alive , who are left until the coming of the Lord , will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep . 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven , with a loud command , with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God , and the dead in Christ will rise first . This is not the words of Y'shua or of LORD ELohim . It’s been about two thousand years since Paul is claimed to have written these verses . If Paul did exist not much of his corpse exists by now but he would not know that because he is dead . Fallen asleep means dead . Y'shua is not in Heaven : he never was in Heaven . Like any Spirit , a mortal could not hear the voice of an archangel . LORD ELohim has no lungs so a trumpet He could not blow . How is Y'shua who is dead himself suppose to raise many millions of Christians from their grave in one moment of time . Y'shua is called the Word only because John wrote that Y'shua created everything created by simply speaking words . It would take more than just words to dig up the graves of Christians and put their bodies back together because every resurrection is the mortal flesh and bone being raised , according to the CB . LORD ELohim the true creator of all created says there is no way that any mortal or Spirit could do that . Again the LORD says " Think Not Beyond Logic ."

1 Thess 4 : 17 After that , we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air . And so we will be with the Lord forever . If the living Christians had to wait until the dead Christians were all risen first , then the living Christians will die of old age and will be in their grave for many billions of years , waiting for Y'shua to finish glueing the dust of the millions of Christians who were in their graves back into a creature of some sorts . These creatures are not going to be pretty and the LORD will probably call them a new species of some kind . Do you really believe LORD ELohim can do that : bring all dead people back to life ? And how are the living mortal humans suppose go up into the clouds without a airplane to do that . In everything the LORD did , He had to deal with everything the way everything is in the nature of the universe , in the nature of atoms , in the nature of gravity , .... and the nature of mortals and the nature of Spirits . LORD ELohim cannot make the gravity of the earth change or the sun or anything else . He cannot change the nature of anything but with an understanding of what is the nature of things He created what He created . Another fact is that mortals die and there is no way around that fact either . Another fact is that the LORD cannot put dead people back together again and in such a way that those people know who they were , to know their past life . Our memory is far more complicated than what most people think . The LORD says there would be no memory of our past life , no memory of how to add two and two , no memory of family , no memory to the point it would not be you resurrected from the dead but like another person just created using your body . LORD ELohim would never try to raise mortal bodies back to life again because those people who died would have gained nothing and would not live again . Their body might be walking around but that person who died is not risen from the dead with the body . Again nothing is gained by a persons body being raised from the dead because all memory of their past life , who they were is completely gone .

1 Thess 5 : 1 - 3 Paul writes the ' day of the Lord ' time to come is something ' we do not need to write to you ' and then he writes 3 while people are saying , " Peace and safety ," destruction will come on them suddenly , ...and they will not escape . LORD ELohim for six thousand years worked very hard to help mankind live a life of ' peace and safety ' . Why would LORD ELohim or even Y'shua if he were alive cause destruction when the world is at a point where people feel peace and safety ? Again there is no wrath of God coming upon us . LORD ELohim says Paul never knew Y'shua the gentle , kind , caring and loving Jewish Lamb of God and Paul does not know LORD ELohim either .

1 Thess 5 : 9 & 10 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ . 10 He died for us so that , whether we are awake or asleep , we may live together with him . The LORD does not appoint anyone to His wrath . All the wrath stuff is not going to happen . In The Simple Truth there is nothing about salvation or wrath of God . There is nothing about life after death . The sacrifice of Y'shua had to do with teaching mankind the benefits of forgiveness and had nothing to do with anything else . There is no salvation for anyone including Christians . Verse 10 makes no sense . Paul uses the word ' awake ' for the living and the word ' asleep ' means those who are dead . How could Y'shua if he were alive be with the living and the dead people in their graves at the same time ? Paul does not write verse 10 like he is writing about the future but he maybe doing that . This did not happen in the past and will not happen in the future either . If Paul is writing about Y'shua as a Spirit , Spirits do not do graves : ever . There are no Spirits in any graves . The mortal man Y'shua is dead and like you he had no Spirit to call his own . Mortals do not live on after death in Spirits or as Spirits . Y'shua is not living today and will not live again in the future .

2 Thessalonians

( 17 : 05 ) NOTES : This book is another writing by Paul . Again we are writing anything that was written about before .

2 Thess 1 : 5 All this is evidence that God's judgment is right , and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God , for which you are suffering . Like 99 % of Pauls verses there is nothing here about The Simple Truth . The Simple Truth has nothing to do with a ' judgment of the LORD's ' or anything about the ' kingdom of God ' . Y'shua had nothing to do with any of this either . When Paul writes that believers are suffering it is not the Jews causing most all of their suffering if any . The Christian churches Paul writes to are not in Judea . Even the Christian churches that John is said to have written to in the book of Revelation 1 : 11 are not in Judea . So it was not the Jews causing much of anything in their sufferings who followed Paul . Paul did not spend much time in Judea but in places like Asia , Macedonia , Galatia , Syria , Cilcia , Lycia , Pamphylia , Cyprus , Crete , Samaria , Cappadocia , Philippi , Italia and the city or Rome but not in Judea where the Jews lived on their land . It was in Philippi that Paul was in prison . The LORD says there were not a lot of Jews in these pagan nations . Most of the tribes of Israel had already left Israel and the faith of Judaism . The Jews tried to stay on their land of Judea . In Revelation chapters 1, 2 and 3 it says Y'shua who was dead told John who was one of his Disciples to write to the seven churches . The places where the seven churches existed were all in Asia in the cities of Ephesus , Smyrna , Pergamum , Thyatira , Sadis , Philadelphia , Laodicea and none were in Judea . Again : not a lot of Jews lived in these pagan cities . So do not blame the Jews for the suffering of Paul and his followers . Obviously many pagans did not like Paul's teachings either .

2 Thess 1 : 6 & 7 God is just : He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you 7 and give relief to you who are troubled , and to us as well . This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels . Paul gets into trouble because of what he preaches and all his many rules and commands and thinking he is the KING above everyone . The LORD ELohim is not going to punish those people who kicked Paul and his followers in the ass . Paul got himself and his followers into that situation , not just among the Jews but among a lot of pagans . LORD ELohim and Y'shua had nothing to do with any of that . Spirits do not look like ' blazing fire ' says the Spirits . Not even LORD ELohim says LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim would not call the Angels ' powerful angels ' . Nothing here about The Simple Truth .

( 17 : 06 ) NOTES : The CB NT makes it sound like the Angels LORD ELohim created are ' Super Angels ' . One of the errors the CB often makes is about Angels . LORD ELohim is about eight feet tall . Archangels are the big six foot tall Angels . Most all Spirits are about six inches big . The teaching Spirits are the little Spirits . Often in the CB it says stuff like in Revelation 2 : 1 " To the angel of the church in Ephesus write : .... According to John all seven churches have an Angel . Again the LORD ELohim had nothing to do with these churches so these churches would not have any Angels . Often the words ' seventh Angel ' is used in the CB a lot especially in Revelation . I asked the LORD if there are a lot of the big Angels and He indicated that He only made six of the Archangels and the rest of the Angels are the little ones the LORD ELohim made . So when it comes to ' powerful Angels ' there are none . There is not a lot that LORD ELohim or even the six Archangels or even the many thousands of little Angels can do when it comes to mortals . Powerful Angels do not exist . Paul writes a lot about stuff that he could not possibly know . How LORD ELohim communicates with me He did not know how to do that back then . It’s something He just recently learnt how to do . Even with that I'm still not beyond making errors like about Souls . But about Angels I'm sure this is right .

2 Thess 1 : 8 He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus . Paul himself does not know God : LORD ELohim . Anyone who believes in a coming wrath of God does not know God . Anyone who believes all written in the CB NT and even the book of Job in the JB does not know God . .....

2 Thess 1 : 9 - 10 They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might 10 on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed . This includes you , because you believed our testimony to you . Like all so far in 2 Thess and in most all of his writings in his other books : what does this have anything to do with The Simple Truth ???? Again even Paul does not know God at all so if these verses were true even Paul would be punished for all eternity just because he does not know LORD ELohim either . The LORD would not punish people because they do not know Him because where is the proof that He even exists . I know He exists and He hopes people will think about His Little Book and come to know Him because His Little Book is the best He can do for that . The LORD is not going to punish any people just because they do not know Him . How can the LORD destroy people and then say to them to shut the door behind you ? That makes no sense . Paul is writing about Y'shua , not LORD ELohim . Y'shua is dead and not coming back and Christians are not LORD ELohim's holy people and never were and never will be . Paul often says that people must believe HIS teachings to be saved . No mortal will be saved for eternal life , including Paul and all his followers and all other Christians to .

2 Thess 2 : 2 - 4 Paul writes about when Y'shua will return . Paul says that will not happen until the man of lawlessness is revealed. This man Paul claims will set himself in LORD ELohim's Temple and will proclaim himself to be God . That would mean the third Temple in Jerusalem would have to be built . The pagans destroyed the first two Temples . Like LORD ELohim said in the past : He has no desire for the third Temple to be built in Israel and He hopes what the cost of a Temple would be will go to feed and shelter and take care of the needs of His Jewish people in many nations and Israel . The LORD would say that to any nations people , to care for the needs of your people instead of spending your money for just stuff you do not need . So if the third Temple is not built in Israel by the Jewish people : that prophecy of Paul's will never come true . Paul was never a Prophet of LORD ELohim's or even Y'shua's when he was alive . Again : neither Y'shua or LORD ELohim knew this man Paul .

2 Thess 2 : 6 - 9 And now you know what is holding him back , so that he may be revealed at the proper time . 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work ; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way . 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed , whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendour of his coming . 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works . We tried but this makes no sense . Maybe the Christian ministers at the gatherings know what these verses means . There is to many ' he ' and not enough names . We know Y'shua is dead and we know LORD ELohim does not allow Spirits , not even David ( Satan ) to interfere with peoples free will and we know there is no Holy Spirit . Who is the one who holds it back and will be taken out of the way ?

2 Thess 2 : 10 - 12 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing . They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved . Most Christians believe in the book of life which was said to have been written before the earth was created . Many Christians believe only their names were written in that book and therefore are saved . Maybe someone forgot to put the names of these people Paul says are perishing in that book or they ran out of ink and paper . Again there is no book of life . The word perish means to be distroyed or die . Obviously Paul himself perished just like every mortal does perish . If people could live for all eternity LORD ELohim would never cause someone to perish just because they did not believe what Paul teaches . Even the LORD does not believe most all of what Paul teaches and the other books written by other people in the CB to . Paul does not teach almost anything about The Simple Truth . 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness . Again : Paul does not know LORD ELohim or even Y'shua . The LORD would never be the cause of a delusion . Paul uses the word ' lie ' twice in verse 9 and verse 11 but he does not say what the lie is that he is writing about . Just because people do not believe in Christianity does not mean they delight in wickedness as Paul writes in verse 12 . This is a good example why LORD ELohim would never allow a mortal to judge the lives of other mortals . The LORD has never had a problem with people not believing the Christian faith . The LORD never believed in it either .

2 Thess 2 : 13 ... loved by the Lord , because God chose you as first fruits to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth . The LORD did not chose who would be Christians . That would interfere in our free will and He also calls Christians pagans . Why would LORD ELohim give a Spirit to some people but not to all people . The LORD says that would not fair . This Spirit probably means the Holy Spirit and that Spirit does not exist . So far in all of Pauls writings he does not know the truth about The Simple Truth either . Paul writes about what he understands about himself and not what he understands about LORD ELohim or even Y'shua .

2 Thess 2 : 16 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father .... Christian writers cannot make up their mind about who was the creator of all that was created . So who did create mankind ? In a couple of verses like in the book of John they say Y'shua created everything created but in this verse Paul writes ' and God our Father ' . God is LORD ELohim . Paul mentions ' our Lord Jesus Christ himself ' as separate from ' God our Father ' . If the common belief was Y'shua did create us then why does he not say ' Jesus Christ our Father ' . Where in the CB does it say that . No where that we know of . The truth is LORD ELohim created all that was created including us mortal humans . Y'shua was not the only son of God . We are all children of LORD ELohim and not just Y'shua . Y'shua was a mortal man who did not exist until about two thousand years ago just like you did not exist until you were conceived in your mothers womb . Y'shua taught people the LORD's Prayer which starts with ' Our Father who art in Heaven ' . Y'shua was saying our Father is LORD ELohim and not himself . Y'shua got where the LORD was wrong but he got it right that LORD ELohim is our one and only Father who created us . Christians really need to rethink this . Its not to often the LORD says Paul got something right .

2 Thess 3 : 4 We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command . Command means : an order given , a position of highest authority , ability to control . That sounds like Paul . The Simple Truth has nothing in it that would require such commands and rules that Paul had made for those who followed him . Again : The Simple Truth has no rules because LORD ELohim made no rules for His forgiveness of most all peoples sins . Paul made his rules and his commands all on his own . Just like the Roman Catholic Church and other Christian denominations made their rules and commands on their own . The LORD had nothing to do with that . Again The Simple Truth is coffee shop talk which did not need another religion to teach it and for the most part the Christian churches are not teaching The Simple Truth even today . LORD ELohim says shortly after Y'shua's death the Jews got it right and were teaching The Simple Truth but the Roman Catholic Church violently ended that .

( 17 : 07 ) NOTES : The LORD ELohim has said in the past that He is certain that Paul was not a Jewish man . At the gatherings there are Jewish Rabbis who agree with the LORD . Paul has written to many things that a Jewish man faithful to Judaism would not write like its OK to not keep the Ten Commandments , he did not know all the Ten Commandments , he called the mortal man Y'shua to be a God , and so on .

2 Thess 3 : 6 - 7 In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ , we command you brothers and sisters , to keep away from every believer who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching you received from us . 7 For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example . If everyone followed Pauls example there would only be tyrant bosses in the world . Is Paul trying to keep his follows away from other apostles teaching other teachings that go against Pauls teachings ? The Roman Catholic Church has something called the ' Index Librorum Prohibitorum ' , which is a list of books which the Roman Catholic Church considers harmful to the faith or morals of Roman Catholics . The Roman Catholic Church forbids their followers to read these books . This was started in 1559 and in 1917 those who do this are called the Congregation of the Holy Office . Around that time in 1559 there was the Reformation movement in Europe where people were protesting against the Roman Catholic Church . In 1529 in Germany the word ' Protestants ' was used and later people separating away from the Roman Catholic Church were called ' Protestants ' . The Protestant movement the Catholics would have called disruptive . Paul writing his followers to stay away from other people who do not follower his beliefs and his rules and his commands reminded us of the Roman Catholic Church Index Librorum Prohibitorum . It would not be surprising that LORD ELohim's Little Book has been added to the Roman Catholic Church Index list .

2 Thess 3 : 14 - 15 Take special note of anyone who does not obey our instruction in this letter . Do not associate with them , in order that they may feel ashamed . 15 Yet do not regard them as an enemy , but warn them as you would a fellow believer . If these people are not a ' fellow believer ' then they were just people who had nothing to do with Paul and his followers . Paul first says ' do not associate with them ' then he says ' but warn them ' . How can you do both if you are told you cannot do both .

( 17 : 08 ) NOTES : I was opening the Bible to start a new day and we noticed something in Hebrews 2 : 14 & 15 . The LORD said to write about this one now . Since the children have flesh and blood , he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death - that is , the devil - 15 and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death . David ( Satan ) has been blamed by mankind for a lot of things but this one beats them all . How could David be the cause that mortal life dies ? Do you really believe this ? We were not created in such a way that we may have eternal life . Being made of dust does not allow that . Christians blamed sin and now they are blaming David for our coming death . Mortals made of dust have been dying for billions of years and David had nothing to do with that . The LORD says this belief is so beyond just being silly . Did Paul fear death ? There is no ' power of death ' , it's just the way it is for mortals .

1 Timothy

For this book we will use Tim .

1 Tim 1 : 1 Paul , an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Saviour and of Christ Jesus our hope . Y'shua is most often called the ' Saviour ' by Christians and not LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim is the one and only God but He is not your ' Saviour ' . No one is your Saviour . Saviour means to be the reason you would have eternal life but no mortal has eternal life therefore you are not saved for that by anyone . LORD ELohim and Y'shua never said you will have eternal life . Eternal life has absolutely nothing to do with The Simple Truth . Anything in any religions beliefs or in their sacred Book that says any or all of mankind would have eternal life is simply not the truth . If it were true it would be LORD ELohim who would be your Saviour and not Y'shua but again there is no truth about people having an eternal life .

1 Tim 1 : 3 & 4 .... stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer 4 or to devote ..... Such things promote controversial speculations rather than advancing God's work - which is by faith . Paul is the king of false doctrines . The city of Ephesus was in Asia so there would not have been many Jews there if any . So according to Paul there was already different opinions and different versions as to the sacrifice of Y'shua by LORD ELohim . According to a book Paul died in 67 A.D. in his late sixties or early seventies . So even before Y'shua had been dead for about 34 years there were different beliefs about The Simple Truth . The Simple Truth had no room given to it by LORD ELohim for different versions or different beliefs about it . What is there in The Simple Truth that would cause ' controversial speculations ' ? Controversial means : a clash of opposing views , argue , quarrel about . LORD ELohim says that at that time the Jews were teaching The Simple Truth and they got it right without any need to argue or have opposing views and without anything spoken about eternal life . Paul was alive when Y'shua was alive but Paul never says he knew Y'shua personally . Paul always uses the word ' faith ' which means he has no proof of anything he preaches and he was not a witness to anything about Y'shua according to Paul . If our math is right : if Paul died at the age of 70 in 67 C.E. ( A.D.) then Paul was born in 3 B.C.E. ( B.C.) . Its believed that Y'shua was born in 4 or 5 B.C.E. . So how is it that these two who were almost the same age never crossed paths . Why did Paul never go after Y'shua himself if Y'shua did teach and do what the CB says he did ? According to the CB Y'shua claimed he was a God , the Messiah , healed every sick person , feed thousands with almost nothing , raised the dead , the only Son of God and so on . The CB says Y'shua taught this stuff about himself for about three years before he died . If it were true , especially if Y'shua claimed to be one of our Gods , Paul would have heard about that . Its claimed that the Disciples preached what Y'shua taught them so how is it that Paul never went after the original Disciples ? The truth is : Y'shua never claimed any of this about himself and he did not do all raising the dead and stuff like that either . So who started the lies ? It would not have been the Jews because the LORD would have known that . The Jews firmly believe that no mortal can be a God and they firmly believe only LORD ELohim is a God just as the devoted Jewish mortal man Y'shua also believed .

( 17 : 09 ) NOTES : Paul uses the word faith . Faith means to believe in something without having proof about that something being real or true . Believing in LORD ELohim our God has always been in faith . The LORD hopes His Little Book will greatly strengthen your faith in Him because the Little Book is the best proof He created for that .

1 Tim 1 : 5 - 7 The verses are more about Paul going against other peoples beliefs . 6 Some have departed from these and have turned to meaningless talk . They want to be teachers of the law , but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm . If Paul was a true Jewish man and a man who loves Judaism he would not have wrote this . Was this added by someone else ? The word ' law ' means the Ten Commandments says LORD ELohim . Anything else the LORD calls ' teachings ' . If you have read the Ten Laws , you know they are simple to understand and simple to keep . So what's Paul got against the Ten Commandments other than he was probably not a Jew : if he ever really existed .

1 Tim 1 : 8 - 11 We know that the law is good if one uses it properly . How many ways can you use the Ten Laws like " You shall have no other gods before Me " or " Remember the Sabbath Day .... the seventh day " or " You shall not murder ..... and so on . The LORD ELohim makes His Laws very clear as to what they mean . Not a lot of ways to wrongly use them if you do as the Laws say . Why does Paul make such a big deal about the Laws in almost everyone of his books ? 9 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels , the ungodly and sinful , the unholy and irreligious ... The LORD says a person cannot be righteous if a person breaks any of the Laws . So even a righteous person needed to know the Ten Commandments in the first place in order to become a righteous person by obeying the Laws in the second place . The word ' irreligious ' means simply not being religious . The LORD never holds that against people because again not everyone can believe something where there is no proof about that something . The LORD has never had a lot of proof about Himself to give to people . He hopes His Little Book will help people get to know the true Him and believe in Him as their Father and God . Paul continues in .... 9 & 10 who the Laws are for and some in his list have nothing to do with the Ten Commandments like slave traders . ... sound doctrine 11 that conforms to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God , which he entrusted to me . LORD ELohim and Y'shua when Y'shua was alive entrusted nothing to Paul . Again : neither of them knew Paul . In Pauls list of bad people is the word ' liar ' . Was Paul ever a real person , or was he a delusional person , or a con artist , or did the Roman Catholic Church add a lot to his writings or even do all claimed to be his writings ? Just to believe in Paul ever existing we would need faith because where is the proof he did exist . There are a lot of Pauls many rules that reminds us of the Catholic Church rules .

1 Tim 1 : 16 & 17 ....for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life . There was no promise of eternal life within The Simple Truth . NIV : 17 Now to the King eternal , immortal , invisible , the only God , be honour and glory forever and ever . Amen . KJV : 17 Now unto the King eternal , immortal , invisible , the only wise God , be honour and glory forever and ever . Amen . 1611 KJV in old English 17 : Now unto ye king eternal , immortal , invisible , the only wise God , be honour and glory for ever & ever . Amen . Maybe we are reading this verse wrong but it writes like Paul is calling Y'shua ' the only God ' or ' the only wise God ' . In a Bible we rarely use it says : 17 : Now to the King eternal , immortal , invisible , to God who alone is wise , be honour and glory forever and ever . Amen . The only one so far that we can remember called King is Y'shua and not LORD ELohim . The KJV and the NIV is written like Y'shua is called ' the only God ' or ' the only wise God ' . The Bible we rarely use writes like the first part is about Y'shua but the ' to God who alone is wise ' may mean LORD ELohim . The KJV writes ' the only wise God ' as though there are more than one God and Y'shua is the only wise God among them . The NIV writes ' the only God ' as if Y'shua is the only existing God . Y'shua is not a King or eternal or immortal or invisible . Y'shua the Lamb of God is dead . In the Dictionary immortal means : one exempt from death , the gods of Greek and Roman mythology , a person whose fame is lasting . Y'shua was not exempt from death but he did become a false god of the Romans and Greeks and then a false god to much of the world through the teachings of pagan Christianity . The mortal Jewish man who's name was Y'shua , his immortal fame would have happened if a non existent false god called Jesus and pagan Christianity did not steal that away from him . The LORD ELohim through His Little Book is trying to give that fame back to His mortal Lamb of God named Y'shua so people will remember and honour the true mortal Jewish Lamb of God . To say Y'shua was ' the only God ' goes against the Christian belief in three Gods . It's true that there is only one God but Y'shua was not that God : LORD ELohim is the one and only God . To say Y'shua was ' the only wise God ' is like saying there are other Gods . To say Y'shua was ' the only wise God ' among all those other Gods is like saying even LORD ELohim is not the smart one in that group of Gods . The LORD is not happy about that teaching . Note how different the different Versions of the Christian Bible are and remember there have been well over 225 different Versions of the Christian Bibles written and published . Remember every Version of the CB had to be a lot different then the one they are using to create their own Version , other wise they were only copying someone else’s words and that would be breaking copy right laws even though LORD ELohim is the true owner of those Bibles who wrote the many many lies about Him and Y'shua without His approval . The CB Bible we rarely use at least seems to say that LORD ELohim is the wise God and not Y'shua or any of the other false gods . To believe Y'shua is a God , is to believe in a false god .

1 Tim 1 : 18 Timothy , my son , I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you , so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well , .... Paul in the past used the word ' prophecy ' in the wrong way . In the KJV it says this verse about this prophecy is backed up in the 1 Cor 4 : 17 . NIV : For this is the reason I have sent to you Timothy , my son whom I love , who is faithful in the Lord . He will remind you of my way of life in Christ Jesus , which agrees with what I teach everywhere in every church . This is no prophecy . It’s just Paul writing people that he sent Timothy to preach to them . This is another reason to believe Paul was not a Jew . Paul was never one of LORD ELohim's prophets . 1 Corinthians 4 : 17 was written by Paul so Christians are using Pauls words to back up Pauls words , that is not much of a back up . The LORD says people are only true Prophets if what they speak is divinely inspired revelations from Him . Paul got nothing from LORD ELohim . Paul does not even know what prophecy means . Jews do know what prophecy is so it extremely unlikely that Paul was a Jewish man .

1 Tim 1 : 19 & 20 Paul writes about people who have rejected probably some of his teachings . Paul says ... whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme . Is Paul saying he knows David ( Satan ) ? When in the history of mankind was David ever been give that job by LORD ELohim ? The LORD says never . Blaspheme means : to lack of reverence for God . Reverence means : honour or respect felt or shown . Who does Paul think he is by giving David a job to do and how was David suppose to teach those two men a lesson ? Paul not only believes he can be the top boss of mankind but also of Spirit .

1 Tim 2 : 3 Paul writes that his followers should pray for those in authority . 3 This is good , and pleases God our Saviour ,4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth . What truth is Paul writing about ? If Paul is so smart and he knows the truth about ? , then why does he make so many errors and so many contradictions . No people will be saved .

1 Tim 2 : 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind , the man Christ Jesus , who gave himself as a ransom for all people . This verse is like it is not Paul writing it . We don't remember anyone saying ' the man Christ Jesus ' . Paul is writing like he believes Y'shua was actually a human mortal man and not a God , though in the past he did call Y'shua a God if we remember correctly . Paul does say that ' For there is one God ' . If Paul is saying there is only one God , LORD ELohim , and Y'shua was only a mortal man , then Paul finally got that much right . The errors are that Y'shua the Jewish mortal man really did die and was never risen back to life and was never a God and therefore cannot be the mediator between our God LORD ELohim and mankind .

1 Tim 2 : 11 - 14 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission . 12 I do not permit a woman to teach of to assume authority over a man ; she must be quiet . 13 For Adam was formed first , then Eve . 14 And Adam was not the one deceived ; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner . Being a woman , this Paul guy and me would not get along well . I asked LORD ELohim if He agrees with Paul and the LORD says He does not . I asked if women should be allow to preach and He said yes . When it comes to men and women who should have authority , the LORD says who ever is the best for any position . Adam was not formed first and Eve second . These to humans were chosen by LORD ELohim to be the first to be called mankind . They were chosen out of many humans living at that time . LORD ELohim never said they could not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil . If you read about Adam and Eve the story has a lot of words said to have been spoken by LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim was then as He is today , not able to talk to humans . LORD ELohim loved Moses but Moses was a story teller about the LORD and other stuff he had not much true knowledge of like Adam and Eve . The LORD says He did chose one man and one women to begin those of a blood line of people who would become His Jews . Even their names were not Adam and Eve . Paul says Eve was the one deceived ' and became a sinner ' . It says in Genesis Adam ate from the same tree so he was not much better . If Eve sinned then Adam willingly did sin to . But the truth is : neither of them sinned according to the LORD . Sin did not exist back then . Only by breaking the Ten Commandments does someone sin . The rest of the LORD's teachings are just that : teachings that He hopes people will gain wisdom from and some He hoped people would obey . The Ten Commandments are LORD ELohim's Laws that He hoped all mankind would obey . Again : only by breaking the LORD's Laws do we sin . Paul is wrong : Eve never became a sinner and neither did Adam . A lot about Adam and Eve never happened and David ( Satan ) was not the serpent . And the LORD never told Adam and Eve they would die if they ate from the tree . Many Christians believe that sin is the cause of death and Adam is the cause of death when he is said to have sinned . Adam and Eve never sinned . Adam and Eve died long before Moses lived and the Ten Commandments were given to mankind through Moses . The LORD says again : Think Not Beyond Logic . Sin is not the cause of mortal humans deaths . Mortal animals don't sin and even they die . Any creature made from dust will eventually die . Why would we humans made from dust to be any different than animals ?

( 17 : 10 ) NOTES : I asked LORD ELohim if all races of people are offspring of Adam and Eve and He said ' no ' . The LORD at that time when our trial clock started ticking planned for a blood line of people who's offspring in the future would become His Jews . He hoped working through this blood line He could help all people on earth live a good , happy , peaceful and loving life . He also hoped that this blood line of people would from generation to generation help Him to communicate to all mankind with the help of teaching Spirits . Adam and Eve were the beginning of that hope . Hebrews are the offspring of Adam and Eve . Hebrew Jews are the offspring of Adam and Eve and LORD ELohim's chosen people to help Him in whatever He did to try to help mankind . This is why Y'shua was a Jewish man and not of another race . The rest of people and Adam and Eve are offspring of the people who existed on earth long before the LORD chose Adam and Eve from among them . Homo sapiens , or modern humans go back between about 40,000 to 35,000 years ago . Thats when modern humans spread across much of the earth . LORD ELohim began developing modern humans about 90,000 years ago during the last Ice Age Climax . So all mortal humans of every race and colour are children of LORD ELohim since He created all of mankind .

( 17 : 11 ) NOTES : The story of Adam and Eve says that it was Eve who sinned first . If Eve ate of the tree first then why do Christians blame Adam for causing people to die because he sinned ? Again : Adam and Eve did not sin because they lived long before Moses and before the LORD gave Moses the Ten Commandments and he began teaching them . LORD ELohim says if the story about Adam and Eve were true He would have blamed Eve first and Adam second , but both equally . The story does not say that Eve shoved the fruit into Adam's mouth . Again they did not sin in that story and sin is not the cause of mortals death .

( 17 : 12 ) NOTES : Christians believing that Adam's sin was the cause of death of all mankind who have died since Adam and Eve lived , needs to be rethought by those who believe that . Again Homo sapiens have existed for about 40,000 to 35,000 years and none of them ever sinned . So where are they ? LORD ELohim never puts the sins of a person onto other people to . Anyone of you Christians ever meet a 40,000 year old man or women ? Where are these people who never sinned and therefore should have never died according to Christian beliefs ? Did they all die shortly after Moses started teaching the LORD's Laws because they then sinned ? That would have caused a great need for a lot of very very big cemeteries all around the world if every human conceived before Adam never died before Moses lived . LORD ELohim knows where all these people are . By now they are just dust because they all died and mostly around the age of 70 . LORD ELohim is trying to help people understand that sin has never been the cause of us dying . That is a lie told by the church . Being made of dust is the natural cause of us dying around the age of 70 to , if not by war , accidents , disease and so on before our old age .

1 Tim 2 : 15 But women will be saved through childbearing - if they continue in faith , love and holiness with propriety . Propriety means : the standard of what is socially acceptable in speech and conduct . Why just women not saved through only faith to ? Rules , Rules , Rules ......... The way Paul writes this is like he is saying only women who have had children will be saved . If a women choses to not bring children into this crazy world full of hardships or she is barren , does that mean she would be headed for hell . What about if her husband sperm don't know how to swim : is that her fault ? According to many Christians if you’re not headed for Heaven as one who is saved then you are headed for hell with the unsaved . The LORD ELohim says this Paul guy is completely wrong about this . No one is going to be saved and the LORD has no problems if women or even men choose not to bring children into this world . There are enough corporate slaves and children working in sweat shops in the world already . No mortal is going to Heaven and hell does not even exist . No mortal will be raised from the dead and we are all going to die .

1 Tim 3 : 1 - 16 Paul is just writing more rules about how people should conduct themselves ... 6 or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil . 15 If I am delayed , you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household , which is the church of the living God , the pillar and foundation of the truth . The LORD ELohim will never judge Spirits , including David ( Satan ) because there is no reason to . Mankind gave the LORD thousands of reasons to judge us mortals but Spirits have never given Him even one reason , not even David . The Roman Catholic Church and even its offspring the Protestant Churches are not the pillars of the truth . The Simple Truth is just that , a very simple teaching and with no need for all the hundreds of rules the tyrant Paul made up that the churches follow even today , especially the Roman Catholic Church . Again : LORD ELohim made no rules for His forgiveness of most all peoples sins . The truth was about the LORD teaching mankind the benefits of forgiving other people who have done wrong to us and the benefits of forgiving ourselves so we can get rid of the baggage of hate , anger and regrets . To make room in our lives for greater joy and happiness and love and peace of mind . This is what The Simple Truth was about and is still about . LORD ELohim with the help of Y'shua the Lamb of God was about teaching us how to live a much better life , a much happier life and life with a peaceful mind by forgiving others and ourselves just as LORD ELohim forgave us . The LORD ELohim has always tried to guide us so our lives would be better . The Ten Commandments were not for God but for all mankind so our lives could be peaceful and happy and without hate , anger and regrets making our lives troubled and our mind troubled . The Simple Truth in probably all Christian churches is not being taught . The Simple Truth in the Christian churches is buried under all the many lies and errors and king Paul's rules and commands . The Christian churches cannot be the pillar and foundation of the truth until the the Christian churches start teaching The Simple Truth and without any rules and commands .

( 17 : 12 ) NOTES : Again LORD ELohim is not trying to shut down Christian churches , not even the Roman Catholic Churches . What He hopes is that the Christian churches will teach The Simple Truth to people and remove all the many lies about LORD ELohim and Y'shua and much more . The LORD hopes the preachers and congregations will get involved with helping people and do things like suppers where everyone brings something or bingo or BBQ's or whatever brings people together to get to know each other and to enjoy their time there . It would be a new start and even may be somewhat of a challenge but the LORD believes that the Christian churches in the long run will be better than they have ever been .

1 Tim 4 : 1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons . Again and the last time in this update ; Spirits are not allowed to interfere with peoples free will . LORD ELohim could not judge Humanity if Spirits could interfere with our freedom to make our own choices about things . There are no deceiving Spirits or demon Spirits or devil Spirits or Satan types interfering in our lives . Christians and some other religions like to blame things on these non existing Spirits but there are no Spirits to blame for what we choose to do that we regret later . Paul was not a Prophet and there is no Spirit called the Holy Spirit . No Spirit clearly said that to Paul says the LORD .

1 Tim 4 : 2 & 3 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars , ... . 3 They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods , which God created .... . Paul is against forbidding people to marry and not allowing people to eat certain food . The Roman Catholic Church does not allow any of their people in religious orders to marry according to one book . I remember a Catholic friend who could only eat fish on Friday , if I remember that right . So the Catholic church did not follow Pauls rules on that subject .

1 Tim 4 : 4 For everything God created is good , and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth . Paul is writings about food . Not everything LORD ELohim created , which is all plants and trees , is food or good for you . There is a lot of poisonous plants and a few fruit trees that are poisonous . So just because you pray and give thanks to LORD ELohim for the food on your dish , that is not going to make poisonous , not to be eaten plants and fruit , any less poisonous . Paul is wrong . Not all that LORD ELohim created is good for you to eat .

1 Tim 4 : 14 Do not neglect your gift , which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you . The word ' prophecy ' means : an inspired utterance of a prophet , prediction . Paul again is using the word prophecy in the wrong way as though he is not a Jew . The Jews know what this word means . Again : Paul was not a Prophet of LORD ELohim and his own words written in his other books is not prophecy or a good back up to his own teachings . LORD ELohim never inspired anything regarding Paul . Paul was never one of the LORD's Prophets or one of Y'shua's Disciples . Remember LORD ELohim and Y'shua never met this man . Many Christians believe that one of their three Gods gives them a gift of some sort and relating to the faith . What are those gifts ? We can only think of preaching , washing the church windows , stuff like that . LORD ELohim says He does not know what ' gift ' in the Christian sense means . Whatever it means He never gave any pagan Christians any gift of any kind .

1 Tim 4 : 15 & 16 Paul is telling Timothy how to preach and act . 16 ....Persevere in them , because if you do , you will save both yourself and your hearers . According to the CB only the hearers whose name is written in the book of life will be saved . The Christians must believe the rest of the people not written in the book listening to Timothy will have just wasted their time doing that even if they became a faithful follower . LORD ELohim says there is no book of life . That would be totally unfair to all mostly good people not written in it . Many Christians believe in hell for the risen unsaved . The LORD would never send someone to hell just because they are not followers of Christianity or even Judaism . If there were a hell it would be for only the wicked , cruel and evil unforgiven people of their sins who would go there , even if they were Christians or Jews and of any other religion or anyone else not forgiven by the LORD ELohim . The LORD says there is no book of life and there is no hell and there will be no resurrection of any mortal dead , not even the ' dead in Christ ' as Christians call it .

( 17 : 13 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants Christians to understand and believe this . Y'shua the Lamb of God who willingly died for the forgiveness of most all peoples sins really did die on the cross . This Jewish man Y'shua knew he would truly be giving up his mortal life and he knew there would be no resurrection or eternal life for him . Y'shua knew what LORD ELohim was trying to do to help mankind so he did willingly agree to be the Lamb of God . Y'shua was never risen from the dead because the LORD cannot do that and Y'shua will never be raised from the dead and neither will you . Y'shua was not a God . Y'shua was as mortal as you are . No God incarnated into the flesh of Y'shua . There is only one God and that is LORD ELohim . Y'shua was not the only Son of God . All male mortal humans are sons of LORD ELohim our Father and so on . The LORD wants you to know the truth about Y'shua , that he truly died on the cross and was never risen from the dead and neither will you be raised from the dead . Any kind of mortal life has never and will never live forever . Y'shua gave up his life out of love for people and he hoped that people would learn how to forgive others and forgive yourself as LORD ELohim forgave most all of you .

( 17 : 14 ) NOTES : Don't blame the Jews if you used some of their errors . No religion is perfect and no Book regarding peoples religion is perfect either . LORD ELohim says it's up to the people who believe what they believe to be sure it makes perfect sense and is not beyond logical thinking . If you use other peoples errors those errors in your beliefs are your fault and not the ones you took those beliefs from . Every religion is responsible for what they do believe and what they write in their sacred Book so never blame anyone else for your errors : they are your errors : you believed them and made them part of your life by your own free will .

1 Tim 5 : 1 : 6 Paul is teaching more rules about widows . If you are a widow who prays day and night Paul's OK with you . But if your a widow who tries to have a little joy in your life - 6 But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives . Paul saying she is dead probably means she is among the unsaved . The LORD worked hard to help people find joy , happiness , peace of mind and love in their life . Paul often says his followers need to suffer in their work . Paul seems to be the kind of person who is not happy unless others are miserable . The LORD has no problems when people find a way to enjoy their lives as long as what they enjoy causes no harm or problems for others . A widow over sixty who raised children and partnered with a husband to make a happy family environment and then is widowed , if she can afford to find joy in the end time of her life the LORD says go for it .

1 Tim 6 : 1 - 10 Paul given more rules . Paul says in 2 .... These are the things you are to teach and insist on . 3 If anyone teaches otherwise and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching , 4 they are conceited and understand nothing . They have an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels ..... 6 .... who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain . Paul teaches very little of what he calls the truth . To say Y'shua gave him ' sound instruction ' would be impossible for Y'shua to do since the Lamb of God really did die for us . Paul says he gives ' godly teaching ' . LORD ELohim or any other Spirits never gave Paul any godly teaching . We don't know what Paul's state of mind was or much about him or if he really did exist . For Paul to say he receives instruction directly from Y'shua is a good line for a con artist or someone who wants to rule over other people or be the most important person on earth or even for money .

1 Tim 6 : 12 Fight the good fight of the faith . Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called .... There is nothing in The Simple Truth needing a ' good fight ' . People who are fairly good would have been joyful when they came to know that LORD ELohim has forgiven their sins because Y'shua the Lamb of God died for their sins to be forgiven . LORD ELohim hoped that by doing this sacrifice of His Lamb of God , people would learn to forgive others and themselves just as He forgave them of their sins . There is no reason for controversies or quarrels or suspicions or friction among people regarding The Simple Truth . The Simple Truth has no rules . Paul has hundreds of rules but LORD ELohim the author of The Simple Truth made no rules because there was no need for any . Again : LORD ELohim does not forgive the wicked , evil and cruel people and that is just a fact and not a rule . John the Baptist was to teach this fact but he was murdered before he did teach much of that . No mortal is ' called ' to an eternal life . LORD ELohim says you could say He ' called ' a few Jews to be Prophets but He never called any Christians for anything including Roman Catholic popes .

1 Tim 6 : 13 In the sight of God , who gives life to everything , and of Christ Jesus , who while .... Sometimes the CB writes LORD ELohim created everything and other verses say Y'shua created everything . The only God of theirs they so far have not said created everything is their non existent false God called the Holy Spirit . LORD ELohim created all that was created . It was not the Christian false god they named Jesus and it was not their false god they named the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost who created all . Again it was LORD ELohim who created all .

1 Tim 6 : 13 - 15 Paul is writing about Y'shua's confession before Pontus Pilate . 13 .... I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ , 15 which God will bring about in his own time - .... We read in Luke 23 : 3 that Pilate asked Y'shua " Are you the king of the Jews ? " and Y'shua is said to have said to Pilate " You have said so " . According to Luke , Y'shua said four words to Pilate . So we are having trouble understanding what this ' command ' is that Paul is writing about ? In Matthew 27 : 11 it says Y'shua said to Pilate " You have said so " and those were the only four words he spoke to Pilate in that book . In Luke in the KJV it says Y'shua said " Thou sayest it " and in Matthew in the KJV it says " Thou sayest " . In verse 13 Paul says that when Y'shua went before Pilate , Y'shua made the good confession , I charge you to keep this command ... We don't understand what command is in Y'shua saying " You say that I am " ? According to these verses Y'shua never said he was the king of the Jews . Y'shua just said to Pilate " You have said so " .

1 Tim 6 : 15 & 16 Still using verse 15 . ... the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ , which God will bring about in his own time - God , the blessed and only Ruler , the King of kings and Lord of lords , who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light , whom no one has seen or can see . To him be honour and might forever . Amen . Christians having more than one God makes the CB New Testament very confusing to understand which of their Gods are they talking about ? Back up verses are Revelation 1 : 5 and from Jesus Christ , who is the faithful witness , the firstborn from the dead , and the ruler of the kings of the earth . Revelation 15 : 3 & 4 3 ... and sang the song of God's servant Moses and of the Lamb : " Great and marvellous are your deeds , Lord God Almighty . Just and true are your ways , King of the nations . 4 Who will not fear you , Lord , and bring glory to your name ? For you alone are holy . All nations will come and worship before you , for your righteous acts have been revealed ." LORD ELohim has never been called a King of the nations and what's in this song about Moses ? Revelation 17 : 14 They will wage war against the Lamb , but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings - ... So it is Y'shua being written about by Paul . Y'shua was never a Ruler , the King of kings , Lord of lords , King of nations and he never will be and LORD ELohim wants nothing to do with these things . Is Paul calling Y'shua ' Lord God Almighty ' ? Is Paul saying only Y'shua is ' alone holy '. Y'shua is not Lord God Almighty , LORD ELohim is and only Him . LORD ELohim would call Y'shua a holy man but not just Y'shua . The LORD says there have been a few other Jews He did call holy before Y'shua lived and even since Y'shua lived . LORD ELohim , Himself is Holy also . The LORD says Spirits will never go against the nations of mortals . How are Spirits suppose to do that ? Only mortals can go against mortals in a war . This war will not be lead by Y'shua or LORD ELohim . If such a war happens in the future it will be mortals who cause it and only mortals who fight in it except for maybe some robots to . Spirits are not going to fight our wars for us , never have and never will . Y'shua will never fight in this war either because he is dead and even if Y'shua was Spirit , how could he do that , but Y'shua is not Spirit . People cannot see or hear Spirits . Again : Y'shua is not a Spirit and Y'shua is not alive in any form . I have come to know a lot of Spirits and if Y'shua was alive as Spirit I'm sure I would have met him by now . Y'shua probably would have been very interested in the LORD's Little Book . For the Little Book LORD ELohim is mostly my teacher with the help of a teaching Spirit .

1 Tim 6 : 17 - 21 Paul is writing about rich people and his rules they are to follow like doing good , do good deeds , be generous and share with others . 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age , so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life . The KJV says .... foundation against the time to come , that they may lay hold on eternal life . Didn't Paul in the past writings say that you cannot get anywhere with LORD ELohim based on your work or by keeping the Ten Laws . If that were true then whats with all these rules and commands that Paul made up and says you must do if you want the happy eternal life . Who would you rather believe in : LORD ELohim and our sins forgiven by Him without any rules and commands upon the fairly good people He forgave or Paul and his hundreds of rules and commands to be done without error and a false promise for eternal life ? So far Paul in his writings does not teach The Simple Truth for what it really is because obviously he does not know what it really is .

1 Tim 6 : 20 & 21 Paul given Timothy instruction . 20 Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge , 21 which some have professed and in so doing have departed from the faith . This is not the first time that Paul admits he is not a very popular person . In 2 Timothy 4 : 9 - 18 he writes about the people who have left him . Paul has always wrote that the faith he teaches is always his way and no other way to have eternal life . If Paul teaches all that is written in the CB under his name , then how many other people were teaching their version of Y'shua's death and its meaning . The Hebrew Jews at that time were the only ones who truly understood what The Simple Truth was all about says LORD ELohim .

2 Timothy

2 Tim 1 : 3 I thank God , whom I serve , as my ancestors did , with a clear conscience , .... The question again is which of his Gods is Paul writing about . If Paul was a Jewish man he would have written LORD ELohim as his and his ancestors only God . Some Christians believe it is Y'shua that spoke to Moses and gave mankind the Ten Commandments and that it was Y'shua who created all that was created and so on . Paul believing Y'shua is a God may also believe his ancestors served Y'shua and not LORD ELohim . If Paul was a Jew , he was not a devoted Jew and he was not devoted to Judaism and he was not a well learned Jew about Judaism like Y'shua and other Jews were at that time . LORD ELohim does not believe Paul was a Jew because of all the errors and lies he wrote about that a truly Jewish person would not make . Again which God is Paul writing about ? A truly Jewish man or women would say the only God he or she and their Jewish ancestors served was LORD ELohim and only LORD ELohim . Y'shua was never a God in any form and never will be a God . It's easy to have a clear conscience if you do not truly think about stuff like what you believe so to find your errors and the errors of others .

2 Tim 1 : 6 For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God , which is in you through the laying on of my hands . This is Paul thinking very highly of himself again . Does Paul believe his hands have magical powers or that one of his Gods live in him who could do this gift stuff ? LORD ELohim says He has no gifts to give to people . I asked the LORD if giving Prophets a teaching Spirit would He call that a gift and He said no it is not a gift . LORD ELohim says the ' laying of hands ' is nothing more than a false belief . Mind over matter or positive thinking or other stuff like these including prayers can cause people to believe for whatever reason there is some sort of change in their lives . If by praying and positive thinking about what you pray for , if a change in your life happens its not caused by the LORD or any other Spirits , but by mind over matter or positive thinking or just a coincidence that it happened at that time in your life . It could be something about you that you never realized it before .

2 Tim 1 : 7 For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid , but gives us power, love and self discipline . Paul and others use the word ' power ' far to often . There simply is not a lot of power that LORD ELohim can give us . The LORD has often tried to teach mankind how to love one another so to have peace and there was no power of sorts for that teaching . The LORD tried to teach us how to forgive others and ourselves as He forgave most all of us so there is room in our life and mind for greater love and joy and that had nothing to do with power either and so on . To love others and to have self discipline and to not be timid ; that is something we have to do on our own .

2 Tim 1 : 8 - 10 8 So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner . Rather , join with me in suffering for the gospel , by the power of God . LORD ELohim and Y'shua never caused Paul's ' suffering ' . Is Paul saying that LORD ELohim or Y'shua is the cause of his suffering ? by the power of God . The Simple Truth required no suffering . If Paul did suffer then he was the one who brought that upon himself and anyone else teaching errors and lies . What's in The Simple Truth to cause anger or hate or suffering or fighting or causing confusion or causing life to be difficult because of a need for hundreds of rules and commands ? Remember the LORD forgave most all people without any rules or commands to obey . LORD ELohim would not expect anyone helping Him to suffer . The LORD made sure that Y'shua did not suffer pain and Y'shua willingly gave up his life so our sins would be forgiven by LORD ELohim to try to teach mankind the benefits of forgiveness . 9 He has saved us and called us to a holy life - .... because of his own purpose and grace . This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time , 10 but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Saviour , Christ Jesus , who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel . LORD ELohim says to use Adam and Eve for the beginning of time . Y'shua did not exist before Adam and Eve existed just like you did not exist then either . Y'shua was fully mortal just like you . Just like you Y'shua had no Spirit to call his own . LORD ELohim before Adam and Eve had no thoughts regarding the Lamb of God and The Simple Truth . It was only about three hundred years before Y'shua existed that He began to think about The Simple Truth to help mankind with . How could LORD ELohim have known Paul or even you before you existed and before Paul existed ? The LORD cannot know who will be conceived of in the future and what their religious beliefs will be . LORD ELohim cannot guide some people and not all other people . The LORD ELohim does not know almost eight billion names of people living today and He could not know the billions of people who lived in the past since Adam and Eve . If eternal life was the outcome of The Simple Truth then it would be LORD ELohim as our Saviour and not Y'shua . Y'shua was the Lamb of God and LORD ELohim would be our Saviour . Again no mortal will have eternal life because the LORD ELohim cannot do that for mankind or any other mortals . Y'shua could not have ' destroyed death ' . Even LORD ELohim cannot do that . Y'shua was a Jewish mortal man and not a God . The gospel was created by mankind and not the LORD or by Y'shua . What people hoped for or desired or lied about for money gain or for power over other people and so on , got in the way of The Simple Truth being known for what it simply was about and simply is still today about . The Simple Truth was about LORD ELohim teaching mankind to forgive others for their wrong doings and to forgive ourselves for our own wrong doings just as He forgave most all of you who are reasonably good people .

( 17 : 15 ) NOTES : The Simple Truth has nothing to do with Y'shua being raised from the dead . It has nothing to do with you or anyone else being raised from the dead . There will be no second coming of Y'shua since he truly did die on the cross as LORD ELohim's Lamb of God . There will be no creation of a new Heaven and a new Earth . Y'shua will not be ruling over mankind for a thousand years . The Simple Truth has nothing to do with mortals having eternal life . The Simple Truth has nothing to do with a Kingdom of God on earth . It has nothing to do with a coming tribulation and there will be no wrath of God . There will be no judgement of individuals but of us as a species and that time has passed and we failed our trial as a species . There will be no rapture of dead or alive Christians being taking from earth to Heaven at anytime in the future . The Simple Truth has nothing to do with punishment of unbelievers in hell or the lake of fire . These places do not exist and the LORD will never create such places . The Simple Truth is simply about LORD ELohim trying to help us mortal humans to have a much better life and a more peaceful mind through forgiveness of others and forgiving of ourselves also . To forgive others and ourselves as LORD ELohim forgave us of our sins is what The Simple Truth was all about . It's about LORD ELohim trying to teach us to forgive by His example of forgiving most all of us of our sins .

2 Tim 1 : 11 & 12 And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher . 12 That is why I am suffering as I am . If Paul was appointed by LORD ELohim to be a herald and an apostle and a teacher of The Simple Truth Paul would not have suffered . If this Paul guy really existed its what he taught that had nothing to do with The Simple Truth that got him into trouble . Again : LORD ELohim never knew Paul and therefore the LORD never appointed Paul to do these things . Paul was either mentally ill or a con artist and a lier and pretending to be a Jew . Paul's claim that he met Y'shua after Y'shua had truly died for our sins can only be a lie told by him .

2 Tim 1 : 15 - 18 15 You know that everyone in the province of Asia has deserted me , including Phygelus and Hermogenes . Paul goes on about another man who also left him . There were seven main churches of Pauls in Asia who Paul says have deserted him . Why is unknown yet but all Pauls rules and commands and that everyone must do as he says is enough to make anyone run from him .

2 Tim 2 : 3 - 7 Join with me in suffering , like a good soldier of Christ Jesus . 4 No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs , but rather tries to please his commanding officer . 5 Similarly , anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor's crown except by competing according to the rules . 6 The hard working farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops . 7 Reflect on what I am saying , for the Lord will give you insight into all this . Who is the commanding officer , the athlete and the farmer . It seems to be Paul writing about himself as the commanding officer and the farmer but calling Timothy and his other followers the athlete who has to follow Pauls rules or maybe something like that . Again The Simple Truth has no rules or commands or any need for any commanding officer like Paul and the pope . The only thing The Simple Truth of LORD ELohim needs are people to teach about the The Simple Truth . There was never a need for a new religion to do this but since Christianity exists ; as long as they teach The Simple Truth and not all the lies , the LORD would be happy with that . LORD ELohim knows the Jewish people will help Him with that to .

2 Tim 2 : 11 - 13 Here is a trustworthy saying : If we died with him , we will also live with him ; 12 if we endure , we will also reign with him . If we disown him , he will also disown us ; 13 if we are faithless , he remains faithful , for he cannot disown himself . The word faithless means to be disloyal , not to be relied on , traitorous , unfaithful . Is that the same as disowning him ? Y'shua will never reign on earth and the good news is that neither will Paul with all his rules and commands . Nobody understands what ' he cannot disown himself ' means . In verse 12 Paul writes ' if we disown him , he will also disown us ' . Then in 13 he writes .... for he cannot disown himself . What is the difference as to why he can disown those people but others ' for he cannot disown himself ' ? A lot of Christians believe Y'shua through the Holy Spirit lives in them but at the same time most believe Y'shua is sitting on a throne in Heaven with LORD ELohim . Again : Y'shua will never reign on earth and neither will Paul and probably not you unless you are into mortal politics . LORD ELohim would not support the pagan Christians ruling the world . The LORD knows about the history of the Roman Catholic Church and about what they did recently . There are a lot of popes and other Catholic clergy and their goons that will never be forgiven says the LORD .

2 Tim 3 : 1 - 9 Paul making more rules and commands . He talks about the last days and lists what people will be like then .... rash , conceited , lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God - ... Have nothing to do with such people . 6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women , who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires , always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth . If Paul knew The Simple Truth he would have known that us gullible women have been forgiven of all the sins we women are loaded down with . So much for Paul's knowledge of the truth .

2 Tim 3 : 12 & 13 In fact , everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted , 13 while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse , deceiving and being deceived . Paul is not completely wrong but he is wrong . The Inquisitions was the Roman Catholic Church murdering thousands of people for not believing every word the church spoke . Being persecuted went both ways . The most persecuted people in history were the Jews and not the Christians and many Jews have been persecuted by Christians for no reason . LORD ELohim thinks Paul if he really existed was faking being a Jewish man because Y'shua was a Jewish man . There are many things we will never know for sure . Do we even know if Paul existed or was he a fictional man created by the Roman Catholic Church so to sell for money gained , their beliefs and their many rules and commands . Again there are some things we will never truly know . What we do know is that there was no money to be made by The Simple Truth which has no rules or commands .

2 Tim 3 : 14 & 15 But as for you , continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of , because you know those from whom you learned it , and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures , which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus . Infancy means : a beginning or early period of existence . Knowing all the Holy Scriptures when Timothy was a baby is quite the accomplishment . We are not sure what ' Holy Scriptures ' means . Is it the Torah or is it Pauls letters or the four Gospels of Matthew , Mark , Luke and John ? Whats in the Torah that would have to do with Y'shua and The Simple Truth other then LORD ELohim has always tried to help all mankind live a good and happy life by teachings through the Jews . If Paul is writing about the whole Jewish Bible including the Prophets and others then he would know that most all the Jews at that time would not believe Y'shua is the awaited Messiah . Y'shua did not bring a new age of greater love , peace and compassion to the whole world as the Jews believe the true Messiah would do . The Jews also believe a mortal man cannot be a God ; not even the Messiah . Christians calling Y'shua the only Son of God goes against the truth that the Jews know to be true . All mankind are sons and daughters of LORD ELohim for it was LORD ELohim who created us and everything else that was created . Some Jews believed the Messiah could raise the dead and Y'shua could not have done that because if he could do that he would not have died on the cross by the Romans putting him there . And there were other things Y'shua did not do like building the third Temple . If Paul was truly a Jewish man he would have known and understood that Y'shua was not the Messiah or a God or the only Son of God and stuff like that . If Y'shua could do all that the Christian Bible New Testament says he did , Y'shua would have been a very popular man in Rome and sitting at the right hand of Caesar . Roman soldiers were all over Judea and probably watching carefully for Jews in great numbers gathering together like the CB claims that happened when Y'shua is claimed to have feed four thousand a couple of times . The Romans probably would not allow such gatherings .

2 Tim 3 : 16 & 17 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching , rebuking , correction and training in righteousness 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work . LORD ELohim does not agree with Paul about ' all Scripture is God-breathed ' probably meaning the writings are exactly what LORD ELohim taught man . Even in the Jewish Bible there are errors because it's very difficult for the LORD to teach mankind . Every religion that has a God or god has errors of some kind . If their god is not LORD ELohim there is their first error believing in a false god or gods or a false goddess . How can Paul say he is a Jew and yet he is not a lover of the Ten Commandments . If Paul was a Jewish man he would have known that the first step to righteousness is keeping the Ten Commandments . You cannot expect the LORD to call you a righteous person if you break any of the Ten Laws of the LORD . LORD ELohim forgiving our sins does not make you a righteous person . To be a righteous person : that we all would need to work at and earn that name . Again the first step to righteousness is to keep all the Ten Commandments , even all the Christians .

2 Tim 4 : 1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus , who will judge the living and the dead , and in view of his appearing and his kingdom , ... Who is the judge ? LORD ELohim or Y'shua ? The LORD ELohim was the judge and He judged us as a species and not as individuals and we failed our about six thousand year trial . This is an ' if ' sentence : If Y'shua was raised from the dead and went to Heaven then he would have to be fully Spirit and if he is fully Spirit then how can he be seen ' appearing ' by mortals and how could he rule the world if he could not be seen or heard by mankind ? LORD ELohim cannot change flesh to Spirit or Spirit to flesh . Y'shua never had a kingdom and never will have a kingdom because he died on the cross and was never raised from the dead . LORD ELohim has no interest in being King of anything because people cannot see or hear Him either and He just does not want to do that .

2 Tim 4 : 2 - 4 Preach the word ; ... correct , rebuke and encourage ... 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine . Paul says people will listen to only what they want to hear . Who would have a problem with The Simple Truth which has no rules or commands to obey . The Simple Truth is about LORD ELohim's love for most all of mankind and Him trying to help us have greater joy and happiness and peace of mind and a life without anger , hate and regrets . Paul does not write much that could be called ' sound doctrine ' about The Simple Truth . The Roman Catholic Church probably may have wrote this , that if it’s not what they teach then its not ' sound doctrine ' . If Paul existed it would not be surprising that he wrote this verse , saying only his writings and teachings are the only sound doctrine . The word ' doctrine ' means something that is taught , dogma , tenet . The LORD says this again : Think Not Beyond Logic when you are trying figure out what to believe . Just remember that LORD ELohim is the only God and He is the God of love and cares greatly about mankind even today . LORD ELohim is never going to wrath against mankind as the book of Revelation says He and Y'shua will do soon . Y'shua is dead and LORD ELohim has no feelings to cause Him to wrath against mankind . The LORD does not even have any regrets anymore about anything He created .

2 Tim 4 : 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths . The greatest myths today is stuff like Y'shua raised the dead , healed all sickness , feed thousands with just a couple of fish and bread , saw Moses and Elijah alive again , that Y'shua himself was raised from the dead , that Y'shua was seen walking around after he died , that Y'shua was a God , that Y'shua was the Messiah and so on . Paul was right , there are a lot of myths about Y'shua only his time for this is wrong . Those myths started to be created about nineteen hundred years ago by the pagan Romans and Greeks and the pagan Christian churches . Paul himself created a few myths of his own like Timothy as a baby knowing the Holy Scriptures , that Y'shua spoke to Paul after Y'shua had died . How can people turn away from the truth if Paul did not teach much of anything about The Simple Truth .

( 17 : 16 ) NOTES : In Acts 9 it is written about Paul's conversion . It says that Paul's Jewish name was Saul . It says Paul was on his way to Damascus to hunt down believers of what ? at that time about 35 C.E. . Y'shua died around 28 C.E. . Y'shua would have only been dead for about seven years so what was the talk of the town at that time about him other than the Jews teaching The Simple Truth according to LORD ELohim . In Acts 9 : 1 - 19 it tells Paul's story . 3 As he neared Damascus on his journey , suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. 4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him , " Saul , Saul , why do you persecute me ? " 5 : Who are you Lord ? " Saul asked . " I am Jesus , whom you are persecuting , " he replied . 6 " Now get up and go into the city , and you will be told what you must do " . It says Paul was blind and his friends led him by the hand to Damascus . For three days he was blind and did not eat or drink anything . In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias . The Lord called to him in a vision , " Ananias ! " " Yes , Lord , " he answered . 11 The Lord told him , " Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul , for he is praying . 12 In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight . " 13 " Lord " , Ananias answered , I have many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your holy people in Jerusalem . And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name . " But the Lord said to Ananis , " Go ! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel . I will show him how much he must suffer for my name . " 17 Then Ananias went to the house and entered it . Placing his hand on Saul , he said , " Brother Saul , the Lord - Jesus , who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here - has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit . Paul gets his sight back and was baptized , ......... If only LORD ELohim or even other Spirits could speak like that to us mortals , things would be very different for all mankind and His beloved elephants . LORD ELohim says there is no truth to this story . I asked LORD ELohim if He is absolutely sure that Y'shua was dead when his body was taken off the cross and He said He knows for sure , absolutely sure that Y'shua had died on the cross and was never raised up from the dead . In the NIV in verse 2 ... so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way , In the KJV it says ... that if he found any of this way , . Was the early teachings about Y'shua called the ' Way ' or just the way people were believing . LORD ELohim says that flash of light from Heaven never happened because He cannot do that . Paul could not have heard the voice of Y'shua because Y'shua was dead at that time . Y'shua never became Spirit because the LORD cannot do that . LORD ELohim cannot turn flesh into Spirit or Spirit into flesh and no mortals , not even Y'shua , have a Spirit to call our own . Mortals cannot hear Spirits or LORD ELohim's voice so Paul could not have heard this voice . In verse 5 & 6 .... Now get up and go into the city , and you will be told what you must do ." LORD ELohim and even Y'shua when he was alive would never say ' what you must do .' That would be interfering with our free will to chose to do it or not to do it . What would be the reason to make Paul blind ? The LORD does not understand that either . The LORD would never do that . It say the Lord ( Y'shua ) called to Ananias in a vision . Y'shua was truly dead so it was not him causing this claimed vision . LORD ELohim never new Paul by any name . The LORD says a true vision is far harder to do than just teaching words so very few people in history had a vision caused by LORD ELohim through a teaching Spirit . The man called Ananias the LORD never knew this man either . If the LORD does not know someone , that person is not going to have words or visions from LORD ELohim so that did not happen . The writings say that Ananias placing his hands on Paul restored his sight . The LORD says just by putting hands on someone is not going to change anything . Its a false belief that this has any power to do that . 6 I will show him how much he must suffer for my name . Obviously this voice is not talking about The Simple Truth . If you still believe Y'shua was alive as Spirit then , why would he have said this . Y'shua knew why he was the Lamb of God . Y'shua knew The Simple Truth . Y'shua could have walked away from doing that but he also believed that peoples lives would be greatly better and happier by The Simple Truth . The Simple Truth is a true story about love , the love of LORD ELohim and the love of Y'shua for most all mankind . Again : there is nothing in The Simple Truth that would cause suffering . There is a lot in The Simple Truth that would cause great joy for all people who took the LORD's advice about forgiveness . Christians believing that they must suffer , like flogging themselves with a rod or whip , the LORD does not understand why they do that . Is it because of this one verse # 6 ? Y'shua would have never said that and neither would LORD ELohim have said that . It just makes no common sense and it's a very silly thing to do to yourself . Again : there is no Spirit created by LORD ELohim called the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost . That Spirit does not exist and never has existed and never will exist . LORD ELohim would never be that cruel to a Spirit .

( 17 : 17 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim says people need to rethink about Him and Spirits in general . LORD ELohim created everything that was created . He did not created anything by just speaking words . It's claimed that John called Y'shua the ' word ' . Since LORD ELohim could not create stuff by just speaking then Y'shua a mortal man could not do that either . All LORD ELohim created was by His own hands and sometimes with the help of the little Spirits . The LORD did not create from scratch Adam and Eve . The LORD chose Adam and Eve from among the humans that existed at that time . Homo sapiens have existed for about 35,000 years . The blood line of Adam and Eve would be the blood line of His Jews . It was before Adam and Eve that the LORD thought He could help mankind enjoy a better life if He could somehow teach us somethings like the Ten Commandments . The LORD needed people who could help Him do that for all mankind and they became the Jews , descendents of Adam and Eve . LORD ELohim created everything that was created by His hands including a few galaxies but He did not create all the galaxies in this universe . Most all of them just happened because of the natural nature of the atoms in the universe . The LORD says scientists are wrong that it was just one Big Bang that created all the universe . The LORD says one Big Bang would not even be enough to create a quarter of one very small galaxy . It took dozens and dozens of Big Bangs for LORD ELohim to create even one galaxy . Again : LORD ELohim created nothing by speaking words . The LORD cannot know the future and neither can people . At best He is good at guessing what it will be based on the knowledge He has about any subject . The LORD does not have magical powers anymore than people do . Everything requires Him to work with His hands and mind . LORD ELohim learnt what He knows by trial and error just as we often do . LORD ELohim has not always existed . Trillions of years ago He simply realized He was a living being . He never met His creators , His parents , and He does not know why that is . He was alone for a long time until He created Spirit children and began His Spirit family as their Father . LORD ELohim did not know if He could or could not create living beings from dirt but He began playing around with that about five billion years ago . After millions of years He learnt a lot from trial and error but He did manage to create living mortal creatures from dirt with His hands . LORD ELohim is our one and only Father and God . LORD ELohim is not all powerful as some believe . He cannot raise the dead , turn stone into bread , make every wish or prayer of yours come true . The LORD is not everywhere . He can only be in one place at a time just like you . The truth is He does not hear a lot of prayers . He never created the Spirit Christians believe in : the Holy Spirit . All Spirits are like us ; two arms and legs and hands and feet , one head , one torso and they can only be in one place at a time to . Remember the LORD created us in the image of Himself and all other Spirits . And much more . Again : people really need to rethink what they do believe about LORD ELohim our one and only God and Father and remember to Think Not Beyond Logic when you do that .

2 Tim 4 : 6 - 8 Paul writes his time is near to die . .... I have kept the faith . 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness , which the Lord , the righteous Judge , will award to me on that day - and not only me , but also to all who have longed for his appearing . Obviously he is writing about Y'shua . Y'shua was a mortal man . LORD ELohim would never allow a mortal to judge other mortals . He would not even allow Y'shua to judge mankind : even if Y'shua was alive , but he is not . LORD ELohim was our judge and no one else . There is no crown of righteousness for any mortal . The LORD does not even have a throne so where is He going to get crowns from . If Paul existed he would not get a crown of righteousness because he taught against the Ten Commandments . Remember if you want to be righteous you start by keeping the Ten Laws of LORD ELohim : there is no way around them . Christians believe a lot of strange things that really make no sense . Even some in Judaism and other religions make no sense either . There will be no resurrection of the dead because that has no logic in that belief that the LORD could even do that . Even the most righteous mortals like Y'shua cannot be raised from the dead . There will be no crowns for any reason . Y'shua is not going to appear in the future someday because he is not alive in any form .

( 17 : 18 ) NOTES : This is an ' if ' topic . If Y'shua was alive and if what Christians believe were true Y'shua would not have gone to Heaven for two thousand years and left people like Paul and even his Disciples and the Roman Catholic Church to create a new religion without him being their constant guide to do that . If people could really hear Spirit and see Spirit Y'shua never would have allowed a lot of things to happen like the Inquisitions and the church trying to force people to believe what they believe . Y'shua never would have allowed the Roman Catholic Church to interfere with peoples free will by using violence and threat of death to make them become Christians . Two thousand years is a long time to take a vacation in Heaven and leave the work to other people to do . Setting aside the ' if '. Y'shua never tried to create a new religion because he knew the Jews would teach The Simple Truth to the world and he never lived beyond his death on the cross and he knew that he would not have an eternal life . Y'shua never became a Spirit because LORD ELohim cannot change flesh into Spirit and cannot change Spirit into flesh . Y'shua never went to Heaven because he truly died on the cross and like all mortals he had no Spirit to call his own .

2 Tim 4 : 16 & 17 At my first defence , no one came to my support , but everyone deserted me . May it not be held against them . 17 But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength , so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it . Paul writes ' the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength . There is not a lot of what Paul was preaching in any of his books . There is enough to know it was not about The Simple Truth . Paul writes that Y'shua was at his side . Most verses about where Y'shua was after his death says he went to Heaven so how could Y'shua be at the side of Paul and how would Paul have known that if that were true . LORD ELohim did not know Paul and Y'shua never knew Paul . A book says Paul was about 68 years old when he wrote 2 Timothy . Y'shua would have been dead for about 38 years at that time . Paul mentions Luke and Mark in this letter . Luke and Mark were not Disciples of Y'shua when Y'shua was alive . LORD ELohim says He never met either Luke or Mark and the LORD was always with Y'shua when he was alive so He is sure Y'shua never met these two people either .

2 Tim 4 : 18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom . Like Y'shua , Paul is dead and he had no Spirit to call his own just like Y'shua and just like you to . Again : no moral has ever gone to Heaven and no mortal will ever go to Heaven . According to Christian scholars no mortal will be resurrected until the time Y'shua returns from Heaven just before the seven year tribulation and the wrath of God . There is no mention that we could find , that at our time of death we go to Heaven , we cannot find that anywhere . So a lot of corpses are going to be thousands of years old . So Paul thinking at the time of his death he is headed for Heaven would be a wrong belief according to Christian scholars . Again there will be no wrath of God . LORD ELohim has better things to do with His life and the lives of His Spirit children . Even Paul is claimed to have written in 1 Thessalonians 4 : 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven , with a loud command , with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God , and the dead in Christ will rise first . The tribulation has not happened yet and will never happen in the way Christians say it will . According to Christian scholars they say that the resurrection is a bodily resurrection which means the corpses in the graves or in jars who were cremated will be resurrected first . What does not make sense other than most everything is that Christians scholars believe the Christians and the unbelievers eternal state does not begin for the believers and non-believers until the end of Y'shua's thousand year reign on earth . They believe when Y'shua first comes only the Christians will be raised from the dead at the time of the rapture . Then a thousand years later the rest of the corpses : Christians who became Christians durning the reign of Y'shua and every non - believer . So Christians being bodily resurrected when Y'shua returns before the tribulation are not eternal at that time but yet mortals and will still need to live on earth . They will still need air , water , food and so on . So how are these mortal Christian corpses raised from the dead who are not eternal yet suppose to stay alive for a thousand years as again being mortal ? Again : LORD ELohim cannot make flesh into Spirit or Spirit into flesh and only Spirit is able to have an eternal life .

( 17 : 20 ) NOTES : Most Christians who actually read their Bible believe they will be raised from the dead at the time of the rapture just before the seven year tribulation period . The resurrection will be a bodily resurrection of the mortal corpse for those who are dead Christians . So these Christians will be raised to be mortals again . Mortals cannot go to Heaven so these Christians raised from the dead will remain on earth with the rest of us bad boys and girls who are non-believers of the Christian faith . That would mean that the Christians raised from the dead and those living would be here on earth for the seven years of tribulation . This is not a good time for Christian mortal corpses to be raised from the dead back to mortal life . Christian scholars say that during these seven years is also the wrath of God which is written about in the book of Revelation . Again LORD ELohim cannot change mortal flesh and bone into Spirit or change Spirit into mortal flesh and bone . Living mortals cannot go to Heaven . How would that be possible without space ships ? So this would mean that the risen mortal Christians and the living Christians who have not yet died would be on earth for the greatest live horror show ever on planet earth , the seven year tribulation . The truth is : LORD ELohim cannot raise the truly dead , not even Christians . The LORD is never going to wrath against mankind because He has absolutely no desire to do that . The LORD ELohim is not going to become a mass murderer of billions of people and neither are His Spirit children just because a very wicked and cruel minded mortal wrote it in the Christian Bible . The LORD says that He is very sure that John the Disciple of Y'shua never wrote the book of Revelation . The way mankind is going we will probably end up like the dodo birds all on our own doing .

( 17 : 21 ) NOTES : Many Christians believe in the rapture . The rapture is Y'shua taking all Christians : living and the raised dead to Heaven just before the tribulation occurs . Again : these dead Christians would be bodily raised from the dead . How would it be possible for Y'shua who is also dead and never raised from the dead , going to get these risen mortal corpses to Heaven and how could he get the living Christians to Heaven also ? All these Christians would be mortal flesh and bone including those raised from the dead . LORD ELohim says He cannot do that and if Y'shua were alive neither could he do that , but Y'shua is truly dead . LORD ELohim says there will be no rapture of Christians , dead or alive . If the LORD could do that it would not be the pagan Christians He would rapture , it would be all the Jews . Again : the LORD cannot do this rapture stuff .

( 17 : 22 ) NOTES : Many Christians believe in Y'shua or LORD ELohim judging people as individuals . They believe it will be Christians who will be judged first based on their works and other things they did during their lives . It’s believed this will happen between the rapture and the second coming of Y'shua . So this will happen during the seven year tribulation . If Y'shua were alive he would be a very busy boy judging all these millions and millions of Christians . The belief is that some would be given rewards while others would get nothing . What rewards ? Y'shua was a poor Rabbi and he took nothing with him to the grave and he is dead . LORD ELohim has nothing to give people , no crowns , no boss positions , no position to rule over others , and on and on . The LORD has nothing to give , not even land since most all land on earth is owned by mortals now . The LORD has nothing for you . Next : at the end of the tribulation dead Jews risen of the Old Testament time will be judged , then people who became Christians during the tribulation are judged , then living Jews , then living Gentiles . Next : at the end of the thousand year reign of Y'shua then David ( Satan ) and fallen Spirits will be judged and then unbelievers of God , which God ?? and they will all go to the lake of fire . None of this judgment stuff is true says LORD ELohim . Y'shua is dead and the LORD would have never let Y'shua judge other mortals if he were alive. LORD ELohim judged us as a species and not as individuals and as a species we failed our trial for many many reasons . There is no hell or lake of fire . That was written to cause people fear so to become Christians . David is not wicked and there are no fallen Angels . No mortal is going to be resurrected back to life . Our death is eternal and so is Y'shua's . If you have read LORD ELohim's Little Book , you know by now that the LORD would never condemn any person just because that person did not believe LORD ELohim even existed or Y'shua even existed .


Another book by Paul

Titus 1 : 2 & 3 In the NIV 2 in the hope of eternal life , which God , who does not lie , promised before the beginning of time , 3 and which now at his appointed season he has brought to light through the preaching entrusted to me by the command of God our Saviour . The KJV says ... promised before the world began . The back up verses the CB claims for these verses is 2 Timothy 1 : 1 & 9 . 2 Timothy 1 : 1 in keeping with the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus . 2 Timothy 1 : 9 .... The grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time . The back up verses to Titus 1 : 2 & 3 is in the book of 2 Timothy . Paul wrote Titus and he also wrote 2 Timothy . How can Christians claim that verses written by Paul proves what is written again by Paul is the truth . I asked LORD ELohim if he ever promised eternal life for mortals and He said no He has never promised that . How could the LORD promise that to mankind before the world existed trillions of years ago and trillions of years before He even knew what He could create out of dirt , if anything . A writer cannot use his own writings as a back up to proving that what he writes after is true . Thats not a back up , it's just Paul writing what he already wrote in a different letter . There is no proof that something is true about what Paul wrote when it’s just a repeat of what Paul had already written . That would prove nothing . Again : LORD ELohim never promised mortals they would have an eternal life because that would have been a lie . LORD ELohim and Y'shua never knew Paul so the LORD did not entrust Paul to teach The Simple Truth or anything else . Paul preaching that people will have eternal life , being his main topic , cannot be proved or disproved . Paul played a safe bet with preaching eternal life for those who believe in his preaching and follow his ways . There are many people who hoped for eternal life so it would be a good bet that many would support him . Christians also preaching in hell and eternal torture for all eternity is another safe bet that people out of fear would become Christians because that also cannot be proven to be true or false . The LORD says there will be no eternal life for any mortal and there is no purgatory , hell or lake of fire for those who do not become Christians . The LORD hopes the proof about these things you can find in His Little Book and you Thinking Not Beyond Logic .

( 17 : 23 ) NOTES : Paul like others plays it safe . There was not much chance for people to catch Paul or other people in a lie . Where is the proof one way or another : true or false ? Where is the proof that the Little Book is LORD ELohim's Book ? The LORD hopes the coded subjects will prove themselves to be His work and the logic in His Book will help people to believe this Book is His work more than my work . LORD ELohim is not out to play it safe . The LORD is out to teach The Simple Truth and correct the lies and errors told by man about Him and Y'shua and other subjects .

( 17 : 24 ) NOTES : What is the Main Book about ? The main book that is coded completely different from the 666 Books but with the same Gematria numbers was the Book the LORD taught me about codes . It was also the Book I worked on first so LORD ELohim could tell how stupid I was about a lot of things . It was a test book to see if I would get frustrated with it and just walk away from doing it . There is a lot in the main book that are errors because I was an Atheist so what did I know about what could be coded in it about religion and other stuff . Maybe one day I will redo it but not until this work is finished . So with the main book don't believe much of anything written in it because it is filled with errors . The other books that have the 666 code is probably all correct . Today I am still learning new things .

Titus 1 : 5 - 16 From verse 5 - 9 it’s just Paul making more rules . 10 For there are many rebellious people , full of meaningless talk and deception , especially those of the circumcision group . 11 They must be silenced , because they are disrupting whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach - and that for the sake of dishonest gain . LORD ELohim does not like people grouping others into one group then speaking about the whole group like they are all the same and doing all the same things . Paul is probably speaking of the Jews when he calls them the circumcision group . Paul writes they must be silenced . The LORD has always believe in freedom of speech . Paul saying the Jews must be silenced shows what a tyrant Paul really was . Again LORD ELohim believes Paul was not a Jew . A book says Paul was about 62 years old when he is claimed to have written Titus about 63 - 65 C.E. . LORD ELohim says at this time the Jews were teaching The Simple Truth so what Paul was out to silence was the Jews teaching The Simple Truth . The LORD says the Jews teaching The Simple Truth made no money at doing that . It was like coffee shop news and not a whole new religion like Paul was working at . LORD ELohim was in Judea around that time and He had no problem with what the Jews were teaching and how they were teaching it . What the Jews were teaching , The Simple Truth , is what they knew LORD ELohim would want them to teach and teach other Jews and the Gentiles . None of the Jews were out for money gain . The way Paul speaks of the Jewish people , calling them the circumcision group sounds very disrespectful towards the Jews . This is another reason the LORD says Paul was not a Jewish man and Paul may have never existed . The LORD says no Jew would call other Jews the circumcision group . Paul uses that name a lot . If you want to talk about money and property and power gain then let's talk about the Roman Catholic Church and some Protestants and many T.V. preachers today . In the past the Roman Catholic Church had a lot of authority over peoples lives and even kings and nations .

Titus 1 : 12 - 14 Paul is talking about the people of Crete . He calls them liars , evil brutes , lazy gluttons . 13 This saying is true . Therefore rebuke them sharply , that they will be sound in the faith 14 and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the merely human commands of those who reject the truth . It’s not surprising that a lot of people quit following Paul if Paul truly did exist . Again the LORD is sure Paul was not a Jew if he did exist . No Jewish person would call their beliefs ' myths ' . The KJV calls them ' fables ' . Paul obviously never knew The Simple Truth or he never understood The Simple Truth which is another reason to believe Paul was not a Jewish man . The Jewish people back then did fully understand what The Simple Truth was about and were not surprised LORD ELohim would try to help most all mankind by that teaching that . Y'shua fully understood The Simple Truth and understood fully what LORD ELohim was trying to do to help mankind and Y'shua willingly died for that because he believed in what the LORD was doing . Y'shua did try to teach The Simple Truth but he did not get very far with it probably because the Romans were hard to forgive .

Titus 1 : 15 To be pure , all things are pure , but to those who are corrupted and do not believe , nothing is pure . In fact , both their minds and consciences are corrupted . By The Simple Truth LORD ELohim forgave most all peoples sins . That did not make you pure or anyone else pure including Paul . Pure means : free from moral fault . Not all Ten Commandments are about morality . The LORD did teach a lot about morality and hoped that people would use His teachings to better their lives but The Simple Truth is about sins . It's breaking any or all of the Ten Laws that LORD ELohim calls sins . Being ' pure ' is something you and all other people would have to work at . Just because you are a Christian or Jew or of any other religion does not make you pure just because you believe in your religion . Again : to be pure is something you need to work at because the LORD will not do that for you . Paul calls those who do not believe in his ways are corrupted in their minds . LORD ELohim would not say that about people who did not follow Paul's beliefs , rules and commands and did not become Christians . Mostly their minds are not corrupted . Most all of them are just more logical in the way they think about things like what other people believe in . The LORD would never hold that against those people .

Titus 1 : 16 They claim to know God , but by their actions they deny him . They are detestable , disobedient and unfit for doing anything good . Paul really has a good way with people ! It's no wonder people deserted him . Which God is Paul writing about ? And who is he writing about calling them all these words which would be best unsaid , the Crete's or the Jews . Crete is an island in the Mediterranean Sea . LORD ELohim says there would have not been a lot of Jews living there at that time . The Jewish people still had Judea even though their home had a lot of pagan Romans . Israel was the home LORD ELohim gave them and the LORD says that meant a lot to the Jewish people then .

Titus 2 : 13 & 14 Paul does not write which of his Gods he is writing about an often he writes like this : Paul , a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ . In verses like this we think God means LORD ELohim because he also writes he is an apostle of Jesus Christ . Did Paul believe Y'shua was a God ? These verses answers that question . 13 while we wait for the blessed hope - the appearing of the glory of our great God and Saviour , Jesus Christ , who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own , eager to do what is good . That is not what The Simple Truth was about . There is nothing in The Simple Truth about Y'shua trying to make people to be his followers . Y'shua was a poor Jewish Rabbi for about three years . Y'shua was a teacher of Judaism and not a leader of men and women . Above all : Y'shua was not a God and he never claimed to be a God and his Disciples never said Y'shua was a God either says LORD ELohim . The LORD says Y'shua's main topic as a Rabbi was forgiveness of others and of ourselves . Y'shua knew what he would willingly die for .

Titus 3 : 3 - Paul writes about how wicked people are . 4 But when the kindness and love of God our Saviour appeared , 5 he saved us , not because of righteous things we had done , but because of his mercy . Y'shua was the Lamb of God . LORD ELohim would have been our Saviour if we had a chance for eternal life . No mortal is going to be saved and have an eternal life so Christians believing Y'shua was their Saviour is wrong . LORD ELohim our only God was the author of The Simple Truth . So Christians are wrong in two ways : LORD ELohim would have been our Saviour if there was something to save and Y'shua was not a God .


Another book by Paul

Phil 1 : 4 - 5 I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers , 3 because I hear about your love for all his holy people and your faith in the Lord Jesus . LORD ELohim does not just call anyone ' holy ' and Christians He calls pagans and not holy people . LORD ELohim says in all history since Adam and Eve He remembers only calling 15 people ' holy ' and Moses and Y'shua were two of them . There were a couple of holy Rabbis who helped build Oak Island . To be called ' holy ' by LORD ELohim , you have to work at that . The Simple Truth was and is about the forgiveness of sin by LORD ELohim and the LORD teaching us to do the same , to forgive others and ourselves . The Simple Truth has nothing to do with people becoming holy just because they believe something , that will never make you holy . To be considered holy by LORD ELohim is the same as being considered pure : you have to earn both and the start to do that is by keeping His Ten Commandments .

Phil 1 : 7 ... , have refreshed the hearts of the Lord's people . Paul has often called his followers ' the Lord's people ' . Y'shua as a Rabbi for a few years did not have a lot of followers and the few he did have Y'shua never called them ' his people ' as if there was something special about them . These were people who just enjoyed Y'shua's teachings and conversations with him . Y'shua taught what was common to the faith of Judaism and about forgiveness . LORD ELohim says that Y'shua never taught anything about eternal life . Somethings were not preached but among friends he may have spoken of subjects like eternal life which cannot be proved one way or the other . The LORD made sure Y'shua His Lamb of God did know he would not have an eternal life after he died for our sins and Y'shua still willingly gave his life for the forgiveness of our sins .


( 17 : 25 ) NOTES : The writer of Hebrews is not named in this letter . Many believe this is Paul's writing but other believe it was Apollos or Barnabas or Luke's writings . In one CB it says only God knows who wrote Hebrews . LORD ELohim says that is not true because He does not know who wrote it . Since there is no known name for who wrote Hebrews , and we need a name , we thought of a few names to call this unknown man . Out of a few names we thought of , the LORD ELohim chose the name ' George ' for this unknown person .

Hebrews 1 : 1 & 2 George writes that in the past LORD ELohim spoke through the prophets , 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son , whom he appointed heir of all things , and through whom also he made the universe . And where is the evidence of that ? Y'shua was a son of LORD ELohim just as you if you are male is His son to . Us girls are His daughters . We mortal humans are all LORD ELohim's children . It was LORD ELohim who was playing in the dirt on this earth and not Y'shua . Nothing about Y'shua existed until about two thousand years ago when he was conceived of as a mortal man . Y'shua was never a God for there is only one God and Father of all Spirits and mortals and He is LORD ELohim . Y'shua did not make the universe . Even LORD ELohim did not make all the universe . LORD ELohim only made a few galaxies in this universe . Y'shua made nothing other than a few chairs and tables when he worked with Joseph his father who was a carpenter . Y'shua is not the heir of anything because Y'shua who was fully a mortal man died and will never be risen from the dead . When Y'shua was alive it was not the last days . The last day started in 2000 C.E. when our trial ended . This Last Day is the Judgment Day and LORD ELohim's Sabbath Day .

Hebrews 1 : 3 & 4 The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being , sustaining all things by his powerful word . After he had provided purification for sins , he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven . 4 So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs . Y'shua is not the only son of LORD ELohim , never was and never will be . There is no power in words about sustaining all things whatever that means ? The Dictionary says to hold up under , to support as true . The LORD ELohim did not create anything just by speaking words . George says Y'shua ' had provided purification for sins ' . Y'shua was the mortal Lamb of God . LORD ELohim is the author of The Simple Truth and it was LORD ELohim who forgave most all of us our sins , not Y'shua . George says Y'shua then went to Heaven and sat at the right hand of LORD ELohim . George writes the word Majesty and the LORD says to never call Him that . Y'shua never went to Heaven and LORD ELohim was not in Heaven , He was on earth . LORD ELohim says Y'shua the mortal man was in many ways superior than most all mortals but not superior to Angels . No mortal has ever been superior to the Spirit children created LORD ELohim . Y'shua's name was not Jesus and Y'shua was never the Christ . Christ in Latin or Greek means Messiah . Again : Y'shua was never the Messiah and never will be .

( 17 : 26 ) NOTES : We probably mentioned this before . How does George and other writers of the CB NT know all this stuff . Most of the things they claim they know for sure about are errors or just outright lies . Remember in the CB NT it says that Y'shua said to pray " Our Father who art in heaven " .... If Y'shua truly said that then even Y'shua did not know where LORD ELohim was . You would think that if Y'shua was the only son of LORD ELohim and also was a Son God he would have known for the most times the LORD was standing right next to him . Even Y'shua never knew where the LORD was . It's mostly stuff like ' a voice of the Father heard speaking from Heaven ' that proves what is written is a lie . So how would the NT writers claim to know : Y'shua made the universe , or that Y'shua was superior to the Angels and on and on . How would George have known all that : which are also all a lie . How would Peter , Paul , Matthew and the others who's writings are in the CB NT come to know what they think they know ? I thought I knew the truth about Souls , that they existed and everybody has one because that is what I remember being taught in Sunday School and it took a long time , over twenty years before LORD ELohim could get that belief corrected in my thinking . Now I know the real truth : no body has a Spirit called the Soul which makes sense since there are about eight billion people on earth . LORD ELohim would have had to work day and night creating such Spirits and it would have been cruel to such a Spirit to be in flesh for mostly around about seventy years until we die . When we read what George and other CB writers write ; how could they know such things like in Hebrews so far and in all the other books of the CB NT ? LORD ELohim had nothing to do with Mark , Luke , Paul , Paul's followers and He is sure He never met this George guy whoever he was . In Hebrews 1 : 1 - 4 there are already eight errors or lies . The first : Y'shua was not the LORD's only son . 2 Y'shua was and is not the heir of all things . 3 The LORD did not make the universe through Y'shua or anything else LORD ELohim created . 4 Y'shua was not an exact representation of the LORD . 5 There is no magical power in whatever word George is writing about to sustain all things . 6 It was not Y'shua who provided purification for sins , that was LORD ELohim who authored The Simple Truth who forgave our sins . Y'shua was the Lamb of God . 7 Y'shua was not superior to the Angels . 8 The name Y'shua does not make him superior to the names of Angels . How would George know this stuff and all are errors or lies that someone made on purpose . Remember it was LORD ELohim who forgave our sins and not Y'shua the Lamb of God . Y'shua was the atoning sacrifice who's blood shed allowed for LORD ELohim's forgiveness of the sins for most all mankind and by The Simple Truth the LORD hoped mankind would learn from His example the benefits of forgiving others and forgiving ourselves .

( 17 : 27 ) NOTES : Just a reminder : LORD ELohim did not understand all this sacrifice stuff long ago . I don't understand the sacrifices of mortal flesh so it's difficult for me to write about it . Remember the LORD did not invent sacrificing mortal flesh for the many reasons people do now or did that in the past . People long before Adam and Eve were sacrificing animals and even human babies and children to their false gods for different reasons . Giving sacrifices to false gods was so common everywhere on earth that the LORD did not try to end sacrificing animals but He worked hard to end people sacrificing humans and so they would not cause animals to suffer . So LORD ELohim did not even like mortals being sacrificed for any reason . LORD ELohim was not the author of sacrificing any animals for any reason but He did use what people did believe in , sacrifices , to teach people the benefits of forgiving those who wronged you and to forgive yourself for the wrongs you have done to others or even to yourself . Y'shua the Jewish mortal man was the Lamb of God who was the ultimate sacrifice by LORD ELohim to forgive most all people of their sins in a way people would come to understand . If I error about sacrifices its because I did not grow up with people I knew sacrificing animals for whatever reasons so I don't get all of the sacrifice stuff .

Hebrews 1 : 5 For to which of the angels did God ever say , " You are my Son ; today I have become your Father " ? The LORD ELohim says He said that to thousands of His Spirit sons , every one of them when He created them and many times since . So much for George knowing everything . There is no back up verse for the first line but the CB says Psalm 2 : 7 backs up the " You are my Son "... line . In the JB Psalm 2 : 7 Let me tell of the decree the LORD said to me , " You are My son , I have fathered you this day " . In the NIV same verse : I will proclaim the LORD's decree : " He said to me , " You are my son ; today I have become your father " . LORD ELohim says both are a metaphor . LORD ELohim created us . He is our Father and our God . LORD ELohim became all our Father the moment we His mortal children were conceived . The JB says this is metaphorically meaning the close kinship between the LORD ELohim and the king and was a common saying in the ancient Near East . In 2 Samual 7 : 14 where LORD ELohim says to King David concerning his heir : " I will be a father to him and he shall be a son to Me ." This verse is writing about Solomon the son of King David . Note that the word ' son ' in the back up verses is a small ' s ' and not a capital ' S ' as in the CB Hebrews 1 : 5 . Also Father in the back up verses is a small ' f ' and not a capital ' F ' . LORD ELohim says it should be a capital ' F ' when writing about Him and Samual is definitely writing about the LORD ELohim . Christians always write Y'shua as being the ' Son ' with a capital ' S ' and not a small ' s ' . None of the back up verses is there a capital ' S ' . LORD ELohim says these verses have nothing to do with Y'shua and above all , have nothing to do with The Simple Truth .

Hebrews 1 : 6 And again , when God brings his firstborn into the world , he says , " Let all God's angels worship him ." The NIV says the back up verse is in Deuteronomy 32 : 43 . In the JB it says : O nations , acclaim His people ! For He'll avenge the blood of His servants , Wreak vengeance on His foes , And cleanse the land of His people ." In the NIV this verse is much the same except the last line : and make atonement for his land and people . So what does Deuteronomy got to do with Angels worshiping Y'shua ? The KJV says Psalms 97 : 7 backs up this verse to . In the JB : All who worship images , who vaunt their idols , are dismayed ; all divine beings bow down to Him . The NIV this verse says : All who worship images are put to shame , those who boast in idols - worship him , all you gods ! This verse is not about Y'shua , its about LORD ELohim . Why would a Jewish writer write ' all you gods ' as if he believes they exist ? When in the JB it is written , Him or His or Father and so on with a capital letter like a capital ' H ' it means LORD ELohim even though we found a couple of errors in the JB about this . The verse 6 before 7 in Psalms says : The heavens proclaim His righteousness and all people see His glory . Again it's LORD ELohim who is being written about and not Y'shua . The CB Hebrews 1 : 6 again writes ' him ' with a small ' h ' and tried to pass that off as being written by ancient Jews about Y'shua . Those ancient Jews never heard of Y'shua says LORD ELohim . At that time even LORD ELohim never heard of Y'shua who would be born and His Lamb many years later . The word ' vaunt ' means to brag or boast . It's important to notice how people spelt words especially in the Jewish Bible if Christians are using that Bible to back up their verses . Out of respect for LORD ELohim the Jewish people most always use capital letters for any names regarding Him . Christians in their Old Testament do no use capital letters regarding LORD ELohim . The only names we can find in the CB OT with capital letters is LORD and God . So the CB OT only adds more confusion to their Bible and someone did that on purpose . The KJV also says Romans 8 : 29 back up Hebrews 1 : 6 . In the KJV : For whom he did foreknow , he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son , that he might be the firstborn among many brethren . There is nothing here about Angels worshiping Y'shua . The NIV is much the same only they added sisters to . LORD ELohim never foreknew you , any of you or me or even Y'shua . The LORD's thinking about the Lamb of God only started about three hundred years before Y'shua existed . LORD ELohim never foreknew most all people . Only Isaac , Samson and Y'shua He kind of foreknew . He fertilized a egg with a sperm and placed the fertilized egg into the womb of the mother of these three people . So He kind of knew them a very little time before hand but not you or any other people . LORD ELohim cannot predestine people because that would mean interfering with our free will . With Isaac , Samson and Y'shua the LORD hoped Samson and Y'shua would help Him help mankind . The only person in all the history of mankind that could not say ' no I'm not going to do that ' to LORD ELohim was Isaac . Isaac was a white skinned albino whether he liked it or not . Abraham and his mother Sarah like most people at that time in that area were black skinned . The LORD wanted to be able to know the people He hoped to work through to help mankind so Isaac was the beginning of the white race and the beginning of the Hebrew people . Abraham and Sarah were the first Jews . LORD ELohim says Isaac was treated very well by the black skinned people who lived at that time . Getting back on topic : Angels never worshiped Y'shua and there is no back up verse for this lie that we could find . LORD ELohim and the Spirits with me say that no Angel would ever worship a mortal , not even Y'shua . The Jewish people were always right not to believe a mortal could be a God . Y'shua was never a God in any way and again : no Spirits ever worshiped him .

( 17 : 28 ) NOTES : People need to understand that LORD ELohim is the Father of all Spirits and He treats them like His children . No Spirits are constantly worshiping the LORD as is written in Revelation and else where . The LORD and His Spirit children are a family and not a church . I asked LORD ELohim if He tried to be more of a Father with us His mortal children than a God and He said He always tried to be more of a Father to us than a God but that did not work out very well . People before Adam and Eve had a lot of false gods and even after Adam and Eve so the only way the LORD could get our attention as our Father was to become a God to mankind also . The Spirits call Him ELohim . The Spirit children of the LORD and Himself are so busy singing , dancing , playing and just having a lot of other fun with their Father there is no need or reason to be worshiping Him as a God , but only loving Him as their Father . LORD ELohim created all existing Spirits . Great love and joy in His Spirit family as their Father gives far more joy to the LORD then people worshiping Him as their God . The LORD ELohim was all Spirits Father trillions of years before He created mortals and became our Father to . According to most Christians they believe Y'shua created us and is therefore our Father . That is a great lie . Some writings say that LORD ELohim created all ' through ' Y'shua . This is another lie .

Hebrews 1 : 7 He makes his angels spirits , and his servants flames of fire . Their back up verse Psalm 104 : 4 . In the JB He makes the winds His messengers , fiery flames His servants . The JB says go to Psalms 148 : 8 fire and hail , snow and smoke , storm wind that executes His command , The JB says this verse in Psalms 104 : 4 is about God being clothed in the glory of His creation . There is nothing about Angels Spirits in any back up verse . This may mean the nature of the universe and the earth can be His servants such as flames of fire . Even in the NIV in Psalm 104 : 4 it's much the same as the JB and has nothing about Angels Spirits . Its true LORD ELohim made His Angels Spirits . The LORD does not have much ability to cause fire, hail , snow , smoke or winds . The LORD leaves that to mother nature .

Hebrews 1 : 8 But about the Son he says , " Your throne , O God , will last for ever and ever ; a sceptre of justice will be the sceptre of your kingdom . The back up verse for this in the KJV is Luke 1 : 75 In holiness and righteousness before him , all the days of our life . What does George's verse have to do with Luke's verse ? The Christian New Testament using verses in the CB New Testament as back up verses are not good back up verses for proof they are true and correct . If Luke backs up Mark about eternal life for believers that does not make the verses true or correct . Even the Jewish Bible has a few errors but verses from the JB are still better as back up verses than in the CB NT . The verse # 8 says ' he says ' which probably means LORD ELohim . The LORD would never call Y'shua ' O God ' because Y'shua was never in any form a God . Y'shua is dead so this verse has no truth . There will never be a Kingdom of God on earth . These verses have absolutely nothing to do with The Simple Truth .

Hebrews 1 : 10 He also says , " In the beginning , Lord you laid the foundations of the earth , and the heavens are the work of your hands . Who does ' He ' mean . In the CB Y'shua is usually called ' Lord ' . LORD ELohim would not say this verse because if ' Lord ' means Y'shua this entire verse is a lie . LORD ELohim would not call Y'shua ' Lord ' either . LORD ELohim is the one and only one who created anything created by hands that the nature of the universe did not create . Y'shua did not in any form exist trillions of years ago but LORD ELohim did exist . Y'shua who was a completely mortal man did not exist until he was conceived of by LORD ELohim about two thousand years ago and Y'shua has been dead for about two thousand years to . Some Christians believe Y'shua was born in 5 B.C.E. so about 2028 C.E. will mark the year that Y'shua would have died at the age of 33 two thousand years ago .

( 17 : 29 ) NOTES : The word incarnation comes up a lot about Y'shua . The belief is that the only Spirit Son of God incarnated into mortal flesh who's name was Y'shua . We will start with this : LORD ELohim says He cannot turn flesh into Spirit or Spirit into flesh . In some books it's says the meaning of ' Incarnation ' is ' becoming flesh ' or ' becoming human ' . Again : LORD ELohim says He and any other Spirit cannot turn flesh into Spirit or Spirit into flesh . So if there was an eternal only Son of God who incarnated into mortal flesh named Y'shua , the two would remain completely separate and that Spirit Son would have been one of the big six foot Spirits and those Spirits cannot fit into a man says the LORD . The LORD says He created the six big Spirits first so this believed only Son of God would have been the first six foot big Spirit . If there were an eternal Son of God then he never became human . Y'shua was the human and the Son of God who would have been Spirit was just living in Y'shua's mortal body and Y'shua the mortal man would have became his puppet . When Y'shua a mortal man truly died on the cross as mortal flesh the Son of God would have lived because he would have been Spirit and mortal flesh cannot live in Spirit . So the mortal man Y'shua would have truly died while the Son of God Spirit went home to Heaven to sit on a throne according to the Christians . So Y'shua was not fully a God or Spirit though Christians do call Y'shua a God . It was the Son of God a Spirit in him that Christians also call a God who would not have died on the cross with the mortal man Y'shua . Because Y'shua was fully mortal he did truly die on that cross . Y'shua the mortal man was fully mortal so he never lived to sit on a throne with the Son of God who never existed . Mortal flesh cannot fly to Heaven and dead mortal flesh definitely cannot fly to Heaven . Again : the LORD cannot turn Spirit into flesh or flesh into Spirit . Christians believe the two of them , mortal and Spirit , became one person . LORD ELohim says that would never have happened because He cannot change flesh into Spirit or Spirit into flesh . The two would remain completely separate in every way . There was never an only Son of God Spirit but if this Spirit existed Y'shua the mortal man died while the Son of God headed home to Heaven . The Son of God , God , would have eternal life because he is Spirit and Y'shua would have an eternal grave on earth because LORD ELohim cannot change flesh into Spirit and Y'shua was a mortal flesh and bone man . Most Christians believe Y'shua continued to be a ' God man ' but LORD ELohim says that is impossible for that to happen . The Son of God would have been Spirit and Y'shua was fully a mortal man and this mortal man died on the cross and would have eventually died from something if not on the cross as all mortals do . Christians believe Y'shua is truly a God as much as the Father LORD ELohim and the Holy Spirit are Gods to them also and most also believe Y'shua is also truly a human as we are humans to . The LORD says Y'shua cannot be human and not be mortal as all people are human mortals . The LORD says there is no ' only Son of God ' . All Spirits are His sons . All mortals are His sons and daughters . The Holy Spirit who is often just called Spirit does not exist . LORD ELohim would have never allowed a Spirit to incarnate into flesh and over come that persons free will , especially Y'shua . Y'shua had a difficult choice to make on his own about being the Lamb of God : to do that or to not do that . The word redeem means : set free from the consequences of sin ; save from damnation ; to ransom , free or rescue by paying a price . Y'shua was the one who payed the price for our sins by the shedding of his blood so LORD ELohim could forgive most all of us of our sins . There was and is not consequences for our sins since there is no damnation and there is no eternal life to be gained . The Simple Truth was about the LORD ELohim by His example teaching mankind to forgive others and ourselves for theirs and our mistakes in life so our lives would be happier and more peaceful and without hate and anger and a troubled mind . The Simple Truth had nothing to do with eternal life , going to hell or heaven and stuff like that which are all not true in any way . Even LORD ELohim had to forgive Himself for the death of Y'shua whom He loved dearly . We just realized something . Since Spirit and flesh would remain completely separate then the Christians have four main Gods : LORD ELohim , Holy Spirit , Y'shua the mortal and the only Son of God . Three of them are false Gods who do not exist and never existed ; the Holy Spirit and the only Son of God never existed and Y'shua the mortal man was never a God . Two did exist : LORD ELohim and Y'shua the mortal man but only one is our true God and Father who was and is LORD ELohim . Y'shua is a Christian false God and he has been dead for nearly two thousand years . Only LORD ELohim is the one true God and our one true Father . Remember in past CB writings Christians also believe David ( Satan ) is also a small ' g ' god which would make four false Gods and god : the Holy Spirit , Y'shua , the only Son of God and David . Again : there has never been a ' only Son of God ' and Y'shua a truly mortal man willingly did truly die on the cross for our sins to be forgiven by LORD ELohim so the LORD could teach by being an example , for us to forgive others and ourselves also for theirs and our mistakes .

( 17 : 30 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants to thank the Jewish people and Rabbis for helping the Christians and others regarding what He teaches in His Little Book . This will be His last Book to mankind to try to help mankind live a better mortal life and to teach people the truth about many errors and lies written . LORD ELohim every Sabbath goes to a Synagogue and enjoys the day there listening to Jews and Christians and other people talking about the Little Book . On Sunday He does the same only at a Christian church . LORD ELohim is very very pleased at what He is hearing at these gatherings and greatly enjoys His time there every week . LORD ELohim hopes that the Christian ministers will keep their church doors open and the congregation will continue to attend and support the truth and enjoy each others company each week . Again the LORD is very happy about what He is hearing people talking about at these gatherings and again He thanks the Jewish Rabbis and others for their help to explain and teach and to help the Christian community to get through this if they chose to change to teaching the truth . The LORD is also happy that the Rabbis are also willing to correct the few errors of beliefs in Judaism .

( 17 : 31 ) NOTES : There were very few back up verses in other books in the CB NT that were correct for those verses and this book of Hebrews is so far worse then most other CB NT books for not being good back up verses to . The CB NT using other NT verses is just adding another error . How can Matthew back up Mark or any others . Matthew has a lot of errors so how can anyone think that Mark is right about eternal life if the back up verse in Matthew is wrong and also says people will have an eternal life . NT books cannot back up NT books . The CB Old Testament is not exactly like the Jewish Bible . So unless something needs to be written we are not going to do back up verses anymore and if the back up is in the JB we will only use the Jewish Bible and not the CB OT . In Genesis 3 : 19 By the sweat of your brow Shall you get bread to eat , Until your return to the ground , For from it you were taken ; For dust you are , And to dust you shall return . Says the LORD . The LORD says nothing about becoming Spirit , going to Heaven or Hell and stuff like that because what He said in this verse is the full truth . We mortals are made from dust and we will all return to dust .

Hebrews 1 : 13 To which of the angels did God ever say , " Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet . The back up verse is Psalm 110 : 1 . In the JB this verse says The LORD said to my lord , " Sit at My right hand while I make your enemies your footstool ." If we understand this right . LORD is always LORD ELohim . The ' lord ' is a King . The LORD is saying to a mortal King to sit at His right hand . The word footstool poetically means his enemies will be defeated . These verses have nothing to do with Y'shua . Y'shua was never a King or the Messiah . Read again both verses . Truth is LORD ELohim never said that verse to any Angel . Why would the LORD say that to a Angel ? In Heaven or on earth no Angel has enemies . LORD ELohim Spirit family are much smarter then His human mortal family . They don't fight with each other . They play , sing and dance with each other but they do not war or fight with each other so the answer is the LORD never said that verse to any Angel because He never needed to . Again Y'shua is not the one the LORD is speaking to . A Jewish King like David probably but not to the Lamb of God . The LORD just indicated that this verse is one of His that He taught a prophet and it was about David's son Solomon . LORD ELohim says He did what He could to support many Jewish Kings . LORD ELohim says this is a prophet writing this Psalms verse and ' my lord ' means a Jewish King and not Y'shua .

Hebrews 1 : 14 Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation ? Since no mortal will have eternal life the answer to this question is simply ' no ' . The LORD is not happy that Christians believe they can make slaves of LORD ELohim's Spirit children .

Hebrews 2 : 1 - 3 We must pay the most careful attention , therefore , to what we have heard , so that we do not drift away . 2 For since the message spoken through angels was binding , .... These verses do not explain what message spoken by Angels was . There is nothing binding unless it comes from LORD ELohim . ... 3 This salvation , which was first announced by the Lord , was confirmed to us by those who heard him . LORD ELohim was always with Y'shua and He says that Y'shua never taught eternal life . Eternal life was one of many topics that had no proof one way or the other and it had many questions without an answer like how can the LORD put the mortal body thats been dead for a thousand years back together again when all is dust . Y'shua never preached about eternal life but he did have fun talking about stuff like this with his close friends . Even with his close friends he never said any people would have eternal life . LORD ELohim has no idea what was ' spoken through angels ' is about . Teaching Spirits help the LORD when the LORD is working through Prophets and a few others but LORD ELohim does not work though just any mortal . The only Prophets at the time of Y'shua was John , one of Y'shua's Disciples and John the Baptist . If John the Disciple really wrote all that is claimed he wrote , including Revelation , he was the worst Prophet the LORD ELohim ever dealt with . The LORD is sure that John never wrote all that Christians claim he did .

Hebrews 2 : 4 God also testified to it by signs , wonders and various miracles , and by gifts of the Holy Spirit .... If the name God means LORD ELohim , He did not do any signs , wonders and miracles . If God means Y'shua , then Y'shua never did any signs , wonders and miracles either . The Holy Spirit does not exist and the Spirit Son of God , God , does not exist and LORD ELohim does not do gifts . Which mortal He choses to see if they will help Him like Prophets and Rabbis and others , He choses them based on their abilities and knowledge and beliefs they already have .

Hebrews 2 : 6 - 8 " What is mankind that you are mindful of them , The reason LORD ELohim is mindful of mankind is because we are His mortal children that He created . a son of man that you care for him ? You made them a little lower than the angels ; you crowned them with glory and honour 8 and put everything under their feet . " In putting everything under them , God left nothing that is not subject to them . The word subject has many meanings . The best one would be : bring under some power or influence . We think it means that mankind pretty much rules the world . In the JB Psalms 8 : 4 - 7 When I behold Your heavens , the work of Your fingers , the moon and stars that You set in place , what is man that You have been mindful of him , mortal man that You have taken note of him , that You have made him little less than divine , and adorned him with glory and majesty ; You have made him master over Your handiwork , laying the world at his feet . The word ' him ' means all mankind .

Hebrews 2 : 9 But we do see Jesus , who was made lower than the angels for a little while , now crowned with glory and honour because he suffered death , so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone . Y'shua was the fully mortal man . What name the Christians have given to their false Spirit Son of God , God , is a good question ? The LORD says Spirit and flesh cannot be mixed together so to become fully one . Spirit and flesh would forever remain separate . Spirit cannot suffer death : they are eternal . The only one who suffered death was Y'shua the mortal man and he truly did die . Y'shua died for the forgiveness of your sins and Y'shua never died so you will not die . Y'shua who is dead was never crowned but in memory of him and what he willingly did for most all mankind he does deserve to be remembered and honoured but not worshiped as a God because he was not a God . The Simple Truth has nothing to do with people having an eternal life . Y'shua did not die so you can live forever ; he died so you could live a much better mortal life ; but not forever as mortal or as Spirit . You will die someday and your flesh and bones will become dust and will never be resurrected . Death is eternal for all mortals , always has been and always will be .

Hebrew 2 : 14 & 15 Since the children have flesh and blood , he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death - that is , the devil - 15 and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death . This verse 14 is not about Y'shua . Its about the false Son of God Spirit God who does not exist . This says : ' he too shared in their humanity ' .... The LORD hopes we all understand now that Y'shua the mortal man was not the only Son of God Spirit God and the only Son of God Spirit God would not be Y'shua the mortal flesh and bone man . Again there is no only Son of God Spirit God . Do you really believe that David ( the devil ) really holds the power of death ? Do you really really believe that ? The LORD ELohim says that verse is just another silly verse . The LORD can understand that people may fear how they might die , like having cancer , but there is nothing to fear once you are dead . You simply do not exist anymore just like you did not exist until you were conceived of which is why no mortal was predestined for anything . Y'shua was the same because he was fully mortal . Y'shua the flesh and bone mortal man did not exist untill he was conceived of about two thousand years ago and he did no longer exist when he died .

Hebrews 2 : 16 & 17 For surely it is not angels he helps , but Abraham's descendants . 17 For this reason he had to be made like them , fully human in every way , in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God , and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people . If George is talking about Y'shua the mortal man : he is dead . If George is writing about the only Son of God Spirit God : he does not exist and never existed . The Simple Truth was not just about the descendants of Abraham but of most all Humanity every where on earth . Again these verses are not about Y'shua the mortal man but about the Son of God Spirit God incarnated into the flesh man called Y'shua a descendant of Abraham and that did not happen . The reason the LORD chose a Jewish man to be the Lamb of God is because the LORD mostly works through the Jewish people because they understand more about LORD ELohim than anyone else . The verse says Y'shua was ' fully human in every way ' and that is true . What is not true is that he was also the incarnated only Son of God a Spirit God to who does not exist . Y'shua was never a high priest , he was a poor Rabbi , but he did willingly help LORD ELohim and Y'shua did make atonement for most all Humanities sins by the shedding of his blood . And again there is no only Son of God Spirit who is a God according to Christians . LORD ELohim says He and Angels never taught anyone about this false ' only Son of God Spirit God ' and neither did Y'shua because that Christian false God Spirit does not exist .

( 17 : 32 ) NOTES : Again : there never was an ' only Son of God Spirit God ' . If there were a only Son of God Spirit God and he incarnated into the mortal man Y'shua then this Son of God Spirit God would have nothing to boast about . This Spirit would have nothing to do with sins being forgiven by LORD ELohim . The only Son of God Spirit God did not shed his blood or willingly truly die for us . It was Y'shua's the mortal man who's blood was shed and Y'shua's death that brought about LORD ELohim's forgiveness of most all mankind’s sins and mistakes . Other then LORD ELohim , no other Spirit had anything to do with The Simple Truth except one teaching Spirit . It was LORD ELohim who authored The Simple Truth and no other Spirit . Again the Christians ' only Son of God Spirit God ', would have nothing to boast about because he would have done nothing regarding The Simple Truth . There is no ' only Son of God Spirit God ' . That Spirit does not exist and never existed . That is a false God created by Christians just like the Holy Spirit is a false God to created by Christians . Y'shua the fully mortal Jewish man is the one to be greatly honoured because he knew he would have to die and he knew he would never be resurrected and yet he willingly gave up his mortal life for The Simple Truth that he understood and believed in that LORD ELohim authored .

Hebrews 3 : 1 & 2 Therefore , holy brothers and sisters , who share in the heavenly calling , fix your thoughts on Jesus , whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest . He was faithful to the one who appointed him , just as Moses was faithful in all God's house . If people believe that Y'shua was a God , they are not holy people . Probably any Jewish person could tell you that . The Jewish people believe there is no other God other then LORD ELohim and most all believe that a mortal cannot be a God and Y'shua was fully mortal and the Jewish belief is true . LORD ELohim is sure that a Jewish person did not write these verses . George writes like everyone who believes what Christians believe , has a heavenly calling . LORD ELohim asking a person to help Him is extremely rare so with all pagan Christians the chance of any of them being asked by the LORD to help Him would be very very unlikely . The word Apostle means ' messenger ' and Y'shua was a willing Apostle of LORD ELohim but he did not have much of anything to teach because LORD ELohim did not have much to say to mankind at that time . Y'shua was never a high priest . LORD ELohim did not appoint Y'shua , He asked Y'shua if he would be His Lamb of God . The LORD does not make people do His bidding , He asks if they would agree to do so . Everyone He asks can say ' no ' and that the LORD would respect and with no bad feelings toward that person . The mortal man Y'shua could have said ' no ' and the LORD would have been perfectly OK with that . Y'shua fully knew what LORD ELohim was trying to do to help mankind and Y'shua believed in The Simple Truth to and out of love for people he sayed ' yes ' he would be the Lamb of God .

Hebrews 3 : 3 Jesus has been found worthy of greater honour than Moses , ... I asked LORD ELohim if He agrees with this verse and He said yes He does but Moses and a few others deserve great honour also .

Hebrews 3 : 4 & 6 4 For every house is built by someone , but God is the builder of everything . .... 6 But Christ is faithful as the Son over God's house . And we are his house , .... It reads like George is writing that LORD ELohim is the builder of everything which would be true . LORD ELohim does not have only one Son . All Spirits are His sons and all are equal . Y'shua was not the Messiah ( Christ ) and was never meant to be the awaited Jewish Messiah . Y'shua died and will remain dead and he does not rule over God's house . Pagan Christians are not LORD ELohim's house . The LORD does not like the word house . It makes it sound like He rules over much of mankind . LORD ELohim says He has never ruled over mankind and never will . He gave us free will for a reason and even LORD ELohim does not interfere with the choices we make with our free will .

Hebrews 3 : 7 - 11 So , as the Holy Spirit says : " Today if you hear his voice , 8 do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion , during the time of testing in the wilderness , 9 where your ancestors tested and tried me , though for forty years they saw what I did . ... 11 So I declared on oath in my anger , They shall never enter my rest . " First : there is no Holy Spirit so he did not say this . The CB says the back up verses are Psalms 95 : 7 - 11 . The Jews were slaves in pagan Egypt for a very long time and several generations . LORD ELohim knew some Jews would not come out of Egypt as pure as snow . The Egyptians customs and pagan religion had some influence on many Jews . The LORD knew He had work to do with these people so He was not angry with the Jews . The LORD does not understand what ' my rest ' even means . In Psalms 95 : 11 in the JB it says : Concerning them I swore in anger , " They shall never come to My resting place ! " The LORD says this verse in the Jewish Bible is an error . He was never angry with those Jews who came out of Egypt somewhat corrupted . I asked LORD ELohim if He was ever angry with the Jews and He indicated that He has never been angry with the Jews but He did have some anger issues with the early Christians but He learned just to ignore them because there was not a lot He could do about them and their errors and lies .

( 17 : 33 ) NOTES : We just noticed something . The Christian Bibles , both the KJV and the NIV write the word Psalm this way but in the Jewish Bible that Book is written Psalms . The CB's have no ' s ' at the end of this word but the JB does . We probably wrote the word Psalms wrong to when writing from the CB's in that Book because I can never remember how to spell it . The Jewish Bible is the right spelling of the Book of Psalms .

Hebrews 3 : 12 - 15 .... that none of you has a sinful , unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God . ... 13 so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness . George was probably not a Jewish person because the Jews understood that sin is when people do not keep the Ten Commandments . By the time the book of Hebrews was written the Jews understood The Simple Truth and were teaching it . Who ever George was who wrote Hebrews obviously never knew The Simple Truth or there was better money to be made teaching all the lies , like if you believed in George's words you would live forever lie or you are going to Heaven lie and on and on and on .

Hebrews 3 : 16 - 19 These are about the Jews after they were led out of Egypt by Moses . George writes that LORD ELohim was angry with them for forty years . Again LORD ELohim said He was never angry with these Jewish people . The LORD knew the Rabbis and Him had a lot of work to do so to get paganism out of their thoughts and Judaism back in their thoughts and beliefs .

Hebrews 4 : 1 & 2 1 Therefore , since the promise of entering his rest still stands , let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it . 2 For we also have had the good news proclaimed to us , just as they did . We think George is still writing about the Jews who came out of Egypt . What good news ? We think ' his rest ' means Heaven to people but even LORD ELohim is not sure what ' his rest ' means . The LORD has never used the word ' rest ' before . If George is writing about The Simple Truth then those Jewish peoples sins at the time of Moses were forgiven by LORD ELohim so George should leave it alone about them : The LORD has . Moses led those Jews out of Egypt about 1250 B.C.E. . Y'shua was not born until about 5 B.C.E. . At the time of Moses even LORD ELohim knew nothing about The Simple Truth because He only started thinking about that and trying to teach it to all mankind about 300 years before Y'shua was born . So that would mean this ' good news ' had nothing to do with The Simple Truth and was not taught to the Jews at the time of Moses . If the good news is about going to Heaven someday and being eternal George is teaching a lie because the LORD never taught that to the Jews at Moses time or at Georges time . The LORD does not teach lies and eternal life and people going to Heaven are two lies mankind made up .

Hebrew 4 : 3 Now we who have believed enter that rest , just as God has said , " So I declare on oath in my anger , They shall never enter my rest ." The CB says the back up verse is Psalms 95 : 11 . In the JB : Concerning them I swore in anger , " They shall never come to My resting-place . The Jewish Bible says : the LORD's resting-place is Israel while He is on earth and not Heaven . LORD ELohim says He would agree with the way the Jews interpret this verse but the LORD never said this verse . It's not likely that George ment Israel . Again LORD ELohim was never angry with the Jews but very understanding regarding them because what the Jews have suffered by other people . LORD ELohim says He is extremely happy that many Jews are home in Israel again .

Hebrew 4 : 3 & 4 Still in verse 3 . We were all hopeful that we could close Psalms 95 but George continues to write even more about : ' They shall never enter my rest ' . This is the third time for this one verse he has written about . .... 3 And yet his works have been finished since the creation of the world . It took the LORD ELohim almost five billion years to create all you see on earth except the dirt . The dirt in this galaxy took a lot longer to create by many Big Bangs . Since Adam and Eve He has never stopped working trying to help mankind and today He is still working to try to help us . 4 For somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day in these words : " On the seventh day God rested from all his works . " And again in the passage above he says , " They shall never enter my rest . " George says ' somewhere he has spoken ' . Even I know where that verse is : Exodus 20 and the fourth Commandment . The JB says : Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy . Six days you shall labor and do all your work , but the seventh day is a sabbath of the LORD your God : you shall not do any work .... and He rested on the seventh day ; therefore the LORD blessed the seventh day and hallowed it . We are having problems with George's writings . George is like Paul . George writes a lot but at the same time he writes almost about a lot of nothing . We went back to 4 : 1 and read it again and we still don't get it ??? Again there is nothing about The Simple Truth . The faithful Jews who keep the LORD's Ten Commandments always enter His rest every seventh day on His Sabbath Day . The Christians do not enter His rest if this is what George means because they have a religious day off on the first day of the week . We don't think George is writing about the LORD's Sabbath Day .

Hebrews 4 : 6 - 13 6 Therefore since it still remains for some to enter that rest , and since those who formerly had the good news proclaimed to them did not go in because of their disobedience , 7 God again set a certain day , calling it " Today . " This he did when a long time later he spoke through David , as in the passage already quoted : " Today , if you hear his voice , do not harden your hearts . " We still are not sure what George means by ' rest ' . The LORD made the Sabbath Day a day off work for all mankind . How can someone ' go in ' that rest ? What does that mean ? And what does all that ' seventh day ' stuff got to do with the kind of rest George is probably writing about , whatever that is ? It sounds like this ' rest ' is a big deal to George but what is the big deal all about ? In Matthew 11 : 28 it says Y'shua said Come to me , all you who are weary and burdened , and I will give you rest . 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me , ....and you will find rest for your souls . 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light . The LORD did say that Y'shua said something like this but not exactly , he never mentioned ' souls ' . This is not claimed to be a back up verse for Hebrews 4 . LORD ELohim says that this kind of rest is probably not what George is writing about . What he means by ' good news ' probably does not mean The Simple Truth . George writes a lot about salvation meaning eternal life so he may mean that .

Hebrews 4 : 8 Now George writes : For if Joshua had given them rest , God would not have spoken later about another day . 9 There remains , then , a Sabbath-rest for the people of God ; 10 for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from their works , just as God did from his . Let us , therefore , make every effort to enter that rest , so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience . If George has been writing about the Sabbath Day , he could have just said so about a dozen very confusing verses ago . LORD ELohim says Joshua and the Jews did keep the LORD's Sabbath Day and on that day all of them rested . LORD ELohim taught Moses about to keep His Sabbath Day . The LORD did not have to teach anyone else later about the Sabbath Day . George says all should enter ' that rest ' like the Jews have been doing for about 1250 years before George was born . The Jews also taught the Sabbath Day Commandment to multitudes of people in just 4 verses that are not confusing in anyway . LORD ELohim never made me aware about Paul and George when I agreed to help Him with His Little Book . The LORD is now sure that George was no Jew . At the time of Moses and Joshua the Jews kept the Sabbath Day and yet some still died in the wilderness . They did not die because of sin or because they were all disobedient but because they were mortals .

Hebrews 4 : 12 & 13 George writes a sword judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart . Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight . Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account . Again : LORD ELohim is not going to judge all of us as an individual which would probably take many many millions of years to do that . The LORD already judged mankind as a species and we failed our trial .

Hebrews 4 : 14 - 16 Therefore , since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven , Jesus the Son of God , let us hold firmly to the faith we profess . This has nothing to do with The Simple Truth . Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence .... Y'shua was not LORD ELohim's only Son . The mortal man Y'shua was no more a son of LORD ELohim then any other mortal man . All mortal men are sons of the LORD ELohim and all mortal women are daughters of the LORD . Y'shua was never a high priest and never will be a high priest . So far George has not explained what his beliefs are other than this verse . The LORD has no throne and no mortal is going to be approaching Him to be judged . The Simple Truth is the LORD's grace to forgive most all people of their sins and He did that for most all people the moment Y'shua died . Y'shua the mortal man never went to Heaven and the Christian ' only Son of God Spirit God ' who they does not exist and never did exist says LORD ELohim . All Spirit children that LORD ELohim created are His sons equally . They have always refered to themselves as being sons of the LORD long before LORD ELohim created mortal women , so there are no female Spirits or any need for them .

( 17 : 34 ) NOTES : It would be very rare to find errors in a Encyclopedia but we did find an error under the heading of Jews . It is correct that Abraham was the father of the Jewish people but it calls him Abraham the Hebrew . Abraham was not a Hebrew . Abraham and Sarah his wife were black skinned . Isaac who was Abraham's son was the first Hebrew and he was white skinned . Isaac was an albino in skin colour and it was Isaac who was the first of the white race and first of the Hebrews . Anyone who's skin is white even today is a Hebrew and is a descendant of Abraham and Isaac , so Abraham was not a Hebrew according to LORD ELohim . To be fair : we are all learning new things . The second is not an error but it does not fully explain the subject . Again under the same heading its about the twelve tribes of Israel . It says the son of Isaac named Jacob who LORD ELohim call Israel was the father of 12 sons . The Encyclopedia says the names of Jacob's sons were : Reuben , Simeon , Levi , Judah , Zebulun , Issachar , Dan , Gad , Asher , Naphtali , Joseph , Benjamin . These people were all sons of Jacob but they did not all become Tribal leaders . Levi never became a Tribal leader . The Levi offspring became all the tribes religious leaders . Joseph was not a Tribal leader but his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh were . So the twelve tribes were : Reuben , Simeon , Judah , Zebulun , Issachar , Dan , Gad , Asher , Naphtali , Ephraim , Manasseh , Benjamin . In the book of Revelation 7 : 5 - 8 the Christian Bible does make an big error about who the twelve tribes of Israel were . In those verses the tribes of Dan and Ephraim are missing and Levi and Joseph are listed as being tribes which were not tribes .

( 17 : 35 ) NOTES : We wrote about the three days and three nights that Y'shua's dead body was suppose to be in the tomb . Again its believed that Y'shua said his body would be in tomb : Matthew 12 : 40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish , so the Son of Man will be three days and three night in the heart of the earth . Christians celebrate the death of Y'shua on Good Friday and resurrection of Y'shua on Easter Sunday . In the past we wrote about this and should have proved that this is only 1 day and 2 nights that the body of Y'shua would have been in the tomb which would be an error . We were reading the book of John and noticed this in the NIV John 19 : 31 Now it was the day of Preparation , and the next day was to be a special Sabbath . It was the day of Preparation that Y'shua died on the cross and a few minutes before sun down his body was put in the tomb . The KJV writes this verse : The Jews therefore , because it was the preparation , that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day , ( for that sabbath day was a high day , ) The 1611 KJV : .... that the bodies should not remain upon the Crosse on the Sabbath day ( for that Sabbath day was an high day ) ... The problem with this Christian verse is that we could not find in any book where the Jews call their High Holidays a Sabbath Day . LORD ELohim says He would not call the High Holidays a Sabbath Day either . The LORD says there are only two Sabbaths and one Sabbath is on the seventh day of each week and the second one is His thousand day count since Adam and Eve . Remember one day of the LORD is a thousand of our years . The seventh thousand day Sabbath began in our year 2000 C.E. . He says there are no other Sabbaths . The Christians call these Jewish High Holidays a ' special Sabbath ' or ' the Sabbath Day ' and the LORD says that is wrong . Since calling the Jewish High Holidays a Sabbath is wrong than these verses mean nothing other than the verses being a great error written by someone who is not a Jew . Its very unlikely that John the Disciple of Y'shua wrote these verses since he was a Jewish man .

( 17 : 36 ) NOTES : The Jewish people celebrate two annual High Holidays called Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur . I am not a Jew so with the LORD's help hopefully we get this right . In 2022 C.E. Rosh Hashanah was on September 26 and Yom Kippur was on October 05 according to a card I have that I have no idea where I got it from so we are hopeful its right . They are among the most important and holiest days of the Jewish year . These are about people and our relationship with LORD ELohim and about our relationship with other people . Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year . This High Holiday of Rosh Hashanah is also called two other Jewish names that in English means ' The Day of Remembrance ' and ' The Day of Judgment ' . The High Holiday named Yom Kippur in English means ' The Day of Atonement ' . Its about serious self-reflection about our mortal life and what we did regarding ourselves and other people and even the LORD . Its sounds like ten days we truly judge ourselves in what we have done in the past year : good and bad , right and wrong , are OK with or have regrets or sorry about , what you did not do you wish you had done or what you did do you wish you did not do regarding thoughts, words and deeds . The LORD is not going to judge you as an individual . Like The Simple Truth , Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is for your well being and not the LORD's . Like The Simple Truth this can free you from suffering a troubled mind , guilts , anger , hate , grudges , regrets and so on , and to allow you to move forward and live a much more joyful and happier life . Its a beginning to forgiving other people who did you wrong and forgiving ourselves for what we did wrong and to ask others to forgive us who we have done wrong to . The Jews have had a lot of The Simple Truth in their faith for thousands of years which is a good thing considering how much suffering they have gone through by the hands and the ways of the Gentiles toward all Jews without just cause .

Hebrews 5 : 1 - 6 George is writing about the high priests who took care of the matters related to God : to offer up gifts and sacrifices for sins . .... 3 This is why he has to offer sacrifices for his own sins , as well as for the sins of the people . 4 And no one takes this honour on himself , but he receives it when called by God , just as Aaron was . LORD ELohim says that it is not Him who choices who will be a high priest or who will become king . The LORD cannot interfere in what choices people make and it was other people who chose who would be high priests or even kings . The LORD says it was not Him who made Aaron to become a high priest . 5 In the same way , Christ did not take on himself the glory of becoming a high priest . But God said to him , " You are my Son ; today I have become your Father . Y'shua was never a high priest . Y'shua was a poor Rabbi for about three years and that he did on his own choosing and not LORD ELohim's choosing . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was a very good and humble Rabbi who did not teach off the beaten path of Judaism . What does becoming the ' Son ' of the LORD ELohim have to do with becoming a high priest ? Y'shua was never ' the only Son of God Spirit God ' . The CB back up verse is Psalms 2 : 7 in the JB : Let me tell of the decree : the LORD said to me , " You are My son , I have fathered you this day . The JB says adoption language metaphorically expresses the close kinship between God and the king and was commonly used in the ancient Near East . Again its a metaphor which is a figure of speech . If this verse was about Y'shua then why would LORD ELohim say this . Y'shua was a mortal man and all mortal men's Father is LORD ELohim and Y'shua was never a king of anything and never will be . If Christians are using this verse for their ' only Son of God Spirit God , then that Spirit would have heard those words from LORD ELohim trillions of years ago so why would He repeat it . The ' only Son of God Spirit God ' does not exist . LORD ELohim created all Spirit sons and all are equal . All to often when people think about the Spirit world they create in their mind a image of Spirits and Heaven like we are and like we would like to think Heaven is like , which is why we mortals believe in so many errors . LORD ELohim created all Spirits and none are more special to Him then any others . Heaven is a vast place including six galaxies , suns , planets and so on , and a lot of empty space with nothing there . Christians believe in mansions and thrones and crowns and a massive city and so on . None of that exists in Heaven . If you had six galaxies to play in would you want to live in a city ? The LORD and His Spirit children do not want any of that stuff and the Spirits are happy to be the children of one deeply loving Father , LORD ELohim , who has always treated all of them equally . Again there is no ' only Son of God Spirit God ' . 6 And he says in another place , " You are a priest forever , in the order of Melchizedek ." LORD ELohim is going to make this one easy for me . He says He never said this . The back up verse is Psalms 110 : 4 . In the JB : The LORD has sworn and will not relent , ' You are a priest forever , a rightful king of My decree . " LORD ELohim says He did not say this because again He cannot chose who will be kings or priests and so on . There is no mention of Melchizedek in the JB in this verse . In the side lines in the JB it does mention Melchizedek as an ancient priest and king but the CB OT should be exactly like the JB verses when Christians use them . Since Abraham knew Melchizedek and Melchizedek believed in only one God as did Abraham , I asked LORD ELohim if he would call Melchizedek a Jew and the LORD said Melchizedek was not a Jew or a king of the Jews . Abraham was the first Jew and only Abrahams offspring were Jews . In a Christian book it says Melchizedek was a prophetic symbol or type of Christ ( Messiah ) . LORD ELohim does not agree with that belief because the Messiah has to be a Jew and Melchizedek was in no way a Jew . LORD ELohim says when He says ' forever ' He means the rest of a persons life and not a eternal life . The LORD remembers a man named Melchizedek who was both a priest and a King . The man Melchizedek is mentioned in Genesis 14 : 18 . In the NIV CB in Psalms 110 : 4 The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind : " You are a priest forever , in the order of Melchizedek ." The KJV is much the same . The LORD ELohim says He never said that because Melchizedek was not a Jew or a Hebrew . Abraham was the beginning of Judaism and not Melchizedek . There was not a lot going on about Judaism at that time since Abraham and Sarah were the first Jews .

Hebrews 5 : 7 During the days of Jesus life on earth , he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death , and he was heard because of his reverent submission . LORD ELohim says this verse is not true . When Y'shua agreed to become the Lamb of God , he knew he would have to die and he knew he would not have an eternal life and yet he still agreed to be LORD ELohim's sacrificial Lamb . If Y'shua had cried and shed tears and asked the LORD to not use him as the Lamb of God , the LORD would have been completely OK with that and Y'shua would have never died as the LORD's Lamb . Y'shua knew what The Simple Truth ment and he knew if people learned about that and practiced it they would live a much better and a much happier mortal life and would have a more peaceful mind . Y'shua never asked LORD ELohim to not use him as part of an example of the LORD's forgiveness of most all peoples sins so to teach us the benefit of forgiving others and ourselves . This verse 7 is a lie . Y'shua was the willing Lamb of God . Y'shua when he knew what The Simple Truth was about he began teaching The Simple Truth . The CB is very confusing because of the more then three Gods and god they believe in . It is also very confusing that the Christians believe Y'shua was both mortal flesh and a incarnated eternal Spirit the Christians call the only Son of God which would be a Spirit and they call that Spirit a God . During the days of Jesus life on earth . Is George writing about the mortal man Y'shua or the only Son of God Spirit God who may have been named Y'shua to ? Again : there is no ' only Son of God Spirit God ' . And there is no ' only Son of God , God ' that is mortal flesh . So either way , Spirit or mortal flesh , Y'shua was never a God or the only Son of God . And again : LORD ELohim cannot change flesh into Spirit or Spirit into flesh so Y'shua the mortal man truly did die for the forgiveness of most all peoples sins by LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim says to learn from His and Y'shua's example regarding forgiving others and even forgiving ourselves and asking people if they would forgive us of errors and mistakes we have done . For most all people LORD ELohim has already forgiven you of your sins at the moment of Y'shua death .

Hebrews 5 : 8 - 10 8 Son though he was , he learned obedience from what he suffered 9 and , once made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him 10 and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek . Do Christians even know who Melchizedek was ? LORD ELohim says He would never make Melchizedek a Jewish high priest or king of the Jews and He never did . He says the Christian belief that Y'shua's priesthood goes back to Melchizedek and not to the Jewish Priest Aaron is a big lie . Which Y'shua is George writing about ? The mortal man named Y'shua or the Christian false Spirit Son of God , God ? Why do Christians believe that a person , even Y'shua , needs to suffer in order to be perfect ? Y'shua the mortal flesh man could not be more perfect than he was . Y'shua was the man of flesh and was without sin and as a mortal man he was as good as it gets . If this verse is about the ' only Son of God ' a Spirit God , he never existed . LORD ELohim says no mortal will have eternal life even if they obeyed all that Y'shua the flesh man truly said . What in the CB NT did Y'shua truly say ? There is a lot in the CB that Y'shua never said . LORD ELohim did not designate Y'shua to be a high priest in any order . Y'shua the mortal man was a Rabbi and not a high priest . Y'shua becoming a Rabbi , he did that with his own free will ; the LORD had nothing to do with that . The LORD did not know how the Lamb of God might die or when or if that might even happen . LORD ELohim attempted to teach mankind The Simple Truth with the help of a Lamb of God four times with four other men in the past before Y'shua so there was a good chance that Y'shua would not become the sacrificed Lamb of God . I asked the LORD if those four men said ' no ' to becoming the Lamb of God and He said they all agreed to be the Lamb but their death as a sacrificed Lamb just did not happen . LORD ELohim said Melchizedek was not a better priest than Moses brother Aaron so why would the LORD want future high priests to be in the order of Melchizedek . Melchizedek was alive at the time of Abraham so how much did this man really know about LORD ELohim ? This man did believe in only one God which is why Abraham considered this man to be a priest . LORD ELohim did not regard Melchizedek as being a Jew . Abraham and Sarah were the first Jews and their offspring were also Jews but not Melchizedek and his offspring . The LORD says the Jewish Priests and Rabbis of the religion of Judaism and Y'shua a Rabbi also , were followers of Aaron and not Melchizedek .

Hebrews 6 : 1 - 3 George writes about teaching people without the foundation being taught . 1 .... foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death , Mortal life leads to death and there is not anything you can do about that and LORD ELohim cannot do anything about that either . 2 .... the laying on of hands , The LORD says there is not anything gained by doing this other then maybe mind over matter based on the beliefs of people . the resurrection of the dead , Will never happen and cannot happen . and eternal judgment . LORD ELohim has already judged us and we as a species have failed our trial . No mortal can be saved from death . Not even the LORD can change that fact . For all mortals only death is eternal and death is not a punishment and never has been a punishment . Death is just the way it is for all species of mortal life .

Hebrews 6 : 4 - 6 4 ....who have tasted the heavenly gift , who have shared in the Holy Spirit . Again : the LORD ELohim does not generally give people a gift . When the LORD needed a Prophet He spent time with the Jews in order to find someone who He felt was good in many ways to be a Prophet and only then did He give that person a teaching Spirit if they agreed to be a Prophet . Not all people worked out being a Prophet and some were good as a Prophet . Again there is no Holy Spirit and never has been . LORD ELohim made Spirits in His image also so they can sing , dance , play games and enjoy lots more fun things to do just like the LORD enjoys doing to . How can a Spirit with many millions of minds and is a million miles big and wide play games and dance and just have a lot of happy fun . LORD ELohim does not even know how He could make a single Spirit like that and He believes that would only be a very very cruel thing to do to a Spirit . 5 who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age ... Which Christian God is George writing about ? LORD ELohim was never able to just talk and a mortal able to hear Him . A lot in the Jewish Bible are His words but a lot are not His words also , but the Jews did get more things right then any other people did . It took almost a couple of thousand years for the LORD to teach what He did teach the Jewish people . What does the ' powers of the coming age ' mean ? When I think of the coming age I think Nuclear War and a few nations even today have such Nuclear powers , even thousands of Nuclear bombs like the U.S.A. and Russia . Even LORD ELohim does not believe much of anything is going to change for the better in the future of mankind . Whatever George is writing about the LORD cannot have anything to do with it and neither can other Spirits . If you read the CB book of Revelation even Christians don't believe the near future is going to be party time but a time of horrors , fear , great suffering , and massive loss of many species of mortal life on earth including people . LORD ELohim says 97 % in Revelation is a lie but many people believe it is all true . What the powers of the coming age means ? 6 and who have fallen away , to be brought back to repentance . The word repentance means : to turn away from sin and reform ones life . To feel sorry for something you did , to regret .

Hebrews 6 : 6 - 8 .... 6 to be brought back to repentance . To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace . LORD ELohim says this is one of the sillyest verses He has heard from the CB and there has been a lot of them . Is this just a very bad metaphor or is George serious about what he writes . The LORD says that Y'shua would only suffer one crucifixion and one public disgrace as George calls it . George called him the ' Son of God ' which would probably mean which Son of God , the Spirit God or the mortal man . If there were a Son of God Spirit God , then that Spirit did not suffer being crucified or being disgraced . You cannot crucify Spirit and no mortal would see him on the cross so he would not have been disgraced . It was the fully mortal man Y'shua who was crucified and disgraced . The way Christians believe about their false God , the only Son of God , a God Spirit , that it was him who was crucified more then the mortal man Y'shua . The LORD says , there has never been a Son of God Spirit God , and there never will be . The only Spirits with the mortal man Y'shua when he was on the cross was LORD ELohim and a few little Spirits keeping Y'shua from feeling any pain and all Spirits and LORD ELohim never left Y'shua's side . George saying people losing their faith , if thats what he means , and that this would cause Y'shua to be crucified again is wrong and silly . Y'shua the mortal man is truly Resting In Peace as will you someday . Again : the only Son of God would have been Spirit so the Son of God if he did exist would not have been crucified and would not have died . There is no only Son of God Spirit God , and Y'shua was fully a mortal man who did exist .

Hebrews 6 : 12 We do not want you to become lazy , but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised . We think this promise was eternal life . There are so many day dreams among Christians it hard to keep track of them . There is only one God Who is our one Father and that is LORD ELohim and LORD ELohim never promised any mortal eternal life because that would have been a lie and the LORD does not lie . The LORD ELohim never promised a kingdom of God , that Christians would rule there , that they would wear crowns and on and on . LORD ELohim who was with Y'shua all his life , never heard Y'shua ever make these promises either . Where is the book of Y'shua ? Y'shua wrote about ten pages . The Roman Catholic Church has all Pauls if Paul even exist , Matthew , John ..... but no book of Y'shua which is strange . Y'shua's writings would have been far more correct than the others : so where is it ? How did the Roman Catholic Church even get Matthew's or John's or even George's writings , who ever that is ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua writings would have proven that Y'shua never made such promises either .

Hebrews 6 : 20 ..... where our forerunner , Jesus , has entered on our behalf . He has become a high priest forever , in the order of Melchizedek . Again : Melchizedek . I asked the LORD if there is any reason that people should know this man Melchizedek and He answered No . So why did Christians add this guy to their writings ? Again : Melchizedek was not a Jew and was not a high priest of Judaism . None of the Kings or Rabbis or High Priests of Israel were even in the same blood line of this man or his religion . Remember this guy was alive at the same time of Abraham and Sarah . The LORD says Judaism barely existed then . Judaism began with Abraham and Sarah who were the first Jews . Melchizedek had nothing to do with Judaism so there is no ' order of Melchizedek ' regarding Jews or Judaism or Y'shua . Y'shua was not a follower of this mans religion if it were still around during Y'shua's time . Y'shua was a deeply faithful Jewish mortal man of the religion he deeply loved , Judaism . Christians saying Y'shua's religion was not that of Judaism but of the ' order of Melchizedek ' who was never a Jew and was never of the religion of Judaism is wrong and is a lie .

Hebrews 7 : 1 - 3 There is more about Melchizedek . 3 Without father or mother , without genealogy , without beginning of days or end of life , resembling the Son of God , he remains a priest forever . Capital ' S ' on Son means a Spirit and only Son of God , God which does not exist . How could Melchizedek a mortal man have no father or mother ? no birth day or never an end of his life ? Christians say this man resembles Y'shua : in what way ? Melchizedek died like any other mortal . This man was no Spirit . Y'shua was no Spirit either so in that there is something in common . This man died and Y'shua died so that is in common : very common , we will all die . When the LORD uses the word ' forever ' He means as long as a person lives . If what is written is truly LORD ELohim's words , forever never means eternal life . Melchizedek is dead and dust by now . This man was never a priest regarding Judaism or a King of the Jews : that is important to know . Y'shua was a Rabbi of Judaism which has nothing to do with this man's religion . Neither of them are priests to this day and will never be priests in the future . What is it about Melchizedek that Christian seem so fond of that LORD ELohim is not ?

Hebrew 7 : 4 - 10 We are not going to write all these verses which are still about Melchizedek . 6 This man , however , did not trace his descent from Levi , yet he collected a tenth from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises . 7 And without a doubt the lesser is blessed by the greater . Is George Jewish ? George says that Abraham is the lesser man and Melchizedek is the greater . The LORD says that is a lie . The LORD never regretted choosing Abraham and not Melchizedek . Again : the LORD knew Melchizedek and Abraham at the same time and He did not choose Melchizedek to be the beginning of Judaism . LORD ELohim says He had His reasons for that . George six time between verse 4 and verse 10 mentions ' a tenth ' of peoples money given to the priests . George seems to be very fixated on the money and writes about it like its a reminder to people . Levi did not exist at the time of Melchizedek . In verse 9 because when Melchizedek met Abraham , Levi was still in the body of his ancestor . The LORD says for the most part about Melchizedek to just let people read from the CB .

Hebrews 7 : 11 & 12 11 If perfection could have been attained through the Levitical priesthood - and indeed the law given to the people established that priesthood - why was there still need for another priest to come , one in the order of Melchizedek , not the order of Aaron ? Where does George get this stuff from . Hebrews is almost the last book in the CB and this is the first time we have heard of this Melchizedek man that we can remember . LORD ELohim is not pleased with this George guy . 12 For when the priesthood is changed , the law must be changed also . Again : the LORD is not pleased . It was LORD ELohim who gave the Jewish people and all people on earth ' the law ' called the Ten Commandments and this George guy is out to change them and is out to change the Jewish priesthood . If , If , George was a Jewish man he was very poor at being a Jew and lacks greatly any understanding of LORD ELohim just as Paul did . Like Paul the LORD is very sure George was no Jew and may have even been Paul or the Roman Catholic Church who wrote this .

( 17 : 37 ) NOTES We really need a break from George and Melchizedek and maybe you do to . We were talking about Y'shua the Lamb of God today . Before Y'shua lived the LORD ELohim tried four times with four different men and at four different years in history to be the Lamb of God and it did not work these four times because nothing led each of them to be sacrificed as was Y'shua . All four men tried but it did not work out . Like the four men before Y'shua , when Y'shua was ready to be the Lamb of God , he did do what he knew the Romans and the High Priest would get very angry about , mostly the Romans . The LORD never had a time or day set for Y'shua to be sacrificed or in what manner . LORD ELohim left that up to Y'shua : when he was ready . The manner of sacrifice could have been hanging , beheading or being crucified . Y'shua could have waited until he was 70 years old or even on his death bed and the LORD would not have cared and He would have been happy with that . How and the time and day was for Y'shua to decide : not LORD ELohim . The LORD thought Y'shua would have waited much longer because he had a deeply loving family , his wife Miriam Magdalene and two sons . LORD ELohim says that Miriam Magdalene was not a prostitute as many Christians make her out to have been . The LORD ELohim loved her very much and the children . The Roman Catholic Church hid the fact that Y'shua was a married man . There is ancient writings recently found that says Y'shua was a married man . Again : LORD ELohim left it up to Y'shua as to when he would be the Lamb of God as he willingly agreed to be . Y'shua never cried or complained about it . Y'shua knew about The Simple Truth and greatly believed that the LORD's example of forgiveness would greatly help people live a much better life and he knew that the LORD has always tried to help mankind . Y'shua knew he would need to die and he knew he would not have an eternal life and he still gave up his life to help people to . Y'shua was his name and not Jesus . Y'shua was a Jewish man and greatly faithful to Judaism and LORD ELohim . Y'shua was never the Messiah or as Christians call the Christ . Y'shua was the willing Lamb of God who did truly die . Y'shua was a man to be remembered , honoured and loved but not worshiped because he was not a God or the only Son of God Spirit God .

( 17 : 38 ) NOTES : Back to Melchizedek . Sorry about that . Again Melchizedek lived at the time of Abraham about 1800 B.C.E. . LORD ELohim chose Abraham and Sarah to be the beginning of the religion of Judaism . Again the LORD did not chose Melchizedek for that and for many reasons . One of the reasons is that Melchizdek believed many things that went completely against what the LORD would teach Abraham and his descendants . It was like the LORD ELohim chosing a Atheist to help Him with His Little Book . I had a very open mind with not much up there about religions and their beliefs . Abraham only believed in One God and other then that he had an open mind to . Hebrews 6 : 19 & 20 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul , firm and secure . It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain , 20 where our forerunner , Jesus , has entered on our behalf . He has become a high priest forever , in the order of Melchizedek . LORD ELohim says this verse is a lie . Y'shua was a deeply devoted Jewish man to the religion of Judaism which has nothing to do with ' the order of Melchizedek '. Again : Melchizedek was not a Jew or of the religion of Judaism . Judaism started with Abraham and Sarah . Hebrews 7 : 4 Just think how great he was : Even the patriarch Abraham gave him a tenth of the plunder ! Judaism barely existed at that time so there were no Jewish priests . Abraham did not know much about what the LORD's plans were at that time . What Abraham did know is that Melchizedek believed in only one God just like Abraham did . So Abraham giving Melchizedek a tenth of his plunder is really not surprising . Its said that Melchizedek was the first priest mention in the JB . Hebrews 7 : 6 This man , however , did not trace his descent from Levi , ... The tribe of Levi did not exist at the time of Abraham so its a silly verse . Hebrews 7 : 1 - 10 is very confusing like the next verse . Hebrews 7 : 8 In the one case , the tenth is collected by people who die ; but in the other case , by him who is declared to be living . Since people who die cannot stand at the church door collecting money we will guess that this verse may mean people who Christians believe are headed for hell . We never would have guessed that there are money collectors at the door of hell . There is no hell and we really don't know what this means ??? Was this something Melchizedek taught ? LORD ELohim says He never taught this . Even the LORD does not know what it means just like a lot of Pauls writings to . Hebrews 7 : 9 One might even say that Levi , who collects the tenth , paid the tenth through Abraham , Levi was still in the body of his ancestor . What does this mean ? Is George saying that Levi when he lived paid the tenth to Melchizedek somehow through Abraham . Abraham was an old man when Sarah who was also old gave birth to Isaac and Isaac's second son Jacob who had meaning to the LORD came next . Both Melchizedek and Abraham were probably dead at the time of Jacob when his offspring became the twelve tribes of Israel . We don't know what this verse is suppose to mean other than Levi did not exist at the time of Abraham : that we get . Hebrews 7 : 11 If perfection could have been attained through the Levitical priesthood - and the law given to the people established that priesthood - why was there still need for another priest to come , one in the order of Melchizedek , not in the order of Aaron ? If George is writing about Y'shua , Y'shua as a Rabbi was not of the order of Melchizedek but of the teachings of the Levitical priesthood . LORD ELohim never expects anything about mankind to be perfect but He had and has no problems with the Levitical priesthood and certainly would not change it to Melchizedek beliefs . The LORD knew Melchizedek's beliefs and He had to correct Abraham and his offspring of some of those beliefs . If you cannot pronounce Melchizedek don't feel bad because even LORD ELohim cannot pronounce it . Where does it say there was a need for another priest of the order of Melchizedek ? In neither the KJV or the NIV is there any back up verse about this so it seems its just George making up stories and lies . Y'shua was a Rabbi and not a priest so that claim is not about Y'shua even though Christians think it is . Hebrews 7 : 12 For when the priesthood is changed , the law must be changed also . The CB is not only trying to take Jews and Judaism out of the picture regarding Y'shua but now trying to take out LORD ELohim and His work to . The LORD's Laws and other teachings are the foundation of Judaism and only the LORD can change the Laws and He is not going to ever do that except in the Second Commandment where Moses made an error . The error begins in Exodus 20 : 5 - 6 with : ..... For I the LORD your God am an impassioned God , visiting the guilt ...... . Remember LORD ELohim created the Jews and Judaism and the Ten Commandments so He could help all people of the world through the Jews . Hebrews 7 : 13 - 16 He of whom these things are said belonged to a different tribe , and no one from that has ever served at the altar . 14 For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah , and in regard to that tribe Moses said nothing about priests . 15 And what we have said is even more clear if another priest like Melchizedek appears , 16 one who has become a priest not on the basis of a regulation as to his ancestry but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life . I asked LORD ELohim if a Rabbi or Priest must be of the tribe of Levi and He said no . The LORD said as far as He is concerned a Jewish Rabbi or Priest of Judaism could be from any tribe of Israel just as Y'shua was a Jewish Rabbi of the religion of Judaism . Y'shua was not from the tribe of Levi but from Judah . LORD ELohim chose the Levi tribe to be the religious leaders just to get things started for His teaching the religion of Judaism but after a while He did not care who wanted to be Rabbis or even Priests as long as they were Hebrew Jews . What does the word ' indestructible ' mean ? The Dictionary says : that which cannot be destroyed . The LORD ELohim can guarantee that Melchizedek died and Y'shua died also , and that you will die someday to . Both of these men were mortals just like you . No mortals are indestructible . That's just another silly verse . 17 For it is declared : " You are a priest forever , in the order of Melchizedek . " The CB says the back up verse is in the Jewish Bible of Psalms 110 : 4 . In this verse in the JB says : The LORD has sworn and will not relent , " You are a priest forever , a rightful king by My decree ." In this verse there is no mention of Melchizedek in the JB so why is it written in the CB . The JB says this verse may mean Melchizedek but the LORD says it does not mean him in any way . LORD ELohim would never call Melchizedek a priest or rightful king because Melchizedek meant nothing to the LORD . I asked the LORD if He heard of the order of Melchizedek at the time of Y'shua and He said He never heard this mans name mentioned by anyone . This verse could mean a few different people like Jewish Kings who are also Priests . The LORD says this verse sounds like it could mean the Messiah . The LORD says Melchizedek was not the Messiah . He was not a Jew so how could he have been the Messiah . The belief in a coming Messiah did not exist at that time of Abraham . Y'shua was never a king or priest or the Messiah . The LORD ELohim says He never worked through Melchizedek . Out side of book of Hebrews there is not much about this man . In Genesis 14 : 18 - 24 is very little written about Melchizedek . Again : LORD ELohim did not like a lot about the type of priest Melchizedek was and many of his beliefs so why would the LORD want Y'shua to be a priest of the order of Melchizedek ? Thats a lie and its also a lie that Melchizedek was a greater man than Abraham . LORD ELohim felt that Abraham was a much greater man then Melchizedek . Just because Melchizedek only believed in one God did not make his religion perfect . Abraham only believe in one Spirit God also before he met Melchizedek . 18 The former regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless 19 ( for the law made nothing perfect ) , and a better hope is introduced , by which we draw near to God . What George does not seem to understand is that any law is either useful or useless depending on each person : if they obey or do not obey the laws . If you know the Ten Commandments then you know if all mankind obeyed them then this world would be a much better and happier place to live and with a lot less fear . Y'shua taught that because he believed that also . George says the Law is ' weak and useless ' . What does George want from LORD ELohim : for Him to become a tyrant or to make a Priest - King tyrant to rule the world with an iron rod , who is not weak and useless to George's ways ? What kind of a person was George other than a lot like Paul ? The LORD ELohim says He is never going to do change the Laws . LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments are perfect for helping mankind live a much better life and a happier life : its people who are not perfect which is why our Father , LORD ELohim has always tried to help mankind . 20 And it was not without an oath ! Others became priests without any oath , 21 but he became a priest with an oath when God said to him : " The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind : " You are a priest forever ." Again the LORD uses the word ' forever ' regarding a persons mortal life span ; not meaning eternity . Remember Psalms 110 : 4 in verse 17 was a back up verse . This verse Hebrews 7 : 21 uses the same back up verse , Psalms 110 : 4 also . How is that possible . The same verse but three very different ways it is written . Again the JB is right : The LORD has sworn and will not relent , " You are a priest forever , a rightful king by My decree ". If the LORD said this it had nothing to do with Melchizedek . In the NIV his name is spelt Melchizedek but in the KJV its spelt Melchisedec . 22 Because of this oath , Jesus has become the guarantor of a better covenant . The word ' guarantor ' means : one who gives a guarantee . I asked LORD ELohim if with Y'shua was there a New Covenant with any people about anything and the LORD said The Simple Truth was a New Covenant . Y'shua was the Lamb of God and the outcome was the teaching about the benefits of forgiveness by the LORD's example and LORD ELohim's forgiveness of most all peoples sins and mistakes and nothing more . This was the ' New Covenant ' for most all mankind which is unconditional and without rules . There is only one fact : that the LORD will not forgive the wicked and evil and cruel people . According to a Christian book : Y'shua fulfilled all righteousness and then offered himself as the Lamb of God that redeemed all who come unto LORD ELohim through Y'shua . ' Through Y'shua ' is a rule created by Christians . There are no rules . Christians believe those people who keep faith in Y'shua and obey him receive the blessing promised , that of eternal life , says the Christian Book . LORD ELohim reminds us that The Simple Truth has no rules and it had nothing to do with eternal life for anyone . You do not have to believe anything about Y'shua or keep any form of faith or religion for most all peoples sins to be forgiven . For most all people the LORD ELohim forgave your sins and without any rules you need to follow . LORD . 23 .... 24 but because Jesus lives forever , he has a permanent priesthood . Y'shua does not live forever . Y'shua died as a mortal man and he was never resurrected and never will be . 25 Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him , because he always lives to intercede for them . No mortal will have eternal life : not mankind , dogs , cats , rates ..... or any other mortal . If Y'shua were alive how could he intercede for you . Intercede means : to act between parties with a view to reconciling differences . Y'shua would be one Spirit and there are over 250 million Christians and none of you have a Spirit to call your own , just like Y'shua . Christians alone out number all existing Spirits by almost 250 million . The amount of Spirits is in the thousands and not millions . Remember my correction : there are no Spirit Souls . Its like LORD ELohim not knowing 99 % of the human race personally because there is no way for Him to know everyone . Y'shua would be no different . Again : the Holy Spirit does not exist . Y'shua is dead so there is no one interceding for you and there is no reason for anyone to do that because no mortal has eternal life : not even Y'shua . The New Covenant with most all of mankind had nothing to do with eternal life , ruling the world as Christian Kings and stuff like that . It was only about LORD ELohim forgiving most all peoples sins and our mistakes made and to teach people to do the same : to forgive others and to forgive ourselves and to ask people we have harmed to please forgive us also so we can live a much better life without anger , hate , regrets , a troubled mind . Thats it and nothing more because The Simple Truth is all that LORD ELohim promised for most all mankind : to forgive most of us . 26 - 28 ....

( 17 : 39 ) NOTES : Why are Christians in the past and even today trying to make Y'shua out to be anything that is not Jewish or of Judaism . Christians changed Y'shua's Jewish name to the Greek name Jesus . Christians tried to change his Jewish beliefs in Judaism to whatever Melchizedek religion was and his beliefs . Christians call Y'shua the Christ ( Messiah ) for which he was not . Christians made Y'shua a God for which he was not . Christians have made Y'shua to be a High Priest for which he was not . Christians called Y'shua the only Son of God Spirit God who does not even exist and on and on . There is a lot of anti-Semitism in the book of Hebrews and some in other CB NT books that the LORD is not happy about .

( 17 : 40 ) NOTES : The word pagan in the Dictionary means : those people who are not Christians , Jews or Muslims . LORD ELohim does not agree with that . The reason these religions are not considered to be pagans is because they believe in the same God : LORD ELohim as our God and Father . The Muslims call Him Allah . What the LORD does not agree with is that Christians are not called pagans . Christians believe in three Gods who they call all three the trinity and they also believe in a god . Because Christians have three Gods and one god , the Father God , a Spirit Son God and a Holy Spirit God and Satan a god , LORD ELohim calls Christians pagans . Only one is the only living and true God : the Father and God LORD ELohim . The other two , the only Spirit Son of God and the Holy Spirit are false Gods and do not even exist . David ( Satan ) has never been a god , not even a false god as the Christians believe he is . Again : LORD ELohim says no mortal human religion is perfect and the Spirits do not have a religion because they have never needed one . Religions and Spiritual beliefs of Homo sapiens ( Humankind ) go back many ten of thousands of years before Adam and Eve and none of them were perfect either .

Hebrews 8 : 1 - 6 Unless its very important and most people do have a Bible we are going to avoid writing ever verse . 1 ... We do have such a high priest , who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven . For Y'shua , if he were alive , he would need to know you personally to intercede for you with the LORD ELohim . How could Y'shua have gotten to know you if he has been sitting on a throne in Heaven for the past two thousand years ? How can Y'shua intercede for someone who he does not even know and does not know what he is interceding about ? LORD ELohim does not like being called ' Majesty .' 2 and who serves in the sanctuary , the true tabernacle set up by the Lord , not by a mere human being . And how are Spirits suppose to do that in Heaven ? There are many good reasons why Heaven has no furniture or a Tabernacle to put it in . 5 They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven . George is writing about earthly Priests . There is no sanctuary , which means Tabernacle or Temple in Heaven . Again : there is nothing in Heaven . No thrones , Tabernacles , Temples , mansions , bars , movie theatres , TV's , computers , and so on . There is nothing there except suns , planets and stuff like that and a lot of empty space and His Spirit children . LORD ELohim is not in Heaven , He is on earth and has been for a very long time , long before Adam and Eve . Y'shua is dead so he is not in Heaven either . 6 But in fact the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one , since the new covenant is established on better promises . Y'shua did not teach or make a new covenant for mankind . Only LORD ELohim can make covenants with mankind . According to LORD ELohim The Simple Truth is a New Covenant that He made with most all mankind about two thousand years ago , at the moment of Y'shua's death . It was a covenant of grace by LORD ELohim to forgive the sins and mistakes of most all mankind . George says the new covenant will have better promises then the old covenant . Christians believe the new promises are better than the old ones and one of those promises they believe is in the New Covenant is eternal life . That is a promise LORD ELohim cannot make because it would be a lie . They also believe in that covenant that the LORD will bring about world peace which would be another lie . The LORD has always tried to help mankind to create world peace and even with all His work : look at the world today and in the past . The LORD cannot make that promise because how can He guarantee it ? The old covenants that we could find had nothing about eternal life , guaranteed world peace or any other things that LORD ELohim cannot do because the LORD does not lie . The LORD says He would not change His Laws and all other teachings that He truly taught so without the lies like eternal life , world peace , .. what would the New Covenant be about other than the LORD's promised forgiveness for the most all mankind sins ? How can the LORD guarantee world peace ? With about eight billion people on earth and mortal mankind being the way we are , and about 15000 Nuclear Bombs about earth the LORD certainly cannot guarantee anyone world peace .

( 17 : 41 ) NOTES : Where do people get these ideas from like Heaven has many mansions , thrones , the need for rulers , the need for crowns for the rulers , Angels who constantly worship LORD ELohim and do nothing else with their lives , that LORD ELohim will create a new Heaven and new Earth , a Holy city in Heaven that will be brought to earth , no more death , resurrection of the dead , purgatory , hell , lake of fire and on and on . The LORD did not teach people this stuff . The Bible is full of this stuff . There are so many lies or errors , so how can a person trust the Bible to be true about everything else ? Y'shua the mortal man truly died for our sins to be forgiven and he was never resurrected and he will never be resurrected . There is nothing about eternal life in The Simple Truth . There is nothing about people going to Heaven or the dead being resurrected either because there is no truth in these beliefs . Y'shua is not alive anywhere . No mortal has ever gone to Heaven and no mortal ever will without a spaceship and probably not even then . Obviously the bottom line is : you cannot believe everything you read in any Bible to be true . The book of Revelation is the king of lies in the Christian Bible New Testament but much is errors and lies in other books of the CB NT to . If some errors came from the Jewish Bible then don't blame the Jews for the fact Christians chose to use those errors for their own religion or anyone else . No religion has ever been perfect . The problem has always been that we cannot hear LORD ELohim's voice and nothing was ever easy for Him to teach people even with teaching Spirits who also could not be here speaking . The big mistake made by Christians is using someone else’s religion for their own but not accepting fully that religions beliefs . The Christian New Testament and Old Testament is full of errors because the words are not exactly as what is in the Jewish Bible . Who knows more about the Messiah than the Jews , nobody . But the Christians claim Y'shua to be the Messiah even though the Jewish people said Y'shua was not the awaited Jewish Messiah . The LORD ELohim says the Jews were right . Y'shua was never the Jewish Messiah . The belief in a coming Jewish Messiah began as a Jewish hope , not just to help Jews but to help all mankind . Y'shua was not him . Y'shua is dead . Y'shua will never be the Jewish Messiah . The LORD ELohim would like it if the Christians and other religions would correct the errors and lies and teach the truth . The truth will probably not make everyone happy but the LORD hopes people will cherish this mortal life and have a better life knowing this is all we get . Some people fear death but there really is not anything to fear . We simply no longer exist again like before you were conceived of . If I'm going to fear death its the cause of why I'm going to die but not death itself . Dying in one's sleep is my favorite .

Hebrews 8 : 7 - 13 There are many verses in this . In Jeremiah 31 : 31 - 34 is much the same . The LORD is speaking about a New Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah . The LORD says He did say He would make a New Covenant and The Simple Truth is that New Covenant just as He promised in Jeremiah 31 : 34 For I will forgive their iniquities , And remember their sins no more . But not just for Israel and Judah but for most all mankind . 13 By calling this covenant " new ," he has made the first one obsolete ; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear . The New Covenant does not make the old Covenants obsolete . All Covenants are forever or as long as LORD ELohim is still among us . The first covenant was with Noah so what's George's problem with the LORD saying He will never again destroy earthly life with a flood . Like The Simple Truth the covenant with Noah and mankind then is unconditional . A Jewish man would have known that the first covenant was with Noah . The way George writes about the first covenant we think he does not mean this one . None of the old Covenants need a redo . Why would The Simple Truth make the Covenant with Noah obsolete and why would mankind want it to be obsolete ?? The New Covenant in Jeremiah 31 : 31 - 34 is a unconditional divine promise for the forgiveness of sins and iniquities . This covenant is not about anything else and neither is The Simple Truth . Jeremiah 31 : 34 again says ... For I will forgive their iniquities , And remember their sins no more . Note that there is nothing about eternal life or many other things Christians believe its about . The word iniquities means : very great injustice , an unjust act .

Hebrews 9 : 1 - 5 George writes about the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant . In 9 : 1 Now the first covenant had regulations for worship and also an earthly sanctuary . We read the first Covenant that LORD ELohim made with Noah and all life on earth in Genesis 9 : 8 - 17 of the JB and there is nothing about regulations for worship and a sanctuary . A covenant is a promise made by LORD ELohim or a agreement between the LORD ELohim and people . The LORD just said that He promised mankind and all other mortal life that He would never cause a flood again to destroy flesh . Being once a Atheist I don't know a lot about this stuff . The next covenant is with Abraham but that was not the first covenant and it was about LORD ELohim's promise about giving Abraham's offspring their land without rules and regulations and is unconditional . And there were more covenants but we think what George is writing about is the tablets in the Ark of the Covenant which would be the Ten Commandments but there is nothing about a sanctuary in the Ten Commandments so we really don't know what George is writing about . LORD ELohim says those Laws will never become obsolete or outdated . The Ten Commandments are not weak and useless . Its people like George who are weak , who complain about the LORD's Laws . If George was a Jew he would have known the first covenant was with Noah and all life on earth and not with Moses and the Jewish people and all other people in the world . The man named Paul did not like the Ten Commandments either and was most likely not a Jew either .

Hebrews 9 : 6 - 10 8 The Holy Spirit was showing by this that the way into the Most Holy Place had not yet been disclosed as long as the first tabernacle was still functioning . What does George mean by this . Is he saying : until the Jews are no longer Jews but all are converted to the order of Melchizedek . Even Y'shua was not converted to the order of Melchizedek . The LORD is fairly sure that even the Christians are not converted to the order of Melchizedek . Again : there is no Holy Spirit . 9 This is an illustration for the present time , indicating that the gifts and sacrifices being offered were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper . The Simple Truth can help people greatly to clear their conscience and have a far more peaceful mind . The Simple Truth is the New Covenant . 10 They are only a matter of food and drink and various ceremonial washings - external regulations applying until the time of the new order . The KJV word for ' new order ' is ' reformation ' . What is George hopeful about regarding the new order ? What does he think it will be like ? George does not write much about that so far .

Hebrews 9 : 11 - 14 11 But when Christ came as high priest of the good things that are already here , he went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not made with human hands , that is to say , is not a part of this creation . Y'shua was never a High Priest and never will be . Where is this perfect Tabernacle not made by people . It certainly was never made by Spirits or LORD ELohim in Heaven . If its on earth then how could it not be a part of some sort of creation made by people . 12 ... but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood , thus obtaining eternal redemption . Redemption means to free from the consequences of sin . Christians believe sin is the cause of death . Y'shua the Lamb of God is dead . Y'shua is not living an eternal life anywhere and never will . Y'shua knew he would not have an eternal life and neither will you . Y'shua never entered the Most Holy Place . 14 who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God , cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death , so that we may serve the living God ! We think ' eternal Spirit ' means LORD ELohim but it could mean any of the Christian Gods . ' Offered himself ' can only mean the mortal man Y'shua . The Simple Truth can cleanse our consciences . Sin does not lead to death . Think of the billions and billions of people since the time of Adam and Eve who were most all forgiven of their sins and of their iniquities and how many of them do you see walking around today ? If sin was the cause of death and LORD ELohim forgiving most all peoples sins and wrong doings in the past and present and will in the future this earth today everywhere would be very very crowded with the walking dead and most all the people who lived since Y'shua died who would have never died . The reason all mortals have room to breath on earth is because sin is not the cause of death , never has been . Sin being the cause of death is a very strange lie and has no logic anywhere in the belief . LORD ELohim is sure George means Y'shua as the living God and not Him .

Hebrews 9 : 15 For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant , that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance - now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant . We are back to Noah again : the first Covenant promise of LORD ELohim with all mankind that we could find . Y'shua is not the Christians mediator and Y'shua is not the author of the New Covenant called The Simple Truth . LORD ELohim is the author of the New Covenant and not Y'shua . To take the side of Christians before LORD ELohim the Lamb of God cannot do that because he is dead . There is no only Son of God Spirit God , he never existed just like the Holy Spirit never existed . When did the LORD ELohim ever promise mankind eternal life ? Where is it written in the JB but not written in the CB NT ? There is no back up verse noted in the CB for this verse being in the JB . If its written in the JB then it is an error the writer made but the CB's do not make note that it is in the JB but only in Matthew 22 : 3 . We are going to do Matthew 22 : 2 - 4 . It say Y'shua spoke ( R ) 2 The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son . 3 He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come , but they refused to come . 4 ... I have prepared my dinner : My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered ... . Some day we will do the parables now that LORD ELohim and me understand the CB better now . The Kingdom of Heaven is nothing like these verses says the LORD . There is no King but only a loving Father , LORD ELohim . The LORD has no servants but only Spirit children who are free ... . There is no truth to this parable so far . In verse 5 there are oxen and fat cows being served at the banquet in Heaven . How is LORD ELohim suppose to get a few million oxen and fat cows to Heaven to feed well over three hundred million Christians ? The LORD would have to hire NASA . That spaceship would have to be a lot bigger than Noah's ship . If Christians claim Heaven is coming to earth just to make this parable work out , the LORD says Heaven will never come to earth . Back to verse 15 . LORD ELohim says He never made that promise of ' eternal inheritance ' to anyone at any time because it would be a lie . LORD ELohim says to Christians you will not have an eternal life just like any other mortals . Again the LORD cannot make Spirit into flesh or flesh into Spirit and no mortal flesh has a Spirit to call their own . LORD ELohim cannot do that for people , not even for Y'shua and the LORD is sure Y'shua never made that promise either .

Hebrews 9 : 16 - 18 George is writing about a will and that a will is only in force when the person who wrote the will is dead . 18 This is why even the first covenant was not put into effect without blood . Then he writes about Moses as though through Moses the LORD ELohim made His first Covenant : the Ten Commandments . Remember again that this is not the first Covenant . In Exodus 24 : 8 Moses took the blood and dashed it on the people and said , " This is the blood of the covenant that the LORD now makes with you concerning all these commands . The JB says in Exodus 24 : 12 The LORD said to Moses , " Come up to Me on the mountain and wait there , and I will give you the stone tablets with the teachings and commandments which I have inscribed to instruct them ." According to this verse there was more than just the Ten Commandments given to the Israelites at that time as part of this Covenant .

Hebrews 9 : 19 - 22 22 In fact , the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood , and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness . Remember again that LORD ELohim did not invent sacrifices and He did not much like that practice that people invented long before Adam and Eve . So it was not the LORD who made the rule that ' without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness .' That was something that people believed long before Adam and Eve even existed . But being the way things were and what people understood by there own making the LORD went along with what people believed so it is true that ' without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness ' so people believed . LORD ELohim taught John the Baptist to teach people about Y'shua : John 1 : 29 " Look , the Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world ! ... It should say ' sins ' . The LORD was hopeful that with John teaching this and the sacrifice of Y'shua would allow the Jews to put the bits and pieces together to understand what LORD ELohim and Y'shua did for most all mankind and that worked . The Jews were teaching The Simple Truth untill it became to dangerous because of the Roman Catholic Church and the Romans . The LORD managed to teach the Jews that teaching The Simple Truth about Y'shua and Him was not worth risking their lives for and to wait for a better time to teach the world that . Today the LORD hopes is that better time .

Hebrews 9 : 23 & 24 23 It was necessary , then , for the copies of the heavenly things to be purified with these sacrifices , but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these . There is nothing that mankind made that are copies of Heavenly things . There has never been even one sacrifice in Heaven and what would be ' better sacrifices ' in Heaven ? There are no oxen or sheep or any other animal in Heaven . The only living beings in Heaven are Spirits , LORD ELohim's beloved children . It amazes LORD ELohim and me how so many people think they know for sure so much about what they cannot even know a little bit about like whats in Heaven . I only know what I know because I am able to communicate with Spirits and LORD ELohim . I just need to know what a question would be about whatever . Also LORD ELohim taught me long ago to Think Not Beyond Logic which is a great help to know what questions to ask . 24 For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one ; he entered heaven itself , now to appear for us in God's presence . Y'shua is dead . There is a good reason to write that a lot . I asked the Spirits if they could think of even one thing in Heaven that Spirits made ? LORD ELohim did create six galaxies but other than that the Spirits indicated that there is not one thing else made by Spirit or LORD ELohim in Heaven . Since mankind hands did not make this sanctuary in Heaven and the LORD and other Spirits did not make a sanctuary in Heaven , logic would indicate there is no sanctuary in Heaven . Y'shua never entered into Heaven because he was mortal and there is no ' only Son of God Spirit God ' who entered Heaven because that false God of Christians does not exist . Y'shua was in God's presence when Y'shua was alive on earth and when he was on the cross the LORD was with him . LORD ELohim says the last time He saw Y'shua's dead body was when it was put in the tomb . Y'shua never went to Heaven and the LORD has not been back to Heaven for millions of years . The LORD does have plans for Himself and all His Spirit children , to go home to Heaven in the near future and then we are on our own . If mankind is smart we will keep the LORD's Laws and other teachings even when LORD ELohim and all Spirits go Home . But knowing mankind that is not going to happen except with the Jews and maybe a few other people . The LORD says He will return someday and He really does not expect to find much mortal life still alive here then .

Hebrews 9 : 25 - 28 It’s about the yearly animal sacrifices by the high priests . 25 Nor did he enter heaven to offer himself again and again ... 26 Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world . The sacrifice of Y'shua was a one time sacrifice for most all mankind’s sins and iniquities in the past and the present and for the future people to . That one time was to teach people the benefits of forgiveness . That was a one time unconditional New Covenant with most all mankind . Y'shua did not exist since the creation of the world . No mortals existed when the world was finished being created . Y'shua began his mortal life when he was conceived of about two thousand years ago just like you started your mortal life when you were conceived of . Some Christians believe Y'shua was born in 5 B.C.E. and died in 28 C.E. but he was never resurrected and he knew he would never be resurrected . ... 26 But he has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself . Culmination means to reach the highest point . Y'shua did not forgive most all peoples sins and iniquities : it was LORD ELohim Who did that . Y'shua was the Lamb of God . The Simple Truth was LORD ELohim's idea : not Y'shua's . Y'shua did understand much about The Simple Truth and willingly agreed to be LORD ELohim's sacrificial Lamb because that one sacrifice for the sins for most all humans was a unconditional and one time only sacrifice so LORD ELohim could forgive most all peoples sins and iniquities and teach us to do the same . 27 Just as people are destined to die once , and after that to face judgment , Its true that all mortals will die once but we will not face judgment as individuals . How can LORD ELohim judge people He never knew and how can He judge dust within the coffin or ashes in the can ? No resurrection : No judgment . 28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many ; and he will appear a second time , not to bear sin , but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him . Y'shua's death did take away the sins of most all people but that is not what George seems to mean . It sound like George means only the people who believe what Christians believe , only their sins were forgiven . There is no true in that belief . Again : The Simple Truth has no rules . You do not have to be a Christian to be forgiven by LORD ELohim of you sins and iniquities . You only have to be a fairly good person . There will be no salvation for any mortal . Salvation means a life after death and the LORD can-not do that for you or for any other mortal . If your a Christian and you are waiting for Y'shua to return from Heaven that will never happen . Y'shua the mortal Jewish man is not in Heaven . The bones and dust of his flesh are somewhere on earth .

( 17 : 42 ) NOTES : George writes in 9 : 22 ...and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness . If Y'shua was a ' only Son of God Spirit God ' then he would have been the first Spirit with blood in his body and the first Spirit to come out of a mortal women's womb and the first Spirit to be heard and seen by mortals . Again : there never was a ' only Son of God Spirit God ' . I asked LORD ELohim this question : If there were a only Son of God Spirit God who would He have more respect and honour for ; the mortal Jewish man Y'shua who willingly shed his blood for most all mankind and truly died or the only Son of God Spirit God Christians believe was in Y'shua the mortal man . LORD ELohim's answer was He would respect and honour the mortal man Y'shua far more . Again the LORD cannot change Spirit into flesh or flesh into Spirit and Spirit and flesh do not mix . Christians need to understand that Y'shua the Jewish man was fully mortal and without a Spirit to call his own and truly did die and there was no only Son of God Spirit God that incarnated into Y'shua . The only Son of God Spirit God never existed . LORD ELohim never created such a Spirit . LORD ELohim created many thousands of Spirit sons who He is the Father of but He never created only one Spirit son . LORD ELohim never created a Spirit like Christians call the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost . That Spirit never existed either . It would have been cruel to create a Spirit who could not play or dance or be able to have other fun things to do with his brothers and Father . Remember we are created in the image of the LORD and all the Spirits He created are in His image also , just different in size . LORD ELohim is the only true Spirit God and Father of all mortals and Spirits . There are not three Spirit Gods as Christians believe . Never has been . It was LORD ELohim who created all that was created and not Y'shua as Christians claim . Again : Y'shua was fully mortal so how could he have created six galaxies and all Spirits and all mortal life species on earth and have lived trillions of years to have done that ? Those galaxies were not made in one day and mortal life on earth took about five billion years for LORD ELohim to create what mortals exist today and in the past . Y'shua could not have gone to Heaven because he was mortal and the only Son of God Spirit God does not exist . Y'shua the mortal man was never risen from the dead because LORD ELohim cannot do that for any mortal . Y'shua never raised anyone from the truly dead because he could not do that either . If there were a only Son of God Spirit God the LORD ELohim would have never allow that Spirit to incarnate into Y'shua and interfere with Y'shua's free will . Y'shua the Jewish mortal man had a big choice to make : to live a normal mortal life and probably die from old age or to die as the Lamb of God . The LORD would never have let a eternal Spirit who cannot die to make that choice for Y'shua the mortal man who would need to die as the Lamb . Y'shua agreed to be LORD ELohim's sacrificial Lamb . Remember the LORD let Y'shua choose when and where and how . LORD ELohim thought Y'shua would wait until he was over sixty years old but Y'shua chose to be the Lamb at about thirty three years old and the LORD does not know why he chose to die as the Lamb so young . Y'shua did know he would never be raised from the dead . LORD ELohim says Y'shua the Jewish mortal man should be remembered and honoured for the choice he made to be the willing Lamb or God . The LORD says Y'shua had a lot more to do with making that sacrifice happen then the LORD did and the Romans had a lot more to do with that then the Jewish High Priest did .

Hebrews 10 : 1 - 7 1 The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming - not the realities themselves . In a book it says the ' law ' can mean many things and not always the Ten Commandments . The word ' realities ' means what is real and we don't know what this verse means . George and Paul have a lot in common . What law is George writing about ? When someone writes ' the law ' we think of the Ten Commandments . The LORD says let the Christian preachers and Rabbis figure out this verse . We don't get the rest of this verse either . I asked LORD ELohim if by His forgiveness of our sins and iniquities does that make us perfect and the LORD says no it does not make us perfect or holy . Its like forgiving someone who did you wrong . Your forgiveness of what they did wrong to you does not make that person perfect or even you either but it can help to make both your lives much better . The LORD does not expect perfection from people , never has . In verse 2 Otherwise , would they not have stopped being offered ? George says the yearly sacrificial sin offering did not work for people . We think that is what it means . 4 It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins . Why did LORD ELohim call Y'shua the Lamb of God ? It’s hard to find information as to which animal was sacrificed for the forgiveness of sins . Maybe goats and bulls were the wrong animals for that . LORD ELohim says lambs were sacrificed for the forgiveness of sins which is why Y'shua was called the Lamb of God and not the Goat of God or Bull of God . 5 Therefore , when Christ came into the world , he said : " Sacrifice and offering you did not desire , but a body you prepared for me ; 6 with burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased . 7 Then I said , ' Here I am - it is written about me in the scroll - I have come to do your will , my God . " The CB says the back up verse for verse 5 is Psalms 40 : 6 , for verse 6 is 1 Samuel 15 : 22 , for verse 7 is Ezra 6 : 2 and Psalms 40 : 7 - 8 . In the JB Psalms 40 : 6 says " You , O LORD my God , have done many things ; and wonders You have devised for us .... This has nothing to do with anything Y'shua said . In 1 Samuel 15 : 22 says But Samuel said : Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices As much as in obedience to the LORD's command ? Surely , obedience is better than sacrifice . Compliance than the fat of rams . Y'shua did not say this either . In Ezra 6 : 2 But it was in the citadel of Ecbatana , in the province of Media , that a scroll was found in which the following was written ; ' Memorandum : Y'shua did not say this either . Memorandum means a written reminder , a informal written note . In Psalms 40 : 7 - 8 You gave me to understand that You do not desire sacrifice and meal offering ; You do not ask for burnt offering and purification offering 8 Then I said " See , I will bring a scroll recounting what befell me " Y'shua never said this either that we can remember . We will try to think what this all means . It makes sense that the LORD would rather have people obeying His Laws and other teachings and not feeling a need for sacrifices for the forgiveness of peoples sins and iniquities or for any other reasons . Both scrolls in these back up verses had nothing to do with Y'shua . We read verses in Hebrews 10 : 5 - 7 and we don't remember Y'shua ever saying any of those things in the CB NT books . Do you ? In the CB in Hebrews 10 : 5 it sounds like the words are regarding what the only Son of God Spirit God would say like : ... but a body you prepared for me ; . LORD ELohim did have something to do with the conception of Y'shua mortal body but He did not create his body for a only Son of God Spirit God and that Spirit God Son never existed . The only Spirit that went into Y'shua was a small teaching Spirit and the teaching Spirit was never allowed to interfere with Y'shua's free will . LORD ELohim says He never heard Y'shua say verses in Hebrews 10 : 5 - 7 .

( 17 : 43 ) NOTES : We don't know if there is a reason for this or not . We wrote in the past that in the CB the word Psalms is written without the ' s ' as in Psalm and that in the JB its written Psalms . Today we noticed that in the JB it is written both Psalm and Psalms at the top of the pages . In Psalm 40 its written Psalm on that page but Psalms 41 at the top of that page its written Psalms . Its written like that in many pages . Is there a reason for that ?

( 17 : 44 ) NOTES : Christians use the name ' Son of Man ' for Y'shua also . The LORD says that is true : Y'shua was a fully mortal man of flesh and bone and blood and a offspring of a mortal mother and father and nothing more . The Son of Man in Mark 2 : 10 ( R ) says : But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sin . This is a lie and one that Y'shua never said , says LORD ELohim . Only LORD ELohim our God and Father can forgive sins and Y'shua a Jew knew that : it has always been this way . The pope or other Catholic priests are not able to forgive your sins . Such forgiveness from Christian leaders has no meaning . Mark 2 : 27 - 28 ( R ) ... " The Sabbath was made for man , not man for the Sabbath . 28 So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath ." LORD ELohim says those verses have no truth . LORD ELohim created the Sabbath Day , not Y'shua . If anyone would have power and authority regarding the Sabbath it would be only LORD ELohim and not Y'shua . Matthew 16 : 27 ( R ) says : For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels , and then he will reward each person according to what they have done . Like gifts the LORD does not do rewards . What does the LORD have to give you ? If you are in the business of religion for rewards , you will have to get your rewards from your mortal congregation . Y'shua the mortal man does not have any rewards for you either since he is dead . Living a good and loving life and obeying the LORD has its own rewards . Y'shua does not have ' his angels ' and LORD ELohim is preparing for His Spirit children and Himself to go home to Heaven in the near future . Many Angels have already gone home and most all of them will not be coming back to earth ever again . The Son of Man means the mortal man Y'shua and not the only Son of God Spirit God who does not exist . Y'shua is not in Heaven and like you he will never go to Heaven because death is eternal and Y'shua the ' son of man ' is truly dead . Matthew 24 : 30 ( R ) Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven . And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven , with power and great glory . Y'shua is not coming back to life : ever . Y'shua the mortal Jewish man had no power and never did regarding whatever this verse means . Y'shua deserves to be honoured and remembered and never forgotten but not worshiped in any way like an idol or a false god . LORD ELohim will never forget His beloved Jewish Lamb . Matthew 25 : 31 ( R ) " When the Son of Man comes in his glory , and all the angels with him , he will sit on his glorious throne . LORD ELohim says these verses do not even sound like something Y'shua a very humble Jewish man would even say . Also Y'shua knew he would never be resurrected from the dead so why would he say this . Its been almost two thousand years since Y'shua died . Since the time he lived we have had the Inquisitions , and many many wars and two World Wars and the Holocaust and many hundreds of millions of people who died a horrible death . We have had many tyrants ruling nations and many slaughters of people and on and on . If Y'shua was coming back and he had the power to end all wars then why is he taking his sweet time getting here ? The Sabbath Thousand Year Day began in 2000 C.E. , so why not then ? If Y'shua was going to reign for a thousand years on earth it would make sense to begin that in 2000 C.E. the beginning of Judgement Day and the thousand year Sabbath Day . Do you think the problem might be because Y'shua the mortal Jewish man died on the cross and has been dead for almost two thousand years ? Luke 18 : 6 - 8 ( R ) ... And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones , who cry out to him day and night ? Will he keep putting them off ? 8 I tell you , he will see that they get justice , and quickly . However , when the Son of Man comes , will he find faith on the earth ?" LORD ELohim's chosen ones have always been the Jewish people and never Christians or any other religion . The Jews throughout history have had many many times and many reasons to cry out to LORD ELohim . Remember the LORD calls Christians pagans because of their three Gods . Y'shua never tried to create a new religion and he is certainly not the foundation of Christianity . Y'shua was a deeply devoted Jewish man to the faith of Judaism which he deeply loved . Y'shua was also a Rabbi of the faith of Judaism . If Y'shua really said these verses he would be talking about Jews and Judaism and not Christianity or any other religion . The CB says the back up verse is Daniel 7 : 13 . In the JB it says As I looked on in the night vision , One like a human being Came with the clouds of heaven ; He reached the Ancient of Days And was presented to Him . In the CB NIV it says : ... and there before me was one like a son of man , . First : the ' son of man ' means a mortal man . Again remember the LORD cannot change Spirit into flesh or flesh into Spirit . So if this mortal son of man came from Heaven then how did this mortal man get to Heaven without a spaceship in the first place ? The LORD says there are no clouds in Heaven other than around a few planets and those clouds do not go into outer space . LORD ELohim was on earth during the life time of Daniel . If this is about Y'shua the LORD knew Y'shua from the time of his conception to the moment of his death so why would he need to be presented to LORD ELohim like a complete stranger . Y'shua is truly dead and without an afterlife . The word ' quickly ' in Luke 18 : 8 is used like in Revelation 22 : 12 and 20 where it says Y'shua said ... I am coming soon . Soon and quickly ran out of time a very very long time ago . Y'shua truly did die on the cross and he will never return . Y'shua was never the Messiah or the only Son of God Spirit God who does not even exist and never did . LORD ELohim says that Daniel was not the best Prophet He ever had and neither was John regarding the NT books he is said to have written including the book of Revelation .

( 17 : 45 ) NOTES : Christians call their Bible the ' Word of God . ' Is that true ? LORD ELohim says that is not true . The CB is the words of Matthew , Mark , Luke , John , Paul , George and the other writers of the CB New Testament . The CB Old Testament for the most part is not the same words as in the Jewish Bible writings so who knows who changed a lot of those verses to fit into the stories in the NT ? It is most likely to have been the Roman Catholic Church and all the more than two hundred Bible versions written over the years . Its not just the Christian Bible that is not for the most part the Word of God but other religions sacred books to . When someone writes something like : Luke 3 : 22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove . And a voice came from heaven : " You are my Son , whom I love ; with you I am well pleased " you know by now this verse is not the ' Word of God ' but a false story written by someone else . The Holy Spirit does not exist and you cannot hear the voice of LORD ELohim or any other Spirit . How would it be even possible if the LORD was in Heaven billions of miles away to be heard on earth ? LORD ELohim was not in Heaven at that time : He was standing beside Y'shua and even that close Y'shua would not have heard His voice . Christians claim there are three Heavens but the LORD says there is only one Heaven which begins billions of miles away from earth . The bottom line is that the Holy Bible is not all the Word of God LORD ELohim . Even the Jewish Bible is not all the Word of God but it is more accurate about many subjects and what is true than any other religions sacred books .

Hebrews 10 : 8 - 10 This is almost a repeat of 5 - 7 . 9 ... He sets aside the first to establish the second . 10 And by that will , we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all . For a change there is a lot of truth to these verses . LORD ELohim did set aside the sacrifice of animals for the forgiveness of sins and iniquities . Y'shua was the ultimate sacrifice for that purpose and his blood shed is for most all people who lived in the past , present and most of those who will live in the future and that will continue for as long as mortal humans exist on earth . That New Covenant is unconditional regarding fairly good people and there are no rules . The error George makes is that the sacrifice of Y'shua for most all peoples sins and iniquities to be forgiven by LORD ELohim did not make us holy . The LORD says there is a lot more to being holy then our sins and iniquities being forgiven by Him .

Hebrews 10 : 11 - 18 Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties ; again and again he offers the same sacrifices , which can never take away sins . LORD ELohim says George is wrong . These rituals for the forgiveness of sins allowed the LORD to forgive the sins of those people and He did forgive their sins and iniquities just as He said He would . 12 But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins , he sat down at the right hand of God , We take it the ' priest ' means Y'shua . LORD ELohim was the author of The Simple Truth and not Y'shua . Y'shua was the willing Lamb of God . Y'shua was never a priest at any time in his life . After Y'shua died he did not sit at the LORD's right hand because Y'shua the fully mortal man died on the cross and was never resurrected . 13 about Y'shua being alive still . 14 More about people being made holy forever . 15 The Holy Spirit testifies to us about this . First he says : 16 " This is the covenant I will make with them after that time , says the Lord . I will put my laws in their hearts , and I will write them on their minds . " The Holy Spirit does not exist and it was not the Holy Spirit who made the New Covenant with most all mankind , it was LORD ELohim who authored The Simple Truth . The problem with this verse is which God of their three Gods is this verse writing about ? Is the Holy Spirit also called ' Lord ' ? Usually the ' Lord ' means Y'shua . It says ' my laws ' which would mean LORD ELohim . 17 Then he adds " Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more ." 18 And where these have been forgiven , sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary . Both verses are right but the Christian belief is that you have to be a believer in Y'shua as your God to be forgiven and that is not right . George teaches Y'shua is alive , was risen from the dead , only followers of the faith will live a good eternal life and on and on . That and more like that is wrong . The Simple Truth has no rules to follow . LORD ELohim forgave most all people everywhere on earth and of every religion and all Atheists and not just Christians . Sacrifices for sin is not needed by most all people any where on earth . For all the wicked , cruel and evil people ; there is no sacrifice great enough to ever have their sins and iniquities forgiven by LORD ELohim and that is just a fact and not a rule .

( 17 : 46 ) NOTES : As in Hebrews 10 : 39 But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed , but to those who have faith and are saved . Again this verse of George is wrong but it is what most Christians believe : that only Christians will be saved so to have a good eternal life . The LORD says no mortal will be saved and have an eternal life , good or bad eternal life . The Christian faith does not allow for any Christians to live forever . Its wrong to believe that the Christian faith can allow for your death to be different than any other peoples death . Eventually all mortal bodies will be destroyed after we die including all Christians to and we will all Rest in Peace for all eternity . The Simple Truth has nothing to do with eternal life for any mortal .

Hebrews 10 : 19 - 31 28 Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy ... In the CB NT it has a few times called the Ten Commandments ' the law of Moses ' . Those Laws and other teaching were given to mankind by LORD ELohim and through Moses . Moses was the LORD's chosen delivery person of the Laws and other teachings that LORD ELohim authored . LORD ELohim did not create the Laws so He could condemn people with them , but to guide people to a far better mortal life . Verse 19 - 31 is something people need to read as a whole first . 26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth , no sacrifice for sins is left , 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God . LORD ELohim says The Simple Truth is an eternal New Covenant and unconditional and without rules . LORD ELohim forgiveness of sins and iniquities has no end . His forgiveness for people who are fairly good and decent people is for as long as they live no matter how often they sin and do minor wrongs . But remember the one fact ; that if you do evil , cruel and wicked things in the future the LORD will take back His forgiveness given to you . Again : The LORD ELohim's forgiveness is unconditional and eternal and without rules . But the LORD hopes people will try to keep His Ten Commandments and other teachings like The Simple Truth so our mortal lives will be better and happier lives and without anger , hate , regrets and troubled minds and gives more room for love , kindness and greater happiness . There is no need for any further sacrifices no matter how often you sin or do minor wrongs . No mortal will be judged as an individual . LORD ELohim has already judged mankind and we fail our trial and that is certainly understandable . Remember no mortal has eternal life so what would be the point of LORD ELohim to judge us as individuals . There is no ' raging fire ' which probably means hell or lake of fire . There is no ' only Son of God Spirit God ' and Y'shua the mortal Lamb of God is dead . 29 .... and who has insulted the Spirit of grace . Grace means freedom from sin through divine grace , forgiveness . It was LORD ELohim who forgave most all people sins and wrong doings and not the Holy Spirit who does not exist . 31 It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God . The only living God is LORD ELohim and no one else , and He has always tried to be a loving and good Father to all His children , mortals and Spirits . There really is nothing to fear regarding LORD ELohim . He is not a God of wrath or punishment . Its people who have lied about the LORD and making Him out to be a crazy , mean , cruel and a wrathful Spirit like in the CB book of Revelation . That is not what our Father is like . LORD ELohim is a deeply loving , good and kind and a deeply caring Father and He never tried to cause people to fear Him like George is trying to do in verse 31 and other people did in other verses .

Hebrews 10 : 32 - 39 36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God , you will receive what he has promised . 37 For , " In just a little while , he who is coming will come and will not delay . The only promise in the New Covenant is that most all people's sins and iniquities are forgiven by LORD ELohim Himself . That's it , there is nothing more other then the LORD trying to teach people to do the same , to forgive others and yourself of wrong doings . LORD ELohim never promised any mortals they would have eternal life because that would be a lie . In other older Covenants the LORD never promise eternal life in those either . Again : just a little while , will come and will not delay like coming soon ... Two thousand of our years is not ' a little while ' . Its not even a little while in the LORD's years . 37 .... " But my righteous one will live by faith . And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back . " In the NIV it says that in other manuscripts it says : ' But the righteous ' and not the ' righteous one ' . There is a big difference in meaning . Like the word ' holy ' , the LORD says the forgiveness of our sins and wrong doings does not make us righteous people . Like the word holy it takes a lot more than just the forgiveness of our sins and iniquities to make us righteous . The LORD says people use the word holy and righteous far to much . Verse 39 is in NOTES 46 . The NIV says the back up verse for 37 is Isaiah 26 : 20 and Habakkuk 2: 3 . Verse 38 is Habakkuk 2 : 4 . The KJV says verse 37 back up is Habakkuk 2 : 3 and has no back up for 38 . Isaiah 26 : 20 says Go my people , enter your chambers , And lock your doors behind you .... There is nothing in this verse about what is written in the NIV 10 : 37 . Habakkuk 2 : 3 and 4 says For there is yet a prophecy for a set term , A truthful witness for a time that will come . Even if it tarries , wait for it still ; For it will surely come , without delay : 4 Lo , his spirit within him is fluffed up , not upright , But the righteous man is rewarded with life For his fidelity . LORD ELohim says the Habakkuk verses do not mean the righteous man will have eternal life as a reward and He never made that promise . Verse 3 is probably about the Messiah and not Y'shua because Y'shua was never the Messiah . These back up verse back up nothing in Hebrews 10 : 37 & 38 . And now I don't understand the JB . Verse 3 says ' A truthful witness ... will come , ... wait for it still ... . Then 4 says ... his spirit within is fluffed up , not upright ... .

Hebrews 11 : 1 - 40 This chapter is all about peoples faith in the past before Y'shua lived . We are not going to write about much in this chapter . 3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command , so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible . The LORD did not create anything by just commanding with words for something to happen . The LORD had to work with His mind and His hands for everything . LORD ELohim with many many Big Bangs as scientists call it , did create six galaxies but all the other ones were already there or came to be at the same time or even later than the ones the LORD created and some are still just forming today . Its true what the LORD used and the nature of the universe used to cause the Big Bangs would not be visible to our mortal eyes . 5 By faith Enoch was taken from this life , so that he did not experience death : " He could not be found , because God had taken him away . " Again : LORD ELohim cannot change mortal flesh and bone into Spirit or change Spirit into mortal flesh and bone . The LORD says He did not take Enoch and Enoch would have died as any other mortal dies on earth . The LORD cannot just take someone away . It’s like the ' rapture ' that Christians believe in . That before the tribulation Y'shua or LORD ELohim will make their flesh and bone disappear on earth and reappear in Heaven within one moment and all more than two hundred and fifty million Christians will disappear at the same time . Thinking logically as LORD ELohim taught me to do , just how is LORD ELohim suppose to do that ? That's not going to happen either because again , how could the LORD do that ??? The LORD says He had nothing to do with Enoch disappearing or anyone else claimed to have been taken away by LORD ELohim or even by Y'shua to Heaven . 35 Women received back their dead , raised to life again . LORD ELohim says He did not do that and neither did Y'shua . The LORD and Y'shua simply could not and cannot do that . ... 35 There were others who were tortured , refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection . There will be no resurrection of the dead and there is no first class or second class or third class resurrections . The LORD wants people , all people to clearly understand that you do not have an eternal life after you die so make the best of this life because it is not going to last forever . Death is eternal . 39 ... 40 since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect . Other then Y'shua , name a mortal who was as perfect as Y'shua was perfect ? The LORD did not make Y'shua as perfect as he was . Y'shua made Y'shua as perfect as he was . LORD ELohim cannot make you perfect , only you can do that by your own free will , just like Y'shua did . The LORD cannot interfere with peoples free will and neither can any other Spirits . The LORD says to Christians who whip themselves or put barbed wire on their bodies and do other ways to cause them to suffer : that's a very silly thing to do . The Simple Truth has nothing to do with people suffering . It’s about helping mankind live a better mortal life because this life is all that mortals get .

Hebrews 12 : 1 - 6 Just a lot of repeats . 4 In your struggle against sin , you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood . We don't know what this means ? The shedding of your own blood means nothing , absolutely nothing . You cannot purify yourself with your own blood or by suffering of any kind . 5 ...... have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son ? It says , " My son , do not make light of the Lord's discipline , and do not lose heart when he rebukes you , 6 because the Lord disciplines the one he loves , and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son " . The LORD ELohim created all mankind so we are all His children , sons and daughters , good and bad . This is like most all of George's writings : it has nothing to do with The Simple Truth . Chastens means ' to correct through punishment or suffering , discipline , purify .' LORD ELohim says He does not do that . Again He cannot interfere with our free will and making people suffer pain or mentally suffer is not the way to help someone in this mortal life . LORD ELohim has never used punishment or pain or mental agony to help people . The book of Job never happened says the LORD .

Hebrews 12 : 7 - 11 Endure hardship as discipline ; God is treating you as his children . ... 8 If you are not disciplined ... then you are not legitimate , not true sons and daughters at all . This is George writings , who in past writings felt that LORD ELohim should be more of a tyrant . Paul and George have a lot in common . Again : there is so much that George and Paul could not possibly know as being true . No matter if a person is wicked or loving , mean or kind , good or bad , he or she is still LORD ELohim's children because He alone created all of us mortals . It does not mean that He likes all people who He created but we humans are still His children because the LORD ELohim is all peoples Father . All George wrote in these verses is wrong . 9 Moreover , we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it . How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live ! ' And live ' . Talk about a near death experience . LORD ELohim is not going to do that to people and He has never caused people to suffer , especially to that intensity where they almost die . 10 ... but God disciplines us for our good , in order that we may share in his holiness . Even Y'shua did not share in LORD ELohim's holiness . The rest of us mortals don't stand any chance to accomplish that . 11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time , but painful . ... it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it . The LORD knows better ways to help people than to cause us great pain and suffering and near death . Making people suffer is not going to make any mortal righteous . If a father or mother wants to be loved by his or her children , he or she does not beat them up often until they are near death to gain their love . LORD ELohim our Father does not beat us up either .

( 17 : 47 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim has always tried to help mankind but He never used suffering to do that . LORD ELohim has always used teachings as suggestions . Even the Ten Commandments though they are Laws are suggestions about how best mankind can live our mortal lives . The LORD does not punish people who do not keep His Ten Commandments . Again : the LORD gave us free will and He does not interfere in the choices we make . The LORD has watched Homo sapiens for well over thirty thousand years and He knows our weakness and He knows our strengths and everything else about us . The LORD knows us better than we know us so His suggestions do have great value for all people on earth .

Hebrews 12 : 12 - 24 14 Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy ; without holiness no one will see the Lord . If that were true then no mortal will ever see the LORD . No mortal has ever seen LORD ELohim because we cannot do that . All Spirits , even the LORD are invisible to us . Mortals cannot hear or see any Spirits . What happened to Y'shua's dead body is unknown even to LORD ELohim , but no mortal saw Y'shua walking around after he died and no one will see him now either or in the future . 22 But you have come to Mount Zion , to the city of the living God , the heavenly Jerusalem . If this is about the city of Jerusalem that Christians claim Angels are building in Heaven , that will never happen . If it’s about the city of Jerusalem on earth in Israel that was created by mortals , this city is very special to LORD ELohim . ... You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly , 23 to the church of the firstborn , whose names are written in heaven . There is no city in Heaven so this assembly would be on earth . I asked the Spirits with me if they would have any interest in going to Jerusalem and spend time with Christians who believe soon they will rule all planet earth . It is unanimous : no Spirits are going to that party and neither is LORD ELohim . The word ' firstborn ' can mean a few things and also mean Y'shua as in Hebrews 1 : 6 And again , when God brings his firstborn into the world , he says , " Let all God's angels worship him . " LORD ELohim says He never said that . Angels do not even worship LORD ELohim . Again the LORD is their Father and their relationship is as Father and sons . There are no books in Heaven with names in them or for any other purpose . Again there is nothing in Heaven . .... 23 You have come to God , the Judge of all , to the spirits of the righteous made perfect , 24 to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant , .... LORD ELohim is the Judge of all mankind but He judged us as a species . People do not have any Spirit to call their own and live forever in . Spirits and mortals cannot mix together in any way . Mortals cannot live forever in any way . LORD ELohim reads George's writing and He can tell George is not a righteous or perfect man . Even Y'shua was not a fully righteous and perfect man but he was more near righteous and near perfect than most everyone else . Moses and a few others were also near righteous and near perfect to . Mediator means someone who works with opposing sides in order to resolve disputes . Y'shua was not and is not a mediator for people because he died . There is no need for a mediator between any of mankind and LORD ELohim . No mortal will live forever and the LORD judged mankind as a species and not as individuals so what is there to talk about ? Also there is no need for a mediator for the New Covenant which is The Simple Truth and authored by LORD ELohim . This New Covenant is what it is and will remain that way as long as mankind exists . The Simple Truth is unconditional for most all people and without rules for the forgiveness of most all peoples sins and iniquities . There is no need for a mediator for the wicked and cruel and evil people because the LORD does not care anything about them and the FACT is they will never be forgiven no matter how much they complain about it . That fact to is what it is and will never change . So again , there is no need for a mediator . Just because LORD ELohim the Father and creator of all mankind forgave most all peoples sins and wrong doings , does not mean our Father must love all mortal humans equally . Like the wicked and evil and cruel people who were not forgiven , the LORD has no love for them . Even some who were forgiven can be a hard to love to .

Hebrews 12 : 25 - 29 25 We do not understand . 26 At that time his voice shook the earth , but now he has promised , " Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens ." LORD ELohim says He did not do this in the past and cannot do this in the future and most all , He does not know why He would do this . LORD ELohim says He never said that . There is only one Heaven and how could people hear His voice if He were in Heaven billions of miles away from earth . We mortals cannot hear the LORD and other Spirits if they are standing right next to us . Did something happen in the distant past like a great earthquake and the survivors said " we must have made the LORD angry and thats why He shook the earth " . It would not be the first time the LORD was blamed for stuff like that . Haggai 2 : 6 is the back up verse but LORD ELohim said He never said ... In just a little while longer I will shake the heavens and the earth ... . 28 Therefore , since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken , let us be thankful , and so worship God acceptably .... 29 for our " God is a consuming fire ." There is no coming kingdom of God and certainly not for pagan Christians to rule over . In the near future the LORD ELohim and all Spirits are headed home to Heaven and the LORD may not be back here for a million years . LORD ELohim is not a ' consuming fire ' . The ' burning bush ' that Moses saw was not LORD ELohim , it was thousands of Spirits with the LORD who created that illusion of the bush burning .

Hebrews 13 : 1 - 14 2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers , for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it . We used the words ' men of God ' in the past . These were mortal men with a teaching Spirit who helped the LORD in the past . They were all mortal men and not Angels . All Angels cannot be seen just like LORD ELohim cannot be seen so how could a person show hospitality to an Angel that he cannot see . The LORD had the same problem communicating with ' men of God ' with teaching Spirits just like with everyone else . 5 .... because God has said , " Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you . " Back up verse Deuteronomy 31 : 6 says Be strong and resolute , be not in fear or in dread of them , for the LORD your God Himself marches with you : He will not fail you or forsake you . The back up verse does not say the LORD said ' Never will I leave you ' . The LORD for a very long time has wanted to go back to Heaven with all His Spirit children so He would not promise people that He would never leave us . The book of Hebrews is believed to have be written around 63 C.E. which would make it being written about 35 years after Y'shua died . 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever . George was writing this years after Y'shua died on the cross so George is right : Y'shua was dead yesterday and today and forever . Again the name Christ means Messiah and Y'shua was never the awaited Jewish Messiah and never will be . 12 And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood . Y'shua blood made no one holy . That is not what the shedding of his blood was about . Y'shua was the Lamb of God for the forgiveness of sins and wrong doings and to teach people to do the same as LORD ELohim did , to forgive others and ourselves as the LORD forgave us , and nothing more than that . If you want the LORD to call you holy you will have to do the work yourself for that to happen but LORD ELohim has almost never called any mortal holy . In the Little Book about Oak Island , LORD ELohim called the Rabbis who helped Him build that island and hide things there Holy Rabbis . He said those Rabbis and the other Jews were close enough to being holy to call them that . 13 Let us , then , go to him outside the camp , bearing the disgrace he bore . Y'shua was dead when this was written . How could George go to him ? How could other people truly bear what Y'shua went through ? 14 For here we do not have an enduring city , but we are looking for the city that is to come . That is probably the city in Revelation that is said to have been built in Heaven by Angels and will be brought to earth some day . No Spirits are miners or carpenters and they will never build that city for mortals to live in .

Hebrews 13 : 15 - 24 Most of these verses are almost a copy of Paul's writings . 20 Now may the God of peace , who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus , ... LORD ELohim the God of peace did not bring Y'shua back from the dead . Y'shua did not bring back anyone from the dead to the living either because neither of them can do that . Y'shua was a fully mortal man and only Spirit has an eternal life . Again : the LORD cannot change mortal flesh and bone into Spirit or Spirit into mortal flesh and bone so it is impossible for the LORD to raise any mortal from the dead including Y'shua .


James was the son of Joseph and Miriam and truly the brother of Y'shua .

James 1 : 5 If any of you lacks wisdom , you should ask God , who gives generously to all without finding fault , it will be given to you . The problem is the LORD ELohim is just one Spirit who knows very few people personaly . Many people pray without speaking words . The LORD cannot read peoples minds . The LORD created His chosen people the Jews for a reason . He hoped that over the many generations of the same family line and same religion the teaching Spirits who teach people what the LORD asks them to , these people could put the bits and pieces together so it makes sense . The LORD hoped these people the Jews could teach the pagan world the truth about Him and so He could help mankind to live a good and happy life . What LORD ELohim did not expect is how cruel and evil the pagan world would be towards His chosen people the Jews . Even today the LORD does not understand the reason pagans were and many still are cruel to His Jewish people . LORD ELohim loves His chosen people and rarely had any problems regarding them .

James 1 : 9 - 11 10 But the rich should take pride in their humiliation - since they will pass away like a wild flower . In almost every book in the CB New Testament has verses that goes against rich people . People who get rich because their workers work in a sweat shop earning very little for wages : those people should be humiliated but if someone grows rich from hard work and pay their staff good wages then the LORD would have no problem with that . The LORD just hopes the rich will share some of their wealth with good charities who help those in need . In a past book a rich man asked Y'shua how he could have an eternal life and it says Y'shua said to him that he would have to give away or sell all he had and live in poverty and the LORD says this answer is wrong . Some rich people do live in greed but not all rich people do that . Many rich people do support some charities who need their help to help people in need .

James 1 : 12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because , having stood the test , that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him . The LORD ELohim says Y'shua never made such a promise to anyone . Eternal life was thought about and in conversation sometimes chatted about but is there or is there not eternal life ? Because it is not proven one way or the other is usually not preached about . Y'shua would have never said that only those who love him will live forever . Christians have many strange beliefs as to what the personality of Y'shua was . Most Christians and other religions do believe they will have eternal life and their mortal body will be raised from the grave but where is the proof that this belief is true ? The LORD says what is true is that Y'shua never raised any corpses from the dead and neither has LORD ELohim because that is not in any way possible to do .

( 17 : 48 ) NOTES : Are there ghosts ? The LORD does not know how that would even be possible . LORD ELohim and Spirits have been on earth and around every species of mortals and no Spirit or the LORD have ever seen or heard a ghost . We watched a couple of ghost hunter shows on TV just to see what it is about and the ghosts are always in dark and gloomy places where no living being would want to be . If ghosts exist they may not be the smartest living creatures on earth . I think if I became a ghost I would take the first plane headed for Newfoundland and Labrador Canada but would I be smart enough to do that ? We could not hear a ghost speaking but the people on the show acted like they hear a ghost speaking . If a ghost could say ' get out ' then they should be able to carry on a conversation to . Are these ghosts hiding from other ghosts ? Is Hitler and his goons living ghosts now ? Now there is a scary thought . If mortal humans can become ghosts than any other mortal species should be able to do the same . LORD ELohim says there is no difference between humans and any other mortal species other than the way we look and a few other differences but bottom line , we are all the same . Are ghosts eternal ? Maybe the ghosts living in dark and gloomy places are hiding from T Rex dinosaur ghosts ? What are ghosts made of ? The LORD says it cannot be what Spirits are made of . Ghosts would have to be made of something that is common in the mortal body the LORD says . So what would that be ? Why can some ghosts be seen , so people claim , and others are invisible , so people claim ? Can ghosts really throw books off of shelves , move furniture and stuff like that ? Spirits can go through everything including furniture and book , can ghosts ? Are ghosts stuck in time ? Is that why some ghosts are claimed to still be fighting the civil war even though they died in that war ? Do they need to eat ? Where do they get their energy from ? The shows we watched did not prove anything that we noticed and it would be easy to fake a lot of that stuff . Are there ghosts ? That we mortals if we become ghosts when we die will all find out sooner or later . If we do not become ghosts when we die , the dead know nothing .

James 1 : 13 - 18 15 Then , after desire has conceived , it gives birth to sin ; and sin , when it is full-grown , gives birth to death . The Christian belief that sin is the only cause of death is very very wrong . A lot of people have died since the moment Y'shua died on the cross and most of those people who died had no sin because at the moment Y'shua died most all peoples sins were forgiven . If sin was really the only cause of death then most all people since the death of Y'shua should have never died because they were free of sin . So , since most all of us are without sin then why are we all still dying and turning back to dust ? Catholics : there has never been ' original sin ' and if there were original sin that sin would have also been forgiven the moment Y'shua died on the cross . 18 He chose to give us birth through the word of truth , that we might be a kind of first fruits of all he created . As a symbol of their thankfulness for LORD ELohim's goodness the Jews would offer a portion of the fruits that ripened first . Many believed Y'shua was the ' first fruits ' who died in faith and the Christians are ' a kind of first fruits ' who die in the Christian faith to . Y'shua was not a pagan but Christians are pagans . There are a few reasons for that . Christians are right about one thing : Y'shua did die , but the faith he died in was Judaism . Y'shua was always a deeply devoted Jew of the faith he loved and that faith was Judaism .

James 1 : 19 - 26 21 Therefore , get rid of all moral filth and the evil .... which can save you . No mortal can be saved from dying no matter what faith you are in . 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom , .... doing it .... they will be blessed in what they do . It’s nice to read that someone who wrote a book in the CB NT , who ever that person was , says ' the perfect law ' since that is true . It would be very very hard to go wrong if all people on earth obeyed the Ten Commandments .

James 2 : 1 - 16 1 - 4 is about discrimination regarding a rich man and a poor man . ... have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts ? James is right about people judging other people for many reasons . That does happen a lot and is most often wrong . If someone is wicked and evil and cruel and does evil then they deserve to be judged even by other people and not just judged by the LORD . .... 5 rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never promised anyone a kingdom . A few times the CB says ' who love him ' . Y'shua never said this either . Y'shua was never a man who desperately needed to be loved by everyone . In 1 - 4 James teaches not to discriminate but in verses 6 & 7 he writes But you have dishonoured the poor . Is it not the rich who are exploiting you ? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court ? ..... If James put a name to who he is writing about and all is true about that person then its gossip and that is wrong to . But James is putting all rich people into one group together and that is discrimination . Someone does not practice what he preaches . In 8 - 13 is about the Ten Commandments . If you really keep the royal law found in scripture , " Love your neighbour as yourself , " you are doing right . 9 But if you show favouritism , you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers . In a world with about eight billion people of every kind and every type of people : who does not have people in their lives who are their favourite person or people . Even LORD ELohim had His favourite people over the years and generations . Think of the most evil person you ever heard of and then think about who makes you happy and is a joy to be with : which is your favourite person ? The LORD says it is not a sin because you had or have people who are your favourite people in your life . 10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it . LORD ELohim says if you break one Law you are not breaking all Ten Laws . Again for most all people by The Simple Truth your sin is forgiven . If you want a better mortal life it is wise to keep all the Ten Commandments . Who ever wrote this book seems to know nothing about The Simple Truth as with all books in the CB NT . It was not long after Y'shua died that the Jews began teaching The Simple Truth so if the writer is James a true family brother of Y'shua then he should have know about The Simple Truth . LORD ELohim knew James and He is sure that James did not write this book . James never believed Y'shua was a God or the Messiah .

James 2 : 17 - 26 17 In the same way , faith by itself , if it is not accompanied by action , is dead . James is reminding us of Paul , rules , rules , rules . The Simple Truth has no rules . Its nice that James says feed the hungry , look after orphans and widows , but to say if you don't do that your faith ' is dead ' is a little to much . 18 & 19 is about faith with or without deeds . 19 You believe that there is one God . Good ! Even the demons believe that - and shudder . That's true , there is only one God : LORD ELohim . Did James a Jew ever say my brother Y'shua is a God ? Not so far that we remember . LORD ELohim says what written in the book of James does not sound like the man He knew . If James a Jewish man said this in 19 he would have been speaking about LORD ELohim and not his brother Y'shua . This is not true : the existence of demons . In past CB NT books the writer writes what they claim the demons said with their mouths . These demons would be Spirits , right . Who can hear the voice of demon Spirits ? We cannot hear the voice of LORD ELohim and Angels so how could they have heard the voice of demons ? Angels do not fear LORD ELohim . They have never had reason to . How many times has LORD ELohim given good people a reason to fear Him ? LORD ELohim says ' never ' . 20 You foolish person , do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless ? The NIV says that in some papers the word ' dead ' is used again . James goes on about Abraham and Rahab . 26 As the body without the spirit is dead , so faith without deeds is dead . If that were true then we would all be dead because mankind and even other mortal species do not have a Spirit to call their own . Remember my error about Souls . Twenty years later I finally realize the LORD has been working at telling me through a teaching Spirit that these Spirits people call Souls don't exist . So we mortals are truly without Spirits . LORD ELohim says faith without deeds , the faith is still valid . LORD ELohim has never tried to rule over our lives . He has tried to help us but never to rule over us . Is James or who ever wrote these verses writing about the faith of Judaism or Christianity ? If it’s Christianity then the LORD ELohim wants you to know there are no three Gods in one God . LORD ELohim is our only God and true Father who created us and all else created and Y'shua the fully mortal man was never a God and the Holy Spirit never existed and there has never been an Only Son of God Spirit .

James 3 : 1 - 18 Not much here .

James 4 : 1 - 12 4 You adulterous people , don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God ? Therefore , anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes and enemy of God . How can a Rabbi or Preacher teach the world about LORD ELohim and His Laws and other stuff like The Simple Truth if you do not go out into the world ? The purpose of the chosen people was so they could help LORD ELohim help all the worlds people . James said : do not show favouritism . In this verse he shows favouritism toward those who follow his teachings and is against the rest of humanity . 7 Submit yourselves , then , to God . Resist the devil , and he will flees from you . 8 Come near to God and he will come near to you . .... 9 Grieve , mourn and wail . Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom . 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord , and he will lift you up . The LORD is hopeful that mankind will obey His Laws and other teachings for our own good , not His . There is nothing to worry about regarding David ( Satan ) , he likes to keep a lot of space between him and mankind . Its verse 9 that the LORD is completely against . The LORD has always worked at teaching wisdom that will help mankind have greater joy and happiness and peace of mind . James teaching people that they should be miserable all the time goes against everything the LORD has worked for to help mankind . So laugh and find joy and happiness , believe in The Simple Truth because it does work , have fun when you can but be wise enough to not max out your credit card doing that . The LORD says to ignore James because he is very very wrong . The LORD can do many things but you will have to lift yourself up . He hopes all that He has taught people will help people do that . The Simple Truth is a good start to doing that .

PLEASE NOTE: I had a little computer error while writing this update and the end was cut off.

The missing section will be added to update #18.


Coming Soon #18
